
LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

author:New Zhiyuan

Editor: Editorial Department

This is the first algorithm discovered by LLM in history, which can be called a milestone research, and it will be published in Nature as soon as it is released.

The upper bound set problem is an open problem that has plagued mathematicians for many years.

Tao Zhexuan, a famous mathematician, once described the upper bound set problem as his favorite open-ended problem.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Tao Zhexuan blog

And the large language model has made a new discovery on this problem.

Today, researchers from Google DeepMind, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Lyon have teamed up to come up with a new approach, FunSearch, which uses LLMs to discover open questions in the mathematical sciences for the first time!

AI searches for "functions" written in computer code, hence the name FunSearch.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems


In simple terms, FunSearch pairs a pre-trained LLM with an automatic "evaluator". The goal of the former is to provide creative solutions in the form of computer code, while the latter prevents illusions and false ideas.

By iterating back and forth between these two components, the initial solution "evolves" into new knowledge.

In order for everyone to witness this historic moment, DeepMind first sent out the unedited version.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Nature's press release is even more blunt: DeepMind's AI outperforms human mathematicians in unsolved problems!

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

This is the first time that humans have used LLMs to challenge open questions in science or mathematics and make new discoveries.

In addition, to prove the usefulness of FunSearch, DeepMind experts also tried to solve the "boxing problem", which has a wide range of applications and can improve the efficiency of data centers.

And for this problem, FunSearh has also found a more efficient algorithm.

According to DeepMind experts, scientific progress relies heavily on the ability to analyze new knowledge, and what makes FunSearch a powerful scientific tool is that it outputs programs that not only come up with solutions, but also reveal how they were built.

In this way, scientists using FunSearch can be further inspired to develop new ideas, entering a virtuous cycle of "improvement and discovery".

LLMs drive scientific discovery through "evolution".

Large models are best at solving problems, but can they discover completely new knowledge?

Since LLMs cannot avoid "hallucinations" that output factually incorrect information, it is very difficult to rely on them to make new discoveries that are factually correct.

But what if we could identify and expand LLM's best ideas and push them to the limit?

FunSearch harnesses the power of large models to develop and retain the best creative ideas through an "evolutionary" approach.

These ideas are expressed in computer code that can be run and scored automatically.

First, the user describes the problem in the form of code. This description includes a process for evaluating programs, and a seeding program for initializing the program pool.

FunSearch is an iterative program, and with each iteration, the system selects some programs from the current program pool and enters them into the LLM.

On this basis, LLMs creatively generate new programs and automatically evaluate them.

The highest-rated programs are added back to the existing program pool, creating a self-improvement cycle.

It's worth mentioning that FunSearch uses Google's PaLM 2, but it's also compatible with other code-trained LLMs.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Schematic diagram of the overall process of FunSearch: Present the LLM with the best program it has generated so far (retrieved from the program database) and ask for a better program to be generated. The procedures proposed by the LLM are automatically executed and evaluated. The best programs are added to the database for subsequent cycle selection. Users can search for the programs with the highest scores to date at any time.

Discovering new mathematical knowledge and algorithms in different fields is a notoriously daunting task. To a large extent, this is far beyond the capabilities of state-of-the-art AI systems.

To solve such challenges with FunSearch, DeepMind researchers introduced several key components.

Rather than starting from 0, the process of "evolution" begins with common sense about the problem, allowing FunSearch to focus on finding the most critical ideas to make new discoveries.

In addition, the evolutionary process uses a strategy to increase the diversity of ideas in order to avoid stagnation. Finally, the DeepMind team ran the evolutionary process in parallel, which in turn improved the efficiency of the LLM.

Groundbreaking mathematical discoveries

The upper bound set problem is an open challenge that has puzzled mathematicians in several fields of study for decades.

This time, DeepMind researchers teamed up with Jordan Ellenberg, a professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who made an important breakthrough in the upper bound set problem.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems


One of the keys to the upper limit set problem is to find the largest set of points (i.e., the upper limit set) in a high-dimensional network, in which no three points can be on the same line.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

The upper bound set problem is so important because it can be used as a model for other problems in extreme combinatorics that investigate how large and small a set of numbers, figures, or other objects can be.

However, to solve the problem of the upper bound set, the calculation method by brute force will certainly not work, because there are so many possibilities to consider that the number of atoms in the universe will soon be exceeded.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Tao Zhexuan's explanation of why the problem of the upper limit set is important

FunSearch programmatically generated solutions to this, and in some settings, found the largest set of caps ever created.

This finding represents the largest increase in the size of the cap in the last 20 years!

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Moreover, FunSearch also outperforms state-of-the-art computational solvers, as the problem scales far beyond the current capabilities of computational solvers.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Here's an interactive diagram showing the evolution of the new function from seeding at the top to higher-scoring at the bottom.

