
Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

How to judge whether Guangzhou is in winter, one is to see whether the number of people queuing up for the chicken pot at the door of the house has surged, and the other is to observe whether the number of sharing of tea made around the stove in the circle of friends has increased exponentially.

Recently, as the temperature in Guangzhou has successfully dropped by about 3 degrees, those friends in the circle of friends who go out in spring, camp in summer, and play frisbee in autumn have been unable to hold back the joy of welcoming winter and switched to the mode of boiling tea around the stove.

It can be said that boiling tea around the stove has become a well-deserved "Internet celebrity" lifestyle and social activity this winter.

On a short video, the number of views of "Cooking Tea Around the Hearth" has reached 7.97 billion, which is equivalent to everyone on the earth who has watched it once.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

In the sharing of netizens flying like snowflakes, the blazing stove, the rising heat, accompanied by the sound of charcoal "Zili Zili", and the tea brewing around the stove directly filled the winter atmosphere.

"I tried to make tea around the stove once, and it went straight from cold winter to burning winter. ”

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Generally speaking, it is not complicated to make tea around the hearth, just a stove and a pot of tea can outline the basic framework of making tea around the hearth.

Of course, while making tea, urban beauties and delicate beauties often roast sweet potatoes, corn, oranges, etc. on the stove to saturate the color and focus on a sense of atmosphere and ceremony.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

As a popular social event,

Cooking tea around the stove is to sit around with three or two friends

Tell other people's gossip

The emotional glue that brings laughter and laughter to life.

Amanda, who lives in Ximenmen, went to Dongshankou last weekend to celebrate the change from short-sleeved to long-sleeved dressing in Guangzhou, and participated in a tea brewing around the stove and enjoyed an independent movie with her friends.

She said: "There is nothing more comfortable than this, not only to be able to warm up with humans, but also to communicate and interact with humans, which is equivalent to a spiritual horse killing chicken." ”

A thousand and one ways around the hearth

Although the modern hearth tea brewing has exploded on social platforms, in fact, the tradition of hearth has been around for a long time.

As soon as winter arrives, it is almost an instinct for human beings to heat themselves around the hearth, and our ancestors have engraved it into human DNA hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In ancient times, primitive humans used a bonfire to cut the night sky during the long night when they couldn't see their fingers, and they sat in a circle, used the light of fire to drive away wild beasts, and barbecued meat to keep warm, etc., I think this is the earliest hearth.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

In the ancient poems and paintings of the mainland, there are also many records about the hearth. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi's "Green Ant New Brew Wine, Red Clay Small Stove", and the Southern Song Dynasty poet Cai Shen's "Remembering the Night Snow in the Red Window, Urging the Knees Around the Stove, and Passing the Cup to Persuade the Wine", etc., all depict the leisurely picture of the ancients around the hearth.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Subsequently, the agrarian society gradually evolved the stove, stove and other tools, Yunnan and other places also appeared fire ponds, although the "stove" of the fire is ever-changing, but what remains unchanged is that the essence of human love "around".

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Cats also love the fireplace

In modern times, with the renewal of fire sources, tools, and ingredients, the form of the hearth has become more diverse.

For example, whenever Guangzhou cools down, you will see long queues at major time-honored charcoal stove chicken pot shops, and even I, an I person who actively refuses to socialize, will be aroused in winter The instinct of human beings to "huddle together for warmth" will be aroused, and the number of times I ask friends to go out to eat chicken pot has increased exponentially.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

There are a thousand Harry Potters in the hearts of a thousand readers, and there are a thousand ways to go around the fireplace in the hearts of a thousand people.

Some people barbecue meat around the stove, talk and laugh, some people cook skewers around the stove and have a good time, some people bake buns around the stove and enjoy themselves, and Xiao Zhang, a friend from Guangzhou, said: "The warmest thing I can think of is to prepare ingredients at home with my family in winter, and finally enjoy the fruits of my own work with peace of mind, and sit around with my family to play the side stove." ”

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

As long as there is sand in the heart, everywhere is the Maldives. In the same way, as long as there is a furnace, there can be a hearth everywhere.

I remember that when I was a child, the winter in the south was wet and cold and unbearable, so my grandmother would burn a small fire cage and carry it with her for warmth. So, every night when the prime time comes, a group of us juniors will warm up around the fire cage burned by our grandmother, and then stare at "Da Chang Jin" on the screen while grilling squid ham sausages.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Nowadays, inspired by the idea of making tea around the hearth, many people have begun to use the discarded flower pots or iron pots at home to DIY the stove and start a wild version of the family hearth.

And the hearth of our editorial office is

Word worker

In the afternoon, the writers ordered some fried chicken milk tea with public funds, and then nibbled on the fried chicken and drank afternoon tea

Speak ill of your boss

Talk about the topic and the direction of the literary world.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

The picture comes from Xiaohongshu @ I hope to get rich overnight, and it's okay to do it overnight

The cousin of the hospital office said: "The hearth of Guangxi people is to gather sweet potatoes in the kiln. A group of friends, some are responsible for finding mud blocks, some are responsible for building caves, some are responsible for lighting fires, and finally wait for the sweet potatoes to ripen and then smash the cave together. ”

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

The ways of surrounding the stove are becoming more and more diverse, and people have long been not confined to the form of the stove, but enjoy the beauty of "around".

As a five-character quatrain of the Ming Dynasty chanted: "There is a fire in the middle of the night, and the Hun family sits around." The taro is ripe after simmering, and the Son of Heaven is not as good as me. ”

Therefore, it is not so much about physical heating and satisfying the appetite as it is about the spiritual pants of young people.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Around this square fire, there is no big order of five million per minute to discuss, and there is no workplace nonsense such as "grasping hands and empowering", only steaming food, greetings with relatives and friends, and parents are short, not to mention how leisurely.

The cousin said: "Every weekend, after a week of intense work, the thing I look forward to the most is sitting outdoors by the fireside with my dog friends. The tired body seems to be activated by warmth in an instant, and the conversation box can't help but open, everyone is barbecuing, talking about the stars and the moon, talking about the philosophy of life from poetry and songs, and then drinking two sips of wine, the skin is unfolded. ”

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Although sometimes the preparation is sloppy, and even the brush is forgotten to buy

Let all the snow fall

I think of the famous gourmand Professor Chen Li once said:

The relationship between man and food is, in fact, the relationship between man and the world."

Whether it's around the hearth or enjoying food, it's not only about satisfying physiological needs, but also about how humans interact with the world.

Therefore, on the occasion of the heavy snow solar term, specially invited Professor Chen Li to serve as the seasonal officer of, and told us about the development and evolution of the hearth and the social, humanistic and life philosophy contained in the hearth.

As the general consultant of "A Bite of China" and "Flavor of the World", Professor Chen Li has his own unique insights and interesting observations on both food and life. therefore

Some people say that he is the person who knows the most about food among psychological and emotional experts, the most knowledgeable about history among gourmets, and the most interesting person for historians.

For example, in food production, he found that sour pomegranates in northern Shaanxi can be paired with cola to get an excellent taste. He also complements the yin and yang according to the season and the physical properties of the ingredients, and then creates the most suitable flavor for the moment.

Someone said, "I want to grow old like him, too, drinking pomegranate juice with Coke." ”

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

In terms of food culture, Professor Chen Li is even more talkative, he can talk about the origin of the Ming Dynasty's relocation from Peking duck, from bitter gourd to the story with the Hakka people... Under his narration, each dish seems to have a life in the past and the present.

In terms of life philosophy, he also encouraged people to live hard and seriously, rather than dragonfly, because "you will always be a consumer, if you live hard, you can become an exporter." ”

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Similarly, when talking about the evolution of the hearth and the philosophy of life, Professor Chen Li spoke eloquently as always, making people feel like drinking a cup of warm tea on a cold winter day, slowly flowing into their hearts.

He said:

"The focus of the hearth is not in the hearth, but in the hearth... Today's people have made it easier to keep warm and have more abundant food, but gathering together has become a luxury. ”

Therefore, every gathering around the fireplace contains fireworks and warmth in the world, which makes people cherish it.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?
Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?
Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?
Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

Today, the heavy snow in the 24 solar terms means that it is gradually entering the depths of winter, and the cold is getting stronger, which is a good time to warm up with relatives and friends, enjoy delicious food, and have a long conversation.

Ladies and gentlemen, please go on

If you're hungry, order some steaming hot pot, meaty mutton soup, juicy and delicious barbecue, rich and silky milk tea and other warm foods, and make an appointment with three or five relatives and friends to warm up around the fireplace.

Resist the cold together and talk about family life.

Why is the hearth the spiritual pants of young people?

As Professor Chen Li said when talking about the hearth: "From primitive society to today, human beings have been like this, spending countless long and cold winters. ”

During the conversation, the editorial department of Jumping Sea has purchased a hot butter hot pot with public funds from, accompanied by the rising heat and tumbling butter, some of the courtyard offices sitting together are sarcastic to each other, some are exchanging paper people's experiences, and some are commenting on various hot pot ingredients. Afterwards, the House of Representatives raised the hot drink in their hands and said in unison: "Happy snow!"

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