
"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems

author:I once said that it was funny

Introduction: There was a poem in the "Book of Songs": "Picking and picking the grass, thin words and picking it." There are thin words. The "cocoon" mentioned in it is the "toad clothing" we see every day, which is actually plantain.

Plantain often grows in wetlands such as roadsides, mountains, rivers, and flower beds, and wetlands are where toads like to haunt, hence the name "toad clothes", and in traditional Chinese medicine textbooks, it is called "plantain".

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems

For friends living in the countryside, plantain is not unfamiliar, and it is recorded in many sources, it is not only a plant, but also a good medicinal material with the same origin as medicine and food.

Many people know that plantain can be used as medicine, and some people will dig plantain to boil water to drink, so what are the benefits of boiling water with plantain to drink it regularly?

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


Let's first understand the nutritional value of plantain

Plantain is a common herb, belonging to the plantain family, with a variety of medicinal values, in the "Medicinal Properties", it is described as able to stop diarrhea, facilitate urination, and also brighten the eyes.

These effects are related to its unique taste and nature, it has a sweet and light taste, slightly cold, and can act on multiple meridians such as lung meridians, liver meridians, kidney meridians, and bladder meridians.

Plantain has a wide range of distribution and is easy to grow, so it is very common in nature, and its whole herb can be used as medicine, which has a variety of medicinal properties.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems

In addition to its traditional uses in traditional Chinese medicine, modern medical research has also found that plantain has a variety of health benefits:

Vitamins: Plantain contains a variety of vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, etc.;

Minerals: Plantains are rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., which are essential for maintaining normal physiological functions, bone health, and blood circulation.

Polyphenolic compounds: Plantain contains polyphenolic compounds, such as flavonoids and tannins, which have biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial, which can be beneficial to the body's health;

Fiber: Plantain is rich in plant cellulose, which is beneficial to the health of the digestive system, promoting intestinal peristalsis and bowel movements.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems

Improves inflammation

Soaking in water with plantain is a very healthy lifestyle because it has the effect of improving inflammation, plantain is a Chinese herbal medicine that is widely believed to have the effect of inhibiting microorganisms and bacteria, when the body has inflammation, it can be used to boil water to relieve inflammation according to the type and degree of inflammation.

In medicine, the medicinal properties of plantain are widely used to resist the damage of pathogenic microorganisms to the body, thereby inhibiting the development of inflammation.

The medicinal properties of plantain not only help to relieve inflammation but also have a variety of other benefits, for example, it can promote the secretion of urine, help the body eliminate excess toxins and water, and help reduce swelling and pain in the body.

Aided hypoglycemia

Drinking plantain in water has a positive effect on lowering blood sugar, according to research, plantain contains a variety of natural active ingredients, which have a significant hypoglycemic effect, these ingredients can effectively help regulate blood sugar levels, which is very beneficial for diabetics.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems

The hypoglycemic effect of psyllium is mainly due to the flavonoids and triterpene saponins contained in its leaves, which can effectively improve insulin sensitivity and thus lower blood sugar levels.

In addition, plantain also contains some polysaccharides and fiber, which can delay the rate of gastric emptying and slow down the rate of food entering the intestines from the stomach, thereby reducing the absorption of blood sugar and achieving the purpose of lowering blood sugar.

Helps with anti-aging

Plantain soaked in water, not only has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and drenching, etc., but also can help anti-aging, plantain is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, polyphenolic compounds, etc., these substances can effectively remove free radicals in the body, thereby slowing down the aging process.

The antioxidant effect of plantain not only protects cells from free radicals, but also promotes the regeneration and repair of skin cells.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems

Long-term consumption of plantain soaked water can make the skin smoother and more delicate, reduce the formation of wrinkles and dark spots, and achieve an anti-aging effect.

Expectorant and cough suppressant

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, plantain is believed to have the effect of clearing heat and promoting the lungs, detoxifying and dissolving phlegm, and has a good effect on treating symptoms such as cough and phlegm.

Plantain contains a variety of active ingredients, the most important of which is psyllin, which is an ingredient with strong expectorant and cough suppressant effects, which can be achieved by dilating the bronchial tubes and diluting phlegm.

At the same time, plantain also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and other effects, and has certain adjuvant therapeutic effects for the treatment of respiratory diseases, digestive system diseases, urinary system diseases, etc.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


Can psyllium be soaked in water for a long time?

To the question of whether plantain can be soaked in water for a long time, the answer is yes.

However, it should be noted that the dosage of plantain should be appropriate, not too much or too little, if the dosage is too small, its medicinal effect can not be fully exerted, if the dosage is too much, it may cause diarrhea and other adverse reactions.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


The contraindication of soaking in water is recommended to understand clearly before drinking


1. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid drinking, plantain has a diuretic effect and may increase the risk of frequent urination and diarrhea in pregnant women, and for lactating women, it may affect the secretion and quality of milk.

2. People with allergies should drink with caution, plantain contains some ingredients that may cause allergic reactions, such as psyllin, etc. If you are allergic to plantain or any herbal ingredient, it is important to avoid drinking it.

3. People with sensitive gastrointestinal tract should drink with caution, plantain has the effect of clearing heat and diuretic, and for people with sensitive gastrointestinal tract, it may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other discomfort.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


1. Before drinking psyllium soaked water, it is best to consult a doctor or herbalist who can provide more specific recommendations based on your individual situation.

2. Choose fresh or dried plantain to soak in water, fresh plantain has better medicinal properties, but if you don't have fresh plantain, dried plantain is also a viable option.

3. Add honey or other condiments in moderation according to personal taste to increase taste and flavor.

4. Don't drink too much, it may cause diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms, in general, 1-2 cups a day is enough.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


The soaking partner of plantain was announced, and together it moisturizes the liver and kidneys and doubles the nutrition

Plantain + red dates

Jujube is a nutritious ingredient, rich in vitamins and minerals, with the effect of nourishing blood, calming the nerves, etc., soak plantain and jujube together in water to drink, can effectively nourish the liver and kidneys, while enhancing the body's immunity.

Plantain + wolfberry

Goji berry is known as the "holy product of health", with the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, brightening the eyes, moistening the lungs, etc., soaking plantain and wolfberry together in water to drink, can effectively improve eyesight, enhance liver and kidney function, especially suitable for people with long-term eyes.

Plantain + dandelion

Dandelion is an ingredient that has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, and soaking plantain and dandelion together in water can effectively improve urinary system problems and enhance the body's resistance.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


Plantain boiled eggs, the local method left to us by the older generation, many people don't understand

Plantain is a common herb that has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, and eggs are a highly nutritious food, rich in protein, fat, vitamins and other nutrients.

Boiling plantain with eggs can not only effectively combine the nutrients of the two, but also achieve the effects of clearing away heat and dampness, nourishing blood and replenishing blood.

This method was commonly used by the older generation in the past, although it seems simple, but it contains a wealth of health wisdom, by cooking plantain with eggs, it can effectively improve the nutritional value of eggs, and at the same time can also enhance the medicinal effect of plantain, this method can not only promote physical health, but also prevent the occurrence of some diseases.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems


Read more: What is the difference between plantain and psyllium?

Plantain and psyllium differ in efficacy and the way they are used.

Plantain is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine with the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and dampness, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, etc., it can be used to treat heat poison carbuncle, damp heat dysentery, damp heat dysentery, drenching edema, blood and blood in the urine and other diseases.

"Plantain" is a treasure, use it to soak in water and drink, or can help solve 4 problems

Psyllium is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine with the effects of heat diuretic, dampness and antidiarrheal, and expectorant eyes, which can be used to treat damp heat shower, diarrhea and dysentery, dizziness, phlegm and heat cough and other diseases.

When used, plantain is usually used as a whole herb, while psyllium is used as a seed, so although the names of plantain and psyllium are similar, they have significant differences in the field of Chinese herbal medicine, and when using, it is necessary to choose the right drug according to the specific condition and the doctor's advice.

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