
Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, hoard 2 things, 3 don't do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year

author:73 Divine Cow

The winter solstice is the fourth solar term in winter, the day of the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, the longest day of the night, and after the winter solstice, the day begins to gradually become longer, so the folk have the saying that "the winter solstice arrives, a yang is born".

Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, hoard 2 things, 3 don't do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year

The winter solstice has been a highly valued solar term among the folk since ancient times, because after entering the winter solstice solar term, it has also entered the folk tradition of "counting nine cold days", and the coldest period of the year will be opened.

The winter solstice is the beginning of the number nine, and it is also a critical period for the body to recuperate, especially for the middle-aged and elderly, the beginning of this season is the time to maintain the proper nourishment of yang qi, and the time to recuperate the body to begin to prepare for the New Year's Day and the Year of the Dragon in the lunar calendar.

Next week, December 22, we will enter the winter solstice solar term, reminding the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, stock up on 2, 3 do not do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year.

Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly to "make up for 1"

The winter solstice number nine tonic is a folk tradition, the winter solstice tonic is not a blind tonic, but to make up for the weak links of the body, through the daily discomfort of their own body, and then have a plan and targeted tonic, this season diet can not be too vegetarian, to eat some high calorie and protein content of food, and eat less cold food, including dumplings, mutton, sea cucumber and chicken are the winter solstice traditional nourishing products.

Recommended recipe: lamb zucchini dumplings

Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, hoard 2 things, 3 don't do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year

1. After removing the white fascia, clean the mutton, chop the washed mutton into a filling, add minced green onion and ginger, pepper, Yipin fresh soy sauce, oyster sauce and a little sugar and mix well, and then beat into the pepper water in batches until the meat filling swells and strengthens.

2. After washing the gourd, cut it open, dig out the gourd and rub it into fine wires with a rubber, add salt and mix well, kill the water and then dry the water and chop it into powder.

3. Add the minced cucumber to the mixed mutton filling, pour in the pepper oil and stir evenly before opening the package.

Next week's winter solstice, remind middle-aged and elderly people to "hoard 2 things"

First, stock up on rice, flour, grain and oil

Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, hoard 2 things, 3 don't do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year

"There is surplus food at home, do not panic", after entering the winter solstice solar term, the wind, rain and snow will increase, and the New Year's Day and the New Year and the Lunar Dragon Year are getting closer and closer.

The weather is cold during the winter solstice, at this time rice flour grain and oil are also good to store, and the folk also have the Xi of steaming steamed buns and making various staple foods before the New Year to eat in the first month, so how can this rice flour grain and oil be stocked up enough for the family to eat until the end of the first month, so as to be prepared to welcome New Year's Day and New Year.

Second, stock up on common family medicines

After entering the winter solstice solar term, it also opens the coldest "number nine cold days" of the year, it is inconvenient to go out in cold weather and rain and snow, and some middle-aged and elderly people will often take medicine because of physical reasons, so the family is properly stocked, and it can be of great use at critical moments.

After entering the winter solstice every year, it is also a period of high incidence of some influenza and respiratory diseases.

Next week's winter solstice, remind middle-aged and elderly people to "3 don'ts"

First, don't go out to clear the snow on days when the wind cools down

Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, hoard 2 things, 3 don't do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year

In fact, in the cold winter solstice season, this time is to pay attention to rest, and go out to clear the snow also need to have professional tools and protection, and it is also a particularly physically demanding work.

It is best for the elderly not to go out to clear the snow in windy and cooling weather, and this work should still be handed over to young people to do, otherwise because of the slippery road and falling, and sweating when clearing the snow is blown by the cold wind, it is a bit more than worth the loss.

Second, don't go out to drink at night

Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, hoard 2 things, 3 don't do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year

Entering the winter solstice season, with the arrival of the end of the year, gatherings and some activities began to increase, many middle-aged and elderly people like to get together at the end of the year to drink some wine, at this time we must pay attention and be careful.

The winter solstice season is catching up with the opening of the "nine cold days" with a bad climate, the snow will not melt at this time, the temperature plummets at night, and there are accidents every night because of going out to drink, so after entering the winter solstice solar term next week, it is best for the elderly not to go out to drink at night, so as not to worry and worry about their families.

Third, don't eat too meaty

Next week's winter solstice, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, hoard 2 things, 3 don't do, and be fully prepared to welcome the New Year

After entering the winter solstice solar term, people like to eat some high-calorie meat dishes to help the body resist the cold, but at this time, middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the diet should not eat too meat, especially high-salt and high-sugar foods to eat less, eat some vegetarian appropriately, and do a good job of meat and vegetarian matching in order to survive the cold winter.

As soon as the winter solstice solar term arrives, it means the arrival of the New Year's Day, and as soon as the New Year's Day and New Year pass, the Spring Festival in 2024 is getting closer and closer to us, so remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 to make up, stock up on 2 things, 3 don't do, take care of your body, and be fully prepared to welcome the arrival of the New Year.

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