
China's only foreign nation, which made significant contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, only recognized China as the motherland


On the vast land of a great country, the 56 nationalities are shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, and a colorful picture of national unity is painted. Among them, as a member of the big family of the Chinese nation, the history of the Russian ethnic group is closely linked with China, and its cultural integration and contribution to the development of the country are precious assets that we cannot ignore today.

China's only foreign nation, which made significant contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, only recognized China as the motherland

Looking back at the long river of history, we can witness that the Russian ethnic group and the Chinese people are linked by blood and have intertwined destinies. Since time immemorial, the ancestors of the Russian ethnic group have lived and multiplied on this land. With the passage of time, they gradually integrated into the big family of the Chinese nation. At such a thrilling historical moment as the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, countless sons and daughters of the Russian ethnic group stood up and showed bravery and courage in the battle to defend the motherland and expel foreign insults.

China's only foreign nation, which made significant contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, only recognized China as the motherland

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, ethnic Russians continued to devote themselves to national construction with enthusiasm. They have taken an active part in social development and agricultural production in Xinjiang and other regions, and have made unremitting efforts to improve the living conditions of residents in border areas and promote economic and social development. These deeds are a vivid embodiment of multicultural exchanges and common goals.

China's only foreign nation, which made significant contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, only recognized China as the motherland

When it comes to cultural inheritance and integration, it can better demonstrate the inclusive and open characteristics of Chinese civilization. Whether it is a festival or a daily interaction, the deep friendship and mutual learning between the Russian ethnic group and other fraternal peoples can be seen in language Xi, food culture, art forms, etc. This long and continuous process of cultural exchange has played an important role in promoting the common progress of all ethnic groups.

China's only foreign nation, which made significant contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, only recognized China as the motherland

Nowadays, in the context of global integration and social diversification, adhering to unity, cooperation and common development has become the theme of the times. We must bear in mind the profound meaning of "56 peoples clinging together like pomegranate seeds" and translate it into practical action. Every nation is an indispensable part of a nation's prosperity, and when it comes together, it can build a solid foundation for protecting our homeland and pursuing a better vision for the future.

China's only foreign nation, which made significant contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, only recognized China as the motherland

Standing on the threshold of the new era and looking back on the past, we should cherish the present and embrace the future with an open and inclusive heart. No matter where it goes, "where the heart goes" always points to the deep and sincere love for the great motherland - a Chinese nation composed of all kinds of people, united and with different styles.

China's only foreign nation, which made significant contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, only recognized China as the motherland

In short, in the face of the alternation of the old and the new, and the great changes unseen in a century, we must cherish and carry forward the precious spiritual wealth of unity and harmonious coexistence in diversity. Let's work together to write a colorful and united new chapter!

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