
"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

author:Dr. Yu talks about health

Over the weekend, a family hurried to the pediatric growth and development clinic.

What they want to look at is the height of the child, and the doctor found that the child's father is 178cm tall, and the mother's height has reached more than 166cm, so it can be said that the parents' genes are very good.

However, their 15-year-old son has changed and is only 150 centimeters tall!

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

This makes the child the shortest one in the class, which makes the child extremely inferior, some people who have seen his son's parents say that he picked it up, his parents are so tall, why is he so short!

The child's parents are also full of worries, fearing that the child has some genetic problem.

In the outpatient clinic, the doctor has actually seen a lot of such children, and the key is to do a detailed examination of the child to know what is going on.

In order to evaluate the child's growth in detail, the doctor gave him a bone age test, and when the results came out, everyone couldn't believe it, the child's bone age had come to 18 years old, and the epiphyseal line was basically closed, which also meant that it was basically impossible for him to grow taller.

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

Bone age testing is one of the most commonly used methods to detect the true age of a person in clinical practice, including wrist X-rays.

The doctor will take X-rays of your child's wrist area and determine bone age based on the shape and size of the epiphysis, and elbow X-rays, similar to wrist X-rays, in which you will take X-rays of your child's elbow area to assess the condition of the epiphysis to determine bone age.

and advanced scintigraphy, which uses radioisotopes injected into a child's body and then scanned to see how well the radioisotope is distributed in the bones to assess bone development.

Sometimes the bone age is greater than the actual age, which means that the child has developed early.

After learning the results, the child's family was in disbelief and emotional, and the child's father said sadly: "If we had found the problem earlier, the child's chances of healing would have been much greater."

The child's mother couldn't believe it: "Why is this happening, we are very good to the child, prepare the best food for him every day, no matter what the child wants to eat, we will meet his needs, there is no shortage of meat, eggs and milk at home, how can the physical growth stagnate?"

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

Seeing that they were in a state of sadness and chagrin, the doctor also explained: "There are many factors that affect the height development of children, first of all, it must be genes, your parents are so good in genetics, so genetic mutations can be ruled out." Then there is only the diet and living Xi, and I suspect that you have added too much nutrition to the child, causing him to develop early."

The doctor emphasized that the child's growth rate and development time are not the same, even if they are also in puberty, the physical changes will be completely different, so excessive nutrition supplementation for children will affect their absorption and development, hindering the normal growth of height.

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

He told parents to pay attention to controlling their children's diet, ensuring that they consume the right amount of nutrients, and keep a distance from high-calorie and high-protein food.

In addition, doctors also mention that moderate exercise is very important to promote the development of bones and muscles. He advises children to actively participate in physical activities and strengthen exercise to promote healthy bone development. At the same time, maintaining good living Xi, such as regular work and rest, adequate sleep and appropriate rest time, also has a positive impact on physical development.

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

Especially these 3 foods!"One meal is equal to 8 plastic bags." Young moms and dads, be sure to collect it~

1. Bone broth

Many elderly people believe in "what to eat and what to supplement", thinking that drinking more bone broth can help replenish calcium, but in fact, the calcium content is very small, and it is not easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. Snow-white bone broth. The vast majority are fatty and purine substances. Children who drink too much will not only not be able to replenish calcium. Consuming too much fat can also contribute to obesity

2. Cake breakfast milk

This is the standard breakfast in many families, but some children will have diarrhea when they drink pure milk. Parents will buy some milk drinks, which are lower in protein and calcium, and more in sugar and food additives. Low nutritional value. For children with imperfect spleen and stomach, it is not suitable for regular drinking, which is easy to indigestion. Too much sugar can also make you fat

3. Deep-fried food

Eat less fried food at home, but don't eat fried food outside! Businesses don't need to use palm oil, although vegetable oil. However, like animal fat, it contains saturated fatty acids, is expensive and resistant to frying, and can be used for a long time in a pot of oil. If it weren't for shortening. It is characterized by its inexpensiveness, which can be used repeatedly and deep-fried food has a crispy texture. But the disadvantages are also very obvious. It has a notorious nickname: "trans fatty acids".

Although the child has missed some of the golden years of height development, the doctor encourages the family not to be discouraged. He said that although it is impossible to change the fact that the epiphysis is close to closing, it is still possible to give the child a final punch through some modern medical means.

Children's growth and development is a complex and delicate process that is influenced by a variety of factors. Parents should pay attention to their children's balanced diet, with appropriate exercise and lifestyle Xi to promote their healthy growth. Identify problems early and take timely action to make the most of critical periods of physical development.

What is the relationship between stagnation in children's height and overnutrition?

Now the family generally has only 1-2 children, so the child is protected as a baby, food to open the mouth, clothes to stretch out, in this context, children eat too well, overnutrition is a widespread problem, the overweight rate of mainland children and adolescents has reached 10%, these children are generally prone to the problem of height stagnation.

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

First, fat accumulation caused by overnutrition is the key to affecting height.

Excessive intake of high-calorie foods and fats can lead to excessive fat accumulation in the body, which may adversely affect the normal development of bones, the increase in adipose tissue may inhibit the growth potential of bones, and the child's bones are relatively brittle and soft, and the pressure of large body weight on the bones will hinder the growth of bones, resulting in short stature.

Second, an overnutrient diet can lead to hormonal imbalances.

Overnutrition can lead to hormonal imbalances, especially insulin and glucagon. This kind of technology will play a very important role in regulating energy metabolism and growth and development in the human body, and if there is excess nutrition, the level of hormones such as insulin may increase, which may inhibit the secretion of growth hormone and hinder the growth of height.

Third, most of them suffer from uneven nutrition.

While nutrient intake is essential for a child's growth and development, an excessive focus on certain nutrients, such as fats and carbohydrates, and neglecting other important nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins and minerals, can lead to growth problems.

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

Fourth, inflammatory response.

Excessive nutrient intake may lead to the development of a chronic inflammatory response, which can adversely affect the normal development of bones. The inflammatory response can interfere with the normal function of bone cells, which can affect bone growth and remodeling.

Therefore, if you want your child to be safe, you should divide hunger and cold, and don't let your child eat too much and eat too well is the most important thing every parent should do, rather than giving him what the child wants to eat.

Seize the critical period of children's growth and development to promote height growth

1. Pregnancy.

The stage of development of the fetus in the mother's body is very important. During pregnancy, the child's organs, bones, and nervous system are developing rapidly.

This is the time to supplement with protein, which is an important nutrient needed for fetal growth. High-quality protein promotes the development of fetal cells and tissues. Suitable sources of protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts.

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

Folic acid is also supplemented, which plays a vital role in the development of the fetal nervous system. Lack of folic acid can lead to neural tube defects in the fetus. Foods rich in folate include green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale), legumes, nuts, and whole grains.

2. Infancy and early childhood.

Infancy and early childhood are the most rapid stages of a child's body and brain development. This stage is critical for bone growth, brain development, muscle coordination, and motor development.

Therefore, it is important to supplement with carbohydrates appropriately, giving preference to whole grains (such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta) over refined grains. At the same time, fruits, vegetables, and legumes also provide a certain amount of carbohydrates.

There is also fat, which is an important nutrient needed for growth and brain development in infants and young children. In infancy, breast milk or formula already provides enough fat. When solid foods are introduced, some healthy sources of fat, such as olive oil, fish oil, and vegetable oils, can be added in moderation.

Calcium is very important for the bone and height development of infants and young children. Breast milk and formula already contain enough calcium. When appropriate, dairy, legumes, and calcium-fortified foods such as yogurt and cheese can be introduced.

3. Preschool age.

During the preschool years, children make significant progress in both physical and intellectual development.

It is possible to supplement calcium, which is very important for the development and strengthening of bones. Dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium. In addition, children can also get calcium from other foods, such as legumes, fish, nuts, and vegetables.

and vitamin D, which is an important vitamin necessary to aid calcium absorption and healthy bone development. Vitamin D can be synthesized from sunlight and is also found in certain foods, such as oily fish, egg yolks, liver, and dairy products.

"Eating once is equal to eating 8 plastic bags", there are already children who have stopped developing!

Finally, there is puberty: Adolescence is a critical period for a child's physical development. Proper supplementation of calcium, protein, amino acids, vitamins and adequate exercise is required.

In short, if you want your child to grow up healthy and normal, then please let go of the mood of pulling seedlings to help grow, the doctor can understand everyone's mood of wanting the child to grow up strongly, but taking care of it too well is not necessarily a good thing.

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