
Publicly applying for a job but being misunderstood and raising the price, Tabe chose to suspend the game with a chill, and the head coach of the all-Chinese class BLG was gone

Publicly applying for a job but being misunderstood and raising the price, Tabe chose to suspend the game with a chill, and the head coach of the all-Chinese class BLG was gone

[Pay attention to the afterimage game, see the latest information of LOL, today let's talk about Tabe's departure from BLG]

For the LOL team, the coach is a light and heavy existence, he is like a catalyst, the right use can make the team's strength soar, but if it is used wrong, it will also become a pool of stagnant water. To give a very simple example, Redmi is a very good coach who has taught many excellent players, 369 has not been able to play effectively when he is fighting, but in the hands of Redmi, it has completely transformed, and once became the top top list of LPL, which is also the so-called "Maxima often has, but Bole does not often have".

Publicly applying for a job but being misunderstood and raising the price, Tabe chose to suspend the game with a chill, and the head coach of the all-Chinese class BLG was gone

And those coaches who are not good enough will cause the team's strength to fall, not only do they not have a solid tactical foundation, but even BP is a mess, so for top teams, coaching is also a point they must fight for in the transfer period. Among the four teams in the S13 season, Zhu Kai left EDG, Redmi also stepped down as JDG coach, and now BLG doesn't seem to be able to keep Tabe. In one of Tabe's posts, he said that he has been a free agent since the beginning of the transfer period, and that he could join the team that needed me in the middle of the process (i.e., a job post).

Publicly applying for a job but being misunderstood and raising the price, Tabe chose to suspend the game with a chill, and the head coach of the all-Chinese class BLG was gone

Since this news has been released, it means that Tabe and BLG have collapsed and have not been able to complete the contract renewal. Seeing this, fans immediately couldn't sit still, and began to bombard Tabe on Chaohua, thinking that the news of the job search was released when BLG had not officially announced his departure from the team, hoping to put pressure on BLG, and then renew the contract at a high price. For a while, there were more and more complaints about Tabe, and even Tabe's professionalism began to be questioned. Seeing this, Tabe also immediately deleted this article and sent a long paragraph to explain.

Publicly applying for a job but being misunderstood and raising the price, Tabe chose to suspend the game with a chill, and the head coach of the all-Chinese class BLG was gone

First of all, Tabe said that if he really wants to raise the price, he can send it on the first day of the transfer period, and there is no need to delay it for so long. As for not renewing BLG's contract in the end, this is also the result of discussions between the two parties, he revealed that he and BLG are in friendly communication, and both sides have their own positions and considerations. As for his last post, Tabe also apologized, saying that he was not cautious and did not express his meaning clearly, and claimed that the spring game would be rested. The former is still a job hunt, and the latter is a half-season break, and it is obvious that Tabe is still affected by public opinion, and he is a little chilled.

Publicly applying for a job but being misunderstood and raising the price, Tabe chose to suspend the game with a chill, and the head coach of the all-Chinese class BLG was gone

In fact, the transfer period does not have to be like this, whether it is a player or a coach, as long as he is a free man, it is his personal right to go wherever he goes. During his tenure as coach of BLG, Tabe was still very dedicated, when the team won, he would run wrong and celebrate, when the team lost, he would also take most of the pot for the players in interviews, and he would constantly encourage the players not to lose confidence. For BLG, Tabe has actually done a good enough job, but no one is perfect, and Tabe must still have some problems.

Publicly applying for a job but being misunderstood and raising the price, Tabe chose to suspend the game with a chill, and the head coach of the all-Chinese class BLG was gone

For example, BP, even he can't guarantee that the BP in every game can be in place, and there will still be a lot of dizziness and choosing the wrong lineup, but this is not his personal problem, most coaches are like this. It can only be said that it is still the fault of the all-Chinese class traffic, BLG, as the only all-Chinese class in S13 to enter the S competition, has attracted the attention of many audiences, but because it failed to achieve a good result, it has been complained about a lot, and Tabe can be regarded as a member of the implicated.

PS: 100% original article, manual typing is not easy, you can pay attention to a wave of friends who like it!

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