
The righteous and outspoken are cautious in their actions

author:A glass of drunkenness

Yu Shenxing, whose words are without dirt, is a ming Dynasty Shandong Dong'a town, people are not only good at learning, but also especially known for their integrity and courage to speak. He was deposed three times and spent seventeen years at home. But he did not change his original intention, and maintained his true color of being just and upright, just like his word "no dirt", spotlessly clean.

The righteous and outspoken are cautious in their actions

Yu Cautious

Take the two things that Yu Shenxing and his teacher Zhang Juzheng said.

Zhang Juzheng became the prime minister when Emperor Mingshenzong was still young, and carried out a series of reforms to the Ming Dynasty in the midst of the storm, and the Ming Dynasty appeared for a period of time. During this period, Zhang Juzheng's authority also reached its peak, and it can be said that he was more effective than the emperor. In this year, Zhang Juzheng's father died, and according to the Ming Dynasty law, the parents of officials died, and they were required to resign from the official and keep filial piety for three years, the so-called "Ding Worry". However, Zhang Juzheng, who was at the peak of his power, was willing to leave, and he was familiar with the laws of Daming, so he asked his protégés to write a song to the emperor to "seize affection", that is, the emperor recruited people who should have been worried about Ding to become officials, and the emperor had to approve it. The ancients attached great importance to filial piety, and the character of filial piety was judged, and loyalty would only be chosen in extreme cases where loyalty and filial piety could not be complete. Zhang Juzheng's behavior caused an uproar in the court, and the ministers wrote to the emperor one after another, strongly demanding that the "seizure of affection" be withdrawn. Among them, the most conspicuous performance is Yu Shenxing.

Zhang Juzheng looked at his own proud protégé angrily and said, "It's just not enough to support me, I actually stood up and followed them against me, I usually treat you not thin, you are a white-eyed wolf." In the face of the teacher's anger, Yu Shenxing said sincerely: "Filial piety is the common sentiment of people, and I only stand on the side of the rational word." Besides, I am for the teacher's good, why not take this opportunity to return the right and choose to retreat from the torrent. But Zhang Juzheng, who was furious, chose to brush his sleeves and leave.

The development of things is just as Yu Shenxing said. After Zhang Juzheng's death, the Wanli Emperor, who had been under Zhang Juzheng's control to death, immediately raised the blade of hatred to Zhang Juzheng: official titles were stripped away, reputations were slandered, meritorious deeds were abolished, family members were expelled, and family property was confiscated (not much, of course). At this time, Yu Shenxing stood up and generously stated to his little disciple (the Wanli Emperor was also a student of Zhang Juzheng): Zhang Juzheng's merits are still there. Zhang Juzheng thus avoided the punishment of the bones being flogged, and the eighty-year-old mother and family could still have food to eat.

In the thirty-fifth year of the Wanli Dynasty, the Wanli Emperor looked at the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu and remembered Yu Shenxing, who had been deposed at home for more than ten years, and ordered him to join the cabinet with his original official position and appoint the crown prince Shaobao and a scholar of Dongge University to enter the cabinet and be the first in the cabinet. At this time, Yu Shenxing was already seriously ill, and reluctantly entered the capital to see the emperor, and within a few days he fell ill and died in the official residence at the age of sixty-three.

The righteous and outspoken are cautious in their actions

Statue of Yu Shenxing

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