
Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

author:Spicy eyes sensibly said

Return to Tranquility: Zhen Huan's Practice and Enlightenment

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

In a secluded mountain forest, Zhen Huan sat alone in the exquisite pavilion, twisting Buddha beads in her hands, and her eyes seemed to have passed through the long and troubled three years through the rays of sunlight. The glory and struggle of the former court have settled like dust, and she seeks a pure land of soul in this palace.

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

Recalling the innocence when she first entered the palace, that longing girl has now gone through the vicissitudes of the world. Zhen Huan closed her eyes, and she couldn't help but think of the warm conversation she had when she met the emperor in the past. He used to be an indispensable support in her heart, but in the end he became a tool for fate to torment her. Every memory was like a deep nick that flowed slowly through her heart.

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

Time seemed to go back to three years ago, when she learned the news of the unexpected death of King Guojun, Zhen Huan only felt that the whole world was gloomy. At that moment, she understood that she was no longer the woman she had been pampered and cared for. She had to be strong, even in this harem full of deceit.

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

However, fate always seems to like to joke, and after a long period of peaceful practice, an unexpected but heart-warming news came to his ears - King Guojun was not dead! This news made Zhen Huan both shocked and full of hope.

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

She began to reflect on the choices she had made in the palace. The emotional fluctuations hidden behind every confrontation with the emperor and other concubines, and the mastery of the delicate balance point in the power game, all reflect her keen and calm judgment of the living environment.

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

"Can you really let go?" A soft but resolute voice interrupted Zhen Huan's contemplation, "Let go of the past and embrace the future?" There was a monk standing in front of him, and he looked at Zhen Huan with complex emotions flashing in his eyes.

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

"I ......" Zhen Huan opened her lips softly. At this moment, she understood that cultivation is not only to detach from the distractions of the world, but also to face the deepest concerns and responsibilities that cannot be parted. "I think I can. ”

Why did Zhen Huan cry nausea after sleeping in Lingyun Peak? Look at what the emperor has in his hand

Through comparison, the article shows that Zhen Huan has established a new life order, but still can't forget the emotional entanglements of the past, and uses the monk's inquiry as a turning point to bring readers into the protagonist's inner thoughts, thought-provoking thoughts on future choices and destiny cognition. While following the protagonist's emotional ups and downs, readers can also experience that he draws strength from past experiences, seeks relief from difficulties, and finally achieves inner growth and enlightenment.

This paper uses literary language and the combination of fiction and reality to describe the complex and changeable emotions of the protagonist and the deepening process of his understanding of the cruelty of fate and the impermanence of life, and at the same time gives the story a dramatic reversal and deeper connotation through the interweaving of timelines, emotional descriptions, and dialogues. Through the text, readers can feel the whole process of the protagonist from pain to relief to enlightenment up close, and thus resonate.

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