
The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

author:Healthy Bailey 2E3W

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Young, energetic and eager for adventure, Zhang and his wife chose to start their new life with their wedding on a trip.

The young couple planned a unique road trip through the vast expanse of the Tibetan plateau.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

Their trip was not just for the wedding, but to explore the beauty and mysteries of various parts of China, and from the starting point, they drove through the rolling mountains and felt the beauty of the mountains and rivers of their homeland.

During the trip, Xiao Zhang and his wife were immersed in the boundless beauty, and they spent romantic time together by the campfire at night, gazing at the starry sky, making the trip even more romantic and memorable.

Every turn is a new picture, and every mountain peak is an ode to poetry.

Eventually, they arrived in a mountainous area in Tibet, a deserted land at high altitude.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

The air here is fresh and thin, like a paradise at the top of the sky, and in this mysterious and peaceful land, Xiao Zhang and his wife found a peaceful and beautiful meadow and decided to hold their wedding ceremony here.

When the day of the wedding came, they pitched their tents on this grassy field, simple and full of romance. Surrounded by tranquil mountains, the air is filled with the fragrance of the plateau.

Xiao Zhang and his wife held hands and walked on this grass, their eyes full of expectations for the future and deep love for each other.

Xiao Zhang whispered that his wife smiled and nodded, and their happiness permeated this peaceful land.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

The wedding was held in the afterglow of the setting sun, and the mountain breeze was gently blowing, spreading the couple's vows to every mountain and river.

The preