
The Emperor's Master Yu Shenxing - (1) Yu Shenxing's biography

author:Yu surname of the sky
The Emperor's Master Yu Shenxing - (1) Yu Shenxing's biography

Yu Shenxing (1545--1608), also known as Yu Gelao , was a Dong'a (Ming Dynasty Dong'a County, now part of Dong'a Town, Pingyin County), known as Yu Gelao. He was also a scholar of Dongge University, and was given the title of Prince Taibao (太子太保) and Yuwen Ding (谥文定). Yu Prudent acts deeply and vigorously, and does not tend to be inflammatory. Familiar with the canons of previous dynasties, many of the great ceremonies have been adjudicated, and have made great contributions to the construction of the ceremonial system of the Ming Dynasty. His knowledge is profound, running through hundreds of families, poetry is excellent, literature is the crown of the moment, and the reputation of the Ming generation is perfect. He was a famous politician, writer and historian of the late Ming Dynasty. He is the most outstanding representative of Qilu culture in the late Ming Dynasty, and one of the representative figures of late Ming culture.

Yu Shenxing's ancestral home is Panlong Village, Chishan, Wendeng County, Dengzhou Province, a descendant of the famous Western Han Dynasty minister Yu Dingguo, is the so-called "East China Sea Gaomen descendants", but for several generations, the Mendi is not obvious, Yu Shenxing called himself "Mendi Bohu". In the 25th year of Shen Hongwu,000, his ancestor was ordered to migrate to Dong'a Yangliu (present-day Yangliu Qiantun Village, Dong'a County), and was born loyal to him as the third elder of Yi. Zhongsheng's third son (Long, Sheng, Shi), who was prudent in his grandfather at the time, was a chivalrous and helpful man, and was given the title of knight of the first rank at a high age (conferred the title of Shouguan, which was only awarded nineteen times in the entire Ming Dynasty in more than three hundred years), and his grandfather moved to Dong'a County (present-day Dong'a Town, Pingyin County) at that time. At that time, there were five sons (Xi, Bi, Ying, Yao, and Wei), and the last of them was the father of Shen Xing. Yu Wei was intelligent since childhood, had the eyes of a child prodigy, and at the age of seventeen, he was successively appointed as the governor of Xuzhou and Jingning Prefecture, and was promoted to the position of Tongzhi of Pingliang Province, the regent of the government, "Ming Xi zhi, claiming to be very important", and was a clean official for life. Yu Shenxing's mother, Liu Shuren, was born from the Dong'awang clan, "Zhuang Hui, Xian Shu Shi", and Yu Xing had five sons (cautious movement, prudent thinking, cautious speech, cautious action, and cautious behavior), and Prudent Xing ranked fourth. Yu Shenxing was gifted and wise, diligent and studious, and was influenced by his family and his father and brother since childhood, and he was able to write poetry at the age of ten. In the thirty-seventh year of Jiajing (1558), at the age of fourteen, he tried the Boy Branch, and the counties were the first. The chief examiner was very surprised, and he pulled out the crown of Yan County, wanted to belong to the palace, and helped with silver grain, and was cautious. Soon, Zhu Heng, who was then an envoy to Shandong, was recruited in Jinan, and hired zheng ling, a famous Confucian from Fujian, as a teacher, and studied with his son Zhu Weijing. Prudent action becomes more and more diligent, sharpening and steaming, and learning to improve day by day. Jiajing forty years (1561) (seventeen years old) took the provincial examination, selected six people to solve the puzzle, and cautiously performed the first. The chief examiner was very important to This young talent, and the next day after the township trial release list, he proposed to hold a crown ceremony (that is, the ceremony of adulthood) for him at the Deer Ming Feast, and Yu Shenxing politely resigned on the grounds that he had not obeyed his father's orders, and it was a beautiful talk for a while. In the second year of Longqing (1568), at the age of twenty-three, he was a Shu Jishi of the Hanlin Academy, and was awarded the compilation and revision, and successively revised the "Records of Emperor Su", "Records of Muzong", "Records of Shen Pengtong Kaolu", "Mu Shi" and so on. Emperor Shenzong ascended the throne, changed the first year of the Wanli Calendar, and the Jin Hanlin Academy revised it, and it was immediately compiled. The "Yuan Dynasty Chapter Concerto Canon" was re-revised, and the prudent behavior was made to cultivate the official, and he was promoted to the position of a japanese lecturer. The Japanese lecturer was originally a senior scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and it was extremely rare for Yu Shenxing to become an emperor's teacher in his twenties.

Yu Prudent acted loyally and forgiving, and confessed with openness. Whether it is to the emperor, to the first assistant or to his colleagues, they are open-minded and sincere. The fifth year of the Wanli Calendar (1577) was the heyday of the throne of The Divine Emperor. It was also the period of Yu Shenxing's promotion and shunjie. Shenzong is diligent in his political mechanics, the Japanese Emperor jingwei, early out of yan rest, tireless. Shen Xing was ordered to preach the history of Tang Dynasty, and The Divine Sect listened to it. In the fifth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1577), on the first day of the third month of Ding Ugly, Emperor Shenzong presented the twenty-six paintings of the Imperial Picture Album of the Inner Palace and six other lecturers to give poems on the spot, and Shen Xing scored four questions. For example, the poem titled "Imperial Pen Xuanmiao Ting Bird" reads: "The bottom of the pen becomes a great creation, and the seabirds forget each other." Twilight rain is wet, spring breeze shore zhixiang. The willow edge is lost, and the clouds are covered with flying frost. It is always the Jing Tianzao, the long stream of feathers Hanguang" (see "GuChengShanguan Poetry Collection"), the poem is completed, the prudent action is not good at linchi, so he asks his colleagues to write on behalf of him and play it in reality. Emperor Shenzong was very pleased, and sui Qinshu "rebuked Chen Shan" to give it, with Jia Qicheng, which was for a time envied by Cilin, and the government and the opposition praised it as a grand event. It was Ri Yu Shenxing who wrote a poem to thank the emperor for his kindness, and sprinkled the four words of Chenhan's great book "Rebuke Chen Shan" to give, the poem is: Dragon note A picture of the sun and stars, and the heavenly fleas are hanging from Shangfang. Jiu Xiang crossed the path to spy on the Holy Sage, and also served the Kui Zhang for natra. Lang Han wanted to see Xian Hao move, and Peng Room was shocked to smell the imperial ink incense. Confucian grace coincides with jing luck, and it is not uncommon for waiters to climb into bed.

Zhang Ju was the ruler of the country, and he carried out a series of reforms, solved many serious social problems in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and made great contributions to the stable development of the political economy of the Ming Dynasty. However, Zhang Juzheng's personal style was arbitrary, restraining his subordinates and suppressing hundreds of officials, which caused widespread dissatisfaction among the officials of the dprk Chinese. Yushi Liutai impeached Zhang Juzheng at every turn, and even insulted fuchen and arbitrarily violated the law. Ju Zheng was very angry, Liu Tai was arrested and imprisoned, and Zhu Yushi and the cabinet ministers were afraid of Ju Zheng, and their hearts were uneven. Colleagues were afraid of Zhang Juzheng's situation and did not dare to see Liu Tai again. Du Shen acted frankly and visited Liu Tai in person at the Punishment Department. In October of the fifth year of the Wanli Calendar (1577), Zhang Juzheng's father died of illness, and according to the Ming system, he should be suspended from his post to bury his father and keep filial piety for three years. And those who hold the right place are more flattering to them and advocate the idea of "seizing affection". Ju Zheng also refused to give up his power and leave on the grounds that the emperor was his teacher and the emperor was young, and remained in charge of the imperial court during the period of filial piety, causing an uproar inside and outside the imperial court. Prudent xing wanted to accompany Zhao Zhigao, Zhang Yigui, Wu Zhongxing, Tian Yijun, and others to neglect Juzheng, but later dissuaded by the Japanese lecturer Lü Qiuyang's kind words and did not succeed. Ju Zheng was very angry when he heard this, and said cautiously: "You and I are very thick, and I am also a person I believe in, why is this so?" "Prudent and righteous, calm and self-assured, just as the color is known: "It is precisely because the king treats me kindly, so he repays the ear for this." Ju Zheng was stunned. Soon, Prudent xing begged for a break from illness. In the third year of Liju, he was summoned to Beijing in the tenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1582). The former official, the immediate promotion of the left edict, the day of the lecture as before, the same as the six speakers, mostly in the same year. In the tenth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1582), Zhang Juzheng fell ill in April, and the forces opposing him took over the government and swayed the Shenzong. Later, Yushi Li Zhi and others were extremely admonished by Juzheng's henchmen Xu Jue and Feng Bao for committing blackmail and adultery. Emperor Shenzong enforced Feng Bao and Xu Jue to prison, using their families' gold and silver and jewelry to count. The Divine Sect suspected that Juju was too premeditated, and the successor officials were also impeached. Emperor Shenzong commanded the Shangzhu Kingdom and the Taishi to seize the title. Ju Zhengzhu's quotations have been cut to the ground. Zhang Cheng and the attendant Qiu Mu Shun and Jinyi commanded the juzheng family. The words were particularly irritating, saying: "Jiangling tastes to work for the country, and it is not a matter of merit or wrong." It is also said that the old mother of Jiangling is in the church, lonely and young, and under the nest, it can be hurt. Please, lord of the Ming Dynasty, the dwelling place of the beggars, the place where the cone is erected. It is advisable to promote the grace of the Lord's veil and the friendship of all the ministers. Qiu Qiu reserved a house and enough land for the Zhang family. The letter contained a thousand words, and it was extremely sincere. Everyone admires his broad measure and open mind. There is a passage that deserves deep consideration: "When he is in charge of the government, he raises the court to praise his merits and does not dare to speak of his faults, and today he is defeated, and he raises the dynasty to argue for his sins and does not dare to speak of his merits, which is not true." Together with Shen Shixing and other colleagues, he neglected to give advice. Later, Emperor Shenzong ordered him to stay in a mansion and Tian Shi to support his mother. Yu Shenxing's high wind and bright festival and ancient road hot sausage were praised by the DPRK.

Prudently practice the system of practice, sparsely establish a list, and ask the suburban shrines, prayers for rain, and clan ordinances to discuss the great ceremonies, and most of them will be decided by them. Emperor Shenzong ascended the throne, wanli changed the yuan, and wanted to elevate the god lord of Muzong, and the god lord of Renzong was moved to the future. Prudent xing took the liberty of neglecting the advice and said that it was indecent, and wrote the "Taimiao Temple Migration Examination", saying: "The system of the ancient seven temples, the three Zhao and three Mu, and the temple of Taizu and the seven." Liu Xin and Wang Su took Gao, Zeng, Zu, You, and the 5th and 6th Emperors as the Three Zhaos and Three Mu. His brothers are passed down from generation to generation, and they are in the same house and cannot be one. If the ancestors of the Kingdom Dynasty are the lineage chambers and do not move with the Taizu Dynasty, then Emperor Renzong will be below the sixth generation, and then the Three Zhaos and Three Mu will be prepared. The brothers Xiaozong and Ruizong, the brothers Wuzong and Sejong, and Shao Mutong, should not be one life each. Sejong ascended to the sixth rank of Emperor Renzong, and was not the only one who was not emperor of Renzong. Mu Zong ascended to the throne, and became Emperor Renzong of Qi, not the Emperor Xuanzong. "Citing the stories of the Jin, Tang, and Song Dynasties, their words are argued and verified, and those who know it are pleased with his mastery of etiquette. In the tenth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1582), Nanqi Jushi had a discussion, and the Divine Sect ordered a re-examination. Shen Li avoided it with suspicion, and the ministers did not dare to rule, but they acted cautiously, and there were five people in Lixuan and one person in Lixuan. Everyone is convinced. Peng Zi Nian Tried to discuss lang hanging high, and there were eight people hanging up. The Divine Sect ordered a re-examination. On the day of the trial, the court was in a state of confusion, and it was resolved through careful mediation.

In the eleventh year of the Wanli Calendar (1583), he was appointed as a reviser of the "Great Ming HuiDian". In September, the Wanli Emperor came to Changping To see the mausoleum, and cautiously walked with the officials and pioneers to meet them. On this trip, the Wanli Emperor chose to set his own shou palace, Dingling. In October, he rose to the left chunfang zuo zhide and served as an attendant of the Hanlin Academy. In July of the fourteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1586), Yu Shenxing was appointed by the Right Attendant of the Jinli Department. In November, he was appointed vice president of the "Great Ming Society". In February of the fifteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1587), the "Great Ming HuiDian" was completed, and it was presented to the Wanli Emperor, and the emperor gave a feast to reward. In September, he went to Changping to inspect the Shougong (Dingling) project. In December, he was promoted to the left of the ceremonial department, and still served as a lecturer at the feast. In August of the sixteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1588), it was engraved into the "Great Ming HuiDian" and presented to the emperor. In September, he and the Wanli Emperor Linchangping inspected the Shougong Mausoleum Hall. On June 22, 1589, in the seventeenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1589), he was promoted to the post of Shilang (侍郎) and was in charge of the Zhan ShiFu. Subsequently, he was promoted to the rank of Official Shangshu. In July, he was promoted to The Rebbe Shangshu and a bachelor's degree.

After Emperor Shenzong ascended the throne, the three palaces and the noble concubines of each court had no queen. Emperor Shenzong often went to the Cining Palace and had a personal relationship with the palace lady surnamed Wang. In April of the tenth year of the Wanli Dynasty, she was named Concubine Gong, and in August she was born Chang Luo, the eldest son of the emperor (later Emperor Guangzong), and thereafter she successively gave birth to changxun, changzhi, changhao, changrun, changying and other princes. In the eighteenth year of the Wanli Calendar, no crown prince was established, and some people inside and outside the government and the public constantly raised the issue of establishing a reserve, asking Emperor Shenzong to build the Eastern Palace as soon as possible. More than that, it made the Divine Sect deeply disgusted. He wanted to make the second son of the Emperor born to Concubine Zheng the Eastern Palace. At this time, the eldest son of Shenzong was 9 years old and was born of the princess. Emperor Shenzong did not like the princess and her son, but before princess Zheng, Emperor Shenzong could not make this idea clear, so he delayed the appointment of the crown prince. The eldest son of emperor Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty grew up and could not enter the school properly, and was very anxious. Yu Shenxing, as the Rebbe Shangshu, was duty-bound to do so. In the first month of the eighteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1590), Prudent Xingshu asked for the early construction of the Eastern Palace and went out of the cabinet to read. At this time, God's will has been silently determined, and he does not want anyone to speak. In October of the eighteenth year of the Wanli Calendar, he even slackened his advice, and on more than ten days, the Divine Sect was very angry, and repeatedly issued a strict decree, blaming Yu Shenxing for "threatening the emperor with the Eastern Palace." Prudent and not afraid of deterrence, he provoked, "The establishment is the head of the minister's office, and the minister does not speak, and the sin is returned." Fortunately, the big plan was made quickly. "The Divine Sect was displeased, and blamed yu for acting cautiously in order to make the king suspicious and confuse the country. All the officials of the Ministry of Rites were stopped. In July of the nineteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1591), the Shandong Township Test Leak Incident occurred. Yushi He Chuguang then made a false accusation and leaked it in advance. The Wanli Emperor ordered the cabinet to verify, and the matter was soon resolved. Yu Shenxing's persistence became stronger and stronger, until he impeached himself for begging and returned to his hometown, but the Divine Sect did not allow it, and he repeatedly asked Shi Fang to allow it. In September, he was approved by the Divine Sect to return to his hometown and departed on the second day of October, taking the sixteenth day to Dong'a. Since then, Yu Shenxing has begun a seventeen-year home career.

In October of the nineteenth year of the Wanli Calendar (1591), the gold coin was given. After returning to his hometown, he built a house in the Yellowstone Mountain Villa, thanked the guests and returned to hiding, leisurely traveled through the landscape, and wrote a book. He compiled 18 volumes of the Gushan Pen Dun, 42 volumes of the Guchengshanguan Anthology, 20 volumes of the Guchengshanguan Poetry Collection, and 14 episodes of the Reading History Manga. In September of the twentieth year of the Wanli Calendar (1592), Yu Zhusheng compiled the "Yanzhou FuZhi" at the Academy. In July of the twenty-third year of the Wanli Calendar (1595), the Chronicle of Yanzhou Fu was compiled. In the early part of the first month of the twenty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar (1596), Feng Qi, the right attendant of the Rebbe, compiled the "Chronicle of Yanzhou Prefecture", which was engraved in the main text of March. On the first day of June, the giant stone book "Tianzhu Peak" on the top of Yuncui Mountain was "cut into four squares, and the wall stood on the wall". In the twenty-ninth year of the Wanli Calendar, Chang Luo was established as the crown prince, and the number Guangzong, Yu Shenxing heard the news and gave the poem "Gongwen Donggong Li Cheng Zhixi": "Before midnight, the stars leaped into the forbidden forest, and the purple qi of the Dragon Tower came deep." When he was exhausted and foolish, he truly knew the heart of the Holy Father on this day. The ceasefire of the war was extinguished, and the spring solstice of the rivers and lakes began to chant. Yaotu is a billion-year-old emperor, and only the gods protect him to this day."

For more than ten years, he was repeatedly recommended by the government and the public, and until the thirty-second year of the Wanli Calendar (1604), he was ordered to enter Beijing and resume the affairs of the Zhan Mansion, but he still resigned. In the thirty-fifth year of the Wanli Dynasty (1607), the imperial court pushed seven cabinet ministers, the first of whom was Shenxing, and was crowned crown prince Shaobao and a scholar of Dongge University, and entered the auxiliary government. If he did not allow it, he obeyed the order and entered Beijing. At this time, he was already plagued by illness, and when he saw the emperor's court, he had already paid homage to him and committed the crime of neglect. The Divine Sect comforted each other with a gentle will, and made it urgent to see things. After entering Beijing in November of the same year, he took leave to recuperate from illness and returned to his home, and he was left behind to ask for "pro-minister, record widow, and supplementary official". He sighed, "I can't repay the country in the end." On November 22 of the same year, he sat upright in the middle of the room and died at the official residence of the Imperial Household with the title of Crown Prince Shaobao, Reibe Shoshu, and Shi Shu of Dongge University. He died at the age of sixty-three. On the twenty-third day the Cabinet heard about it, and put its widow on it, and wrote a letter on it. Wan Li was shocked, and had a purpose: "Yu Shenxing Qi Wo Gong Shen, Yin Qing Wang, Jian Summons Auxiliary Bow, and Exhausts the Gong Dynasty." The funeral was given according to the custom of one product, and the messenger escorted the coffin back to his hometown, still talking to him. "Yuwen Ding, the eldest son Taibao, and Yin Yizi are Zhongshu Sheren." The Death Department Lang Zhongjin Jizhen protected the funeral return. On the twenty-seventh day of the first lunar month of the thirty-sixth year of the Wanli calendar (1608), the hearse began and fell towards ZuMo. The relics officer of the Bingbu Shangshu Xiao Tycoon escorted him to Dong'a and gave him a hundred gold. On the second day of the first month of February, the doorman Xingjian was mourned in Lushui. In the same month, the Shandong Governor Huang Kemiao came to greet the funeral. In March, the hearse arrived in Dong'a. Various ministries and procuratorates of the DPRK and The provinces, counties, counties, relatives and friends of the DPRK and The CENTRAL Government came to mourn. On December 13, 1609, the thirty-seventh year of the Wanli Calendar, he was buried in the Northern Plains of Hongfan. In the southeast of Zuyuan (present-day South of Xiezhuang Village, Hongfanchi Town, Pingyin County, west of Paper Fang Village), Shi Yi Sen Lie, White Pine Towering Heaven, called Jiacheng Yan. The Imperial Decree "Sacrifice to the Crown Prince Shaobao Libu Shangshu and Dongge University Scholar Gift Prince Taibao Yuwen Ding Gong Yu Shen Xingwen" The county is mourned. The two emissaries of the Xuegong Palace were restored to the shrine.

Although Prudent Xing is in a high position, he is approachable, frugal, and charitable. After serving in the palace for fourteen years, the emperor rewarded the tin essence, the gold rune, the wenqi fan, and the embroidery belt, which were mostly distributed to the clan, the people, or the ancestral fields, or the difficulties and difficulties for people, and often did not hesitate. Therefore, there is no surplus in the bag. If the township encounters greater interests, such as article weaving, conscription, disasters, etc., it will not be violated by the palm of the argument. After living in the house for a long time, the four parties admired its name, and all the monuments, editions, chronicles, transmissions, gifts, and gifts and so on, all wanted to get a word of publicity. Even if the lamb fills the door, it also chooses to do so. Although he lived in a high position in his hometown, he had great respect for the magistrates. He said that the county order is the parent official, and I am the people. Therefore, when the county ordered the gong to sound, Yu Shenxing, whether sitting or lying down, heard the sound and saluted on the spot. Wait for the sound of the gong to go away, and then walk and sit down. He set an example for generations of high-ranking officials and householders. In their hometown, Yu Shenxing and Meng Yimai advocated the construction of the East A Shaodai Mountain Conference, which began on March 28 of the ancient calendar every year and lasted for one month until the wheat harvest was dismissed. At that time, all walks of life from all directions, material exchanges, prosperity of urban and rural economies. Pilgrims and tourists are endless, and the whole mountain city is bustling with people. After liberation, the ancient society continued to benefit the local economy.

Looking at the life of Shen Xing, indifferent to the meritorious name, where three deposed three times, and difficult to advance and easy to retreat, after the nationality, the time of the outgoing and the home is almost accompanied. But he is just and upright, straight,pay attention to the cultivation of morality, "establish a pure and flawless class of the dynasty", clean talent and great hope, and a generation of famous courtiers. In the Wanli Dynasty, Yu Shenxing enjoyed a lofty position, and the Ming Shi Qianluo said that he was "deep and vigorous, not a machi, and greatly trusted by the righteous people". Most people at the time compared Shen Xing to Xie An, Wen Yanbo, and Sima Guang, but the most common was to compare him with Sima Guang, and to cover the historical achievements of the two. Yu Shenxing's life was relatively simple, and from his infancy to youth, he was fortunate to receive the best education he could get at that time. He did not come from a county, but was led by the Hanlin and the Ministry of Ceremonies and the Cabinet, and took the path of the most typical cabinet minister. He was in the corrupt and filthy official field of the late Ming Dynasty, and he was undeterred, and he completed the course of his life after completing his name, and was fixed in the historical corridor of the Chinese nation with "the perfect man of the Ming generation".

Please pay attention to the next chapter: The Emperor's Master Yu Shenxing - (2) Yu Shenxing Family Lineage Table

(Photo and text arrangement: Yu Ruiguo, if there are any mistakes or omissions, please understand)

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