
Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

author:Health Science Doctor Chu

Cerebral infarction, or stroke, is a serious health problem that is being grappled around the world. In the past, Western countries have been hit hardest in this regard, but over time the phenomenon has become more common in China. Today, we are witnessing a shift in the trend: the incidence of cerebral infarction in China not only exceeds that of Western countries, but even doubles them.

There are multiple complications behind this shift. First of all, lifestyle changes have affected people's health to a large extent. With the development of the economy, the lifestyle of the Chinese people is becoming more and more Westernized, including the Xi of diet and the pace of life. These changes have led to an increase in a variety of risk factors for stroke, such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Secondly, the lack of public awareness of health issues is also a key factor. Many people ignore the importance of eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, leading to the accumulation of various health problems.

For example, Ms. Li, 55, is a typical case. His lifestyle is the same as that of many modern Chinese: busy at work, frequent socializing, and irregular diet. Although he had mild high blood pressure, he never paid much attention to it. However, after a social session, he suddenly became paralyzed and was diagnosed with a stroke. Let's take a look!

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

Cerebral infarction, or stroke, is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. It usually occurs in patients with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, etc., causing damage to parts of the brain due to disruption of blood supply. In China, this condition is becoming more and more common, causing widespread social concern and medical research.

The main cause of cerebral infarction

The occurrence of cerebral infarction is related to a variety of factors. First, high blood pressure is one of the major risk factors. High blood pressure creates a constant high pressure on the walls of blood vessels, leading to damage to blood vessels and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. These plaques are unstable and prone to thrombosis, which can eventually lead to blockages in blood vessels in the brain and lead to stroke.

Hyperlipidemia is also an important factor in the pathogenesis of cerebral infarction. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can accelerate the formation and growth of atherosclerotic plaques, increasing the risk of stroke. In addition, unhealthy dietary Xi, such as excessive intake of high-salt, high-fat foods, can lead to high blood pressure and high blood lipids, thereby increasing the risk of cerebral infarction.

Hyperglycemia is also a key factor in cerebral infarction. Long-term hyperglycemia not only damages blood vessels, but also affects blood vessel elasticity and increases the risk of stroke. In addition, unhealthy lifestyle Xi, such as smoking, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, etc., can cause damage to the cerebral blood vessels.

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

Ms. Li's case is a case in point. His lifestyle and poor diet Xi, combined with work stress and irregular schedules, make him a high-risk group for stroke.

Prevention and intervention

In the face of cerebral infarction, prevention and timely intervention are crucial. First, doctors usually recommend that people with high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia have their blood pressure and lipids checked regularly, as well as regular use of antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drugs. For example, aspirin and statins are very effective at stabilizing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels.

Dietary modification is also key to preventing cerebral infarction. Experts suggest that patients with "three highs" should control their salt and sugar intake, reduce the consumption of fatty foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and maintain a balanced diet. At the same time, increase physical activity and improve cardiovascular health.

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

In addition to this, doctors also recommend folic acid supplementation. Folic acid can help lower homocysteine levels in the blood and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Ms. Lee's path to recovery

After experiencing a cerebral infarction, Ms. Li began a long road to recovery. Under the guidance of his doctor, he began to take antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drugs regularly, and adjusted his dietary Xi, reducing the intake of high-salt and high-fat foods and eating more vegetables and fruits. At the same time, he began to engage in moderate physical exercises, such as walking and swimming, to improve cardiovascular health.

Ms. Lee's story reminds us that cerebral infarction is not an unpreventable disease. By making lifestyle changes, adjusting dietary Xi, and following your doctor's instructions, we can significantly reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

Ms. Lee's journey to recovery is not only a test of his personal willpower, but also a test of the entire healthcare system and social support network. His story sheds light on the challenges faced by patients with cerebral infarction in the treatment and rehabilitation process, while also showing the potential for success through an integrative approach to treatment.

Challenges in the healing process

The process of recovering from a cerebral infarction is often long and arduous. For Ms. Li, he had to deal not only with the recovery of physical functions, but also with psychological challenges. Physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy became part of his daily routine. These treatments are designed to help him regain his ability to walk, improve his language skills, and regain basic skills of daily living.

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

However, the road to recovery has not been easy. Ms. Li encountered many setbacks during the recovery process, such as slow recovery of limb function and speech difficulties. These setbacks caused great stress on his psyche, and even made him feel hopeless at one point. However, with the encouragement of his family and the support of the medical team, he gradually regained his confidence and continued his treatment and rehabilitation.

Social and medical support

Social and medical support played a crucial role in Ms. Lee's recovery. His family members provided him with meticulous care and psychological support throughout his recovery. In addition, the professional guidance and treatment plan of the medical team also provided a scientific basis for his recovery.

Community resources also play an important role. Participating in community rehabilitation activities, such as rehabilitation group meetings and communication activities, not only helped Ms. Li strengthen her physical function, but also provided him with opportunities to communicate with other patients with cerebral infarction, thereby reducing his psychological stress.

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

Success and inspiration

After months of hard work, Ms. Lee's physical function has improved significantly, and his speech and walking skills have gradually recovered. The process was difficult, but the ultimate success gave him a great sense of satisfaction and pride. What's more, his story brings us a profound revelation: through comprehensive treatment and social support, it is entirely possible for patients with cerebral infarction to return to normal life.

Ms. Li's story also reminds us that the prevention and treatment of cerebral infarction is not only an individual responsibility, but also requires the joint efforts of society and the medical system.

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

Ms. Li's story is a powerful reminder that cerebral infarction is not a distant threat, but an urgent and real health problem. His experience not only shows the possibility of cerebral infarction rehabilitation, but also reveals the importance of preventing cerebral infarction. There are many valuable lessons we can take from this story and apply those lessons to our daily lives.

Ms. Lee's case highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle. This includes not only a balanced diet and moderate exercise, but also good Xi and a positive mindset. We should start with our daily lives by reducing our intake of fats and salts, increasing our intake of vegetables and fruits, and maintaining a healthy level of weight. At the same time, have regular physical check-ups to keep abreast of your health status.

Why are there more and more cerebral infarctions in China? Doctor: In addition to folic acid supplementation, it is more important to do these three things

Ms. Li's story inspires us to continue our efforts to reduce the incidence of cerebral infarction and improve the quality of life of patients with cerebral infarction. We need more public health education, more effective prevention strategies, and better rehabilitation systems. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society can we effectively fight cerebral infarction and protect our health.

Ultimately, we should remember that "prevention is better than cure". By improving lifestyle and increasing health awareness, we can greatly reduce the risk of cerebral infarction. At the same time, for those who are unfortunate enough to fall ill, it is entirely possible for them to regain their health and reintegrate into society through social and family support.

In this story, we see the challenges and hopes of people with cerebral infarction, and learn how to better protect our health and support those around us. Let's work together for a healthier, more loving society.

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