
Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

author:Adou said Entertainment 00

In today's mercenary society, money and fame often lead people to lose themselves.

Let's take a look at two celebrity cases!

Dongfang Selection CEO Sun Dongxu's remarks in response to the Xiao Essay incident sparked a series of controversies and led to rifts within the company.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

The incident not only involved conflicts between the company's senior personnel, but also involved the founder Yu Minhong's response to this issue and questions about Dong Yuhui's improper income.

Throughout the process, the well-known educational institution was faced with a dilemma between protecting Sun Dongxu and protecting Dong Yuhui.

Judging from the cause of the incident, after a so-called "small essay" circulated on the Internet, Sun Dongxu responded on social media.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

He said he did not write the article and said he had been framed for a long time.

When many netizens questioned and questioned him, he did not give a more specific and clear explanation.

Then the founder Yu Minhong made a statement on the small essay controversy.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

He pointed out that the matter was a private act of an ordinary employee and stressed that it could not represent the views of the company.

Because Yu Minhong himself has an important voice in the operation and management of the enterprise, his remarks have also been interpreted by the outside world as an expression of Sun Dongxu's attitude.

The issue of Dong Yuhui's income has further surfaced.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

It is reported that Dong Yuhui's income during Dongfang's selection as an executive was inappropriate.

Its income is made up of annual salary plus options, and in the past year, it has been poached by other companies for a huge amount of 200 million yuan but refused to leave.

These details have raised questions about the fairness and rationality of the distribution of funds for the educational institution.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

In the investigation, it was found that Dong Yuhui's current IP address is located in Xi'an, not Beijing, a well-known education city.

The change has led outside observers to believe that he may be working on his own business or negotiating a partnership with a competitor.

Whether Dong Yuhui should stay in office has become a thorny problem, and it is in front of Yu Minhong and the entire management team.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

Keeping Sun would also affect the company's image and reputation, but if he were allowed to leave, it could escalate internal conflicts and lead to employee turnover.

In the face of attention and doubts from the outside world, Dongfang Selection had to respond to Dong Yuhui's income incident.

The company said it would take appropriate steps to investigate and emphasized the need to maintain a fair and transparent working environment.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

This response did not eliminate the doubts of external public opinion, and the suspension of Dongfang Selection also caused dissatisfaction among fans.

They believe the agency is trying to weaken Mr. Dong's influence in the education sector by suspending the show, and are angry and frustrated by his attitude.

The rift brought about by this Dongfang selection incident has brought great challenges to the entire enterprise.

Whether it is a dispute between management or a disagreement between employees and user groups, it needs to be resolved reasonably and appropriately in order to restore normal operation order and maintain a good image.

Only by adhering to the principle of fairness and justice, improving the effectiveness of internal communication and respecting the interests of all parties can we truly stabilize the situation and occupy an advantageous position in today's highly competitive education market.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

Shan Yichun: The demonic croaking dance ignited the flame of the concert scene

At a concert that took place, many of the audience were attracted by a young woman.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

Her name is Shan Yichun, and her excellent dancing style became the highlight of the whole concert.

Whether it's the dynamic rhythm or the emotionally expressive movements, it makes people fall into it deeply.

At the beginning of this concert, not too many people had expectations for Shan Yichun.

As the music sounded, she hit the most sensitive and soft place in the hearts of every audience member with her compact and powerful but soft and smooth dance posture.

The audience seems to see that they have experienced or are experiencing similar stories and emotions, and find resonance in her.

Through excellent choreography and virtuosity, the song "Koi" perfectly combines rich oriental elements with modern pop music.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

The audience was silent, and only the ingenious and gripping sound echoed in the air.

And Shan Yichun's dance shines brightly in this beautiful music.

The audience's eyes widened and they focused on the agile figure on the stage.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

Shan Yichun uses her vivid and precise dancing to tell the story she has experienced, but it is not easy to reveal to the outside world.

Every movement is like a surging river, expressing indescribable emotions and thoughts in the depths of the heart.

The stage seems to have become a fantasy world, and the audience is brought into the unique creativity of Shan Yichun.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

Through her graceful and powerful, sometimes supple and gentle, sometimes passionate and powerful dance steps, she shows her attitude towards the ultimate pursuit of life and love.

Behind this concert in full swing, few people know the sweat and persistence behind Shan Yichun's hard work.

Since childhood, he has been learning Xi various forms of dance, and has always adhered to the belief of "always keeping the original intention", and has always shown the most real and beautiful side to the world.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

When dance and music are intertwined, the audience feels as if they are in a magical and uplifting scene.

Shan Yichun ignited the concert scene with his dancing posture, and also deeply touched the hearts of every audience present.

The new generation of artists represented by Shan Yichun is leading the stage art world today with their outstanding skills and authenticity.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

The concert will be remembered as a milestone event in the audience and media salon.

Because it is not only an ordinary performance, but also one of the best interpretations of the talent and creativity of dancers.

We look forward to more repertoire in the future that will open the door to our closed hearts but desire to connect.

Dong Yuhui's real annual salary is less than 10 million, and Dongfang Selection is accelerating its cut.

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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