In it, each circle is a program whose size is proportional to the score assigned to it. On the right is the corresponding function generated by FunSearch for each node. (For the complete program of the function, please refer to the original paper)

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

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LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

The above results show that FunSearch technology has the ability to break through the established research results of complex combination problems. In this type of problem, it is often very difficult to establish an intuitive understanding.

According to the researchers, it is highly anticipated that this approach will contribute to new discoveries in other similar theoretical problems in combinatorics, and even open up new possibilities in the field of communication theory in the future.

FunSearch opens the "black box" and collaborates with mathematicians to become a model

FunSearch prefers a program that is concise and human-explainable

While discovering new mathematical knowledge is important in itself, the FunSearch method has additional advantages over traditional computer search techniques.

This is because FunSearch is not a "black box" that simply generates solutions to problems.

Instead, it generates programs that describe "how these solutions are implemented".

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

This "show-your-working" approach, similar to how scientists work, can better explain and reproduce newly discovered processes.

FunSearch prefers solutions that are represented by "highly compact programs" – solutions with low Kolmogorov complexity.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Short programs can describe very large objects, allowing FunSearch to scale to the problem of finding small targets in massive amounts of data.

In addition, it also makes it easier for researchers to understand the program output of FunSearch.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Jordan S. Ellenberg, American mathematician Professor UW-Madison and author of the paper, said, "FunSearch provides a completely new mechanism for developing attack strategies. The solution generated by FunSearch is conceptually much richer than a mere list of numbers. When I studied them, I learned something."

What's more, this explainability of the FunSearch program can provide researchers with actionable insights.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

For example, when using FunSearch, there is an intriguing symmetry in some of its high-scoring output code.

This gives researchers a new understanding of the problem and can use this insight to refine the problems introduced in FunSearch to arrive at better solutions.

According to DeepMind, "this is an example of collaboration between humans and FunSearch on many mathematical problems."

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Left: By examining the code generated by FunSearch, the researchers gained more actionable insights (highlighted). Right: The original "acceptable" collection built using the shorter program on the left.

Solve the major challenge of "packing problem" in the computer field

Now that they have been able to succeed in the theoretical upper set problem, the DeepMind researchers tried to explore the flexibility of FunSearch in the field of computer science.

An important practical challenge in computer science is to explore the flexibility of new approaches.

Here, a challenging "bin packing" problem is used, which involves packing items of different sizes into a minimum number of boxes or containers.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

This problem is at the heart of solving many practical problems, from loading items into containers, to distributing computing jobs in data centers to minimize costs.

Online boxing problems are usually solved using algorithmic rules of thumb (heuristics) based on human experience.

However, it can be challenging to find a set of rules for each specific case of different size, time, or capacity.

Although very different from the cap set issue, setting up FunSearch for this issue is easy.

FunSearch offers an auto-customized program that adapts to the specifics of the data and performs better than previous heuristics – using fewer boxes to pack the same number of items.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

Existing heuristics: Examples of the best adaptation heuristic (left) and the FunSearch heuristic (right) "Packing Problem".

Difficult combination problems such as online boxing can also be solved using other AI methods, such as neural networks and reinforcement Xi. These methods have all proven to be effective, but to deploy them, it is likely that significant resources will be required.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

The code output from FunSearch can be easily inspected and deployed, which means that the solution can be applied to real-world industrial systems and bring benefits quickly.

LLM-driven discoveries in science and beyond

FunSearch is designed to prevent LLMs from "hallucinating".

The power of these models can not only help with new discoveries in the field of mathematics, but also find the best solutions to real-world problems.

DeepMind believes that for many problems in science and industry, whether long-standing or new, it will be common practice to use LLM-driven methods to generate effective and customized algorithms.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

In fact, FunSearch's pioneering work is just the beginning.

As the scope of LLMs expands further, FunSearch will naturally improve.

At the same time, DeepMind will also strive to expand its capabilities to address a variety of scientific and engineering challenges that society urgently needs to solve.

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If all the illusions were accurate, new insights would accelerate the discovery of basic science.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

There are also people who say that the threshold of AGI is to make new discoveries, so I guess we already have AGI now.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

In 2007, Tao Zhexuan, the world's greatest mathematician, called the "upper bound set problem" his favorite open-ended problem. Now, Google's DeepMind's FunSearch has successfully solved this problem.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

"LLMs can't discover anything new, they're just random parrots." FunSearch can actually discover new and useful things in math and computer science.

This sentence clearly names LeCun himself.

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems

So, when will the proof of P=NP be realized?

LLM search code self-evolution on Nature, AI for the first time to overcome Tao Zhexuan's mathematical problems


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