
Du Changlin broke into the enemy's lair alone and annihilated all the enemy troops, but when he evacuated, a bullet hit him in the head

author:10,000 years of ink

The twilight of hanging onions covered the overgrown hills of Chongqing. A weak, bloody sun was struggling to crawl out of the milky sunset. Time flies, at the end of the 1960s, when China was taking off the waves, Du Changlin, who was still admiring the ignorance, hid a dream that was enough to change the trajectory of his life.

Du Changlin was born in an ordinary working family, and was infected by his father since he was a child, yearning for the majestic military camp life, and determined to be a soldier. For his dream of military service, his parents always shook their heads and sighed, thinking that he was too young to bear the hard training of the army.

Du Changlin broke into the enemy's lair alone and annihilated all the enemy troops, but when he evacuated, a bullet hit him in the head

However, he solemnly told his parents that this path was his choice. In this way, how to realize the dream of being a soldier has become the most important thing in Du Changlin's 17-year life.

In the twilight, Du Changlin looked at the remnant sun in the sky, and secretly made up his mind in his heart - I will definitely go all out towards the goal of the military and contribute to the motherland!

At the age of 17, Du Changlin finally got his wish and joined the army. When he put on his brand-new military uniform and stood under the door frame to say goodbye to his parents, his eyes could not hide his excitement and excitement.

When he first arrived in the army, Du Changlin's thin figure was not enough to enlist in the army. But he was not discouraged, but worked in his hometown for a year, and only after gaining weight did he successfully enlist in the army. He was assigned to a company of heroes and was determined to make a difference here. In the company, Du Changlin lived a strict training life, getting up early every day and practicing at night, and his body gradually became stronger.

However, in the second year of Du Changlin's enlistment, the order came that the troops were going south to fight. Du Changlin asked to go back to his hometown to see him for the last time, but he didn't dare to tell his parents the truth, so he only said that he was going back to run errands. Only the childhood sweetheart who silently cared about him knew that he was about to go to the battlefield, and she gave Du Changlin some savings with red eyes, so that he would return safely.

On the front line, Du Changlin experienced a continuous baptism of blood and fire. The cat's ear piercing is damp and hot, and disease is rife. The distance between friend and foe is only a dozen meters, and they may hit the vital point at any time. The comrades-in-arms died one by one in front of his eyes, and Du Changlin could only endure his grief and lead the remaining soldiers to continue fighting. He witnessed the parting of life and death and understood the preciousness of life.

The fourth company to which Du Changlin belonged received the combat mission of attacking the enemy's position No. 405. In conjunction with friendly forces, they had to attack Position 405 from different directions. This is the most arduous task since Du Changlin went south to fight, and it will also be a cruel life-and-death struggle.

After the assembly, the entire battalion was silent outside the cat's ear hole, Du Changlin took a deep breath, he knew that the time for the official start of war was coming.

Du Changlin broke into the enemy's lair alone and annihilated all the enemy troops, but when he evacuated, a bullet hit him in the head

At 7:30 a.m. on December 2, the battle began. The weapons of our army roared in an instant, the smoke of gunpowder filled the air, and the enemy positions in and around Position 405 were shrouded in a sea of fire. The 1st and 2nd assault teams quickly captured the surface positions, but the cave was still in the enemy's hands. Du Changlin clenched his submachine gun and led the third commando team into battle.

As he approached the top of the mountain, Du Changlin saw a soldier lying in a pool of blood, his face unrecognizable. That was his comrade-in-arms Chen Xuechang, who died heroically at the age of 17. Du Changlin burst into tears, and strengthened his determination to annihilate the enemy.

At this moment, Liang Ling, the deputy company commander, learned from the signal corps that the No. 5 hole had not been recovered, so he decided to go and blew up the hole himself. Du Changlin insisted on going with Liang Ling, and the two were at a stalemate. At this moment, Liang Ling found two enemy posts on the mountainside, so he decided to go and clean up first. Seeing this, Du Changlin took the opportunity to come to Cave No. 5 alone, ready to go deep alone.

"I must come back alive, and I can't let Deputy Company Commander Liangling sacrifice!" Du Changlin secretly swore in his heart. He took a deep breath and grabbed his submachine gun and rushed into hole five. There are no fingers in the cave, and the surroundings are quiet. At this moment, a bullet whistled by, and Du Changlin almost died. It turns out that there is an enemy sentry hiding in the cave!

Du Changlin engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, and finally subdued the opponent. The enemy forces in Cave 5 were completely annihilated, and the mission was accomplished. However, just as Du Changlin was about to evacuate, a bullet hit him in the head. Blood flowed all over the face in an instant, and the comrades-in-arms used medical kits to give first aid.

"Hold on, brother!" his comrades sent Du Changlin to the company command post, but he was already in shock. Under the heroic rescue of several comrades-in-arms and medical personnel, Du Changlin was sent to the rear hospital in time. "Another 20 minutes late, and he will be hopeless. The doctor said.

After a night of rescue, Du Changlin finally picked up a life. When he opened his eyes and saw the slogan on the wall of the ward, "Shed blood for the motherland, supreme glory", he couldn't help but burst into tears. In this battle, he lost 15 comrades, and only 16 of the 117 commandos were not injured, which shows the fierceness of the battle.

After Du Changlin returned from injury, he came to the familiar tent, looked at the empty clothes, and couldn't calm down for a long time. His comrades-in-arms once shared weal and woe, but in the blink of an eye, yin and yang were separated, and his heart was as painful as a knife.

Du Changlin has worked in the army for 30 years, starting as a soldier and never giving up the ideals of a soldier. He has witnessed the great transformation of the motherland from standing up to becoming strong, and has also experienced the test of life and death. It is precisely with such a group of soldiers who cherish dreams and dedicate themselves to the country that China can stand tall and radiate new vitality.

Du Changlin broke into the enemy's lair alone and annihilated all the enemy troops, but when he evacuated, a bullet hit him in the head

Du Changlin's life story is a portrayal of the extraordinary growth of a generation. At the age of 17, he had a military dream and a vision for the future, and after going south to the front line, he saw the cruelty of war, but he still did not give up his loyalty and love for the motherland. The moment he was shot and fell, he did not regret it, because he completed the task and protected his comrades.

Time has passed, Du Changlin retired and changed jobs, starting a new chapter in his life. However, he always cherished a fire that would never be extinguished - the original intention of serving the people and the dandelion-like dream.

The story of Du Changlin is touching, he dedicated his life with his youth, and such a spirit will always shine. If the battlefield is a heaven that tests one's character, then he has passed the toughest tests and continues to live with optimism.

The young man who longed for the military in the past is still in his heart. He taught us what perseverance is and what faith is, and also let us see the national spirit of the Chinese people who are constantly striving for self-improvement. Du Changlin is a hero who can sing and cry!