
Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

author:Mr. Lu's health sharing

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Your heart is an engine that powers you every day and keeps your blood circulating throughout your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your various organs.

Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

Every time your heart beats, it is a turn of the engine, and the speed at which it turns is your heart rate.

Did you know that your heart rate can affect your lifespan. Why? Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan? How many beats per minute is the best and the longest life?

1. The relationship between heart rate and life expectancy

Why is it that the higher the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan? The higher the heart rate, the greater the burden on the heart, and the shorter the lifespan of the heart.

Just like a machine, if it is overloaded every day, it will accelerate wear and tear and shorten its life.

The higher the heart rate, the greater the damage to the blood vessels and the shorter the lifespan of the blood vessels.

Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

The higher the heart rate, the faster the blood flows, creating greater impact and friction on the walls of blood vessels, leading to inflammation and damage to the vascular endothelium, increasing the risk of arteriosclerosis and thrombosis.

The higher the heart rate, the greater the oxidative stress and the shorter the lifespan of the cells.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that attack cell membranes, nucleic acids, proteins, etc., leading to cell aging and death.

2. Factors influencing heart rate

Since heart rate is related to lifespan, can we lower our heart rate and extend our life by changing our life Xi?

Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

Mental stress can lead to an increase in heart rate because stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, causing the heart to contract and increase its frequency in response to stress.

Therefore, learn to regulate your emotions, avoid excessive tension and anxiety, and maintain a comfortable and calm mood.

Eating Xi habits can also affect the heart rate, as diet affects the viscosity of the blood and blood pressure, which affects the load on the heart.

Pay attention to the health of your diet, avoid excessive intake of foods high in fat, sugar, and salt, and eat more foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.

In addition, it is also necessary to avoid excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, such as strong tea, strong coffee, etc., because caffeine stimulates the heart and makes the heart rate increase.

Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

Sleep quality can also affect heart rate, because sleep is an important recovery mechanism for the body, and lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can lead to an increase in the workload on the heart, which can increase the heart rate.

Therefore, we should ensure adequate and high-quality sleep, sleep at least 6~8 hours a day, and avoid staying up late and insomnia.

Maintain good sleep hygiene, such as going to bed regularly, not looking at electronic screens before bedtime, and not eating too much before bedtime.

Xi exercise is the most effective way to lower your heart rate because exercise strengthens the function of your heart.

Each contraction of the heart allows more blood to be output, which reduces the load on the heart and lowers the heart rate.

Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

You should insist on a moderate amount of exercise, exercise for at least half an hour a day, and choose an exercise method that suits you.

Such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc., and avoid excessive and strenuous exercise, such as high-intensity intervals

Exercise Xi is the most effective way to lower the heart rate, because exercise can enhance the function of the heart, so that each contraction of the heart can output more blood, thereby reducing the load on the heart and making the heart rate lower.

You should insist on a moderate amount of exercise, exercise for at least half an hour a day, and choose an exercise method that suits you.

Such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc., and avoid excessive and strenuous exercise, such as high-intensity interval training, weight training, etc.

In addition to the above Xi habits, there are some other factors that can also affect heart rate, such as age, gender, body temperature, medications, diseases, etc.

Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

In general, the heart rate is lower with age, the heart rate is higher in women than in men, and the higher the body temperature, the faster the heart rate.

Some medications, such as stimulants and anti-arrhythmic drugs, can also alter the heart rate, and some diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, heart disease, anemia, etc., can also cause abnormal heart rate.

Pay attention to your physical condition, check and treat in time to avoid adverse effects on your heart rate.

3. The normal range of heart rate

According to the World Health Organization, the normal heart rate range for adults is 60~100 beats per minute.

If it is less than 60 beats, it is bradycardia, and if it is higher than 100 beats, it is tachycardia.

Is it true that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan?

Of course, this range is only a reference value, and different people may have some individual differences depending on their physical condition and activity level.

So how do you know what your heart rate is? There are many ways to measure your heart rate.

The easiest way to do this is to hold your finger against your pulse and count the number of beats in a minute, which is your heart rate. The location of the pulse can be found in the wrists, neck, temples, etc.

Heart rate can also be measured with some instruments, such as electrocardiograms, blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, etc.

Now, there are also some smartphones and bracelets and other devices that can also measure heart rate through optical sensors, which is convenient and fast.


Heart rate is an important indicator of our body, it reflects the health of our heart and also affects our lifespan.

The higher the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan, this is a scientific fact that we cannot ignore. You should improve your life Xi to make your heart beat slower and longer.

Of course, it is also necessary to check your heart rate regularly to detect and deal with abnormalities in time to avoid the occurrence of heart disease.

Dear readers, what do you think about the relationship between heart rate and lifespan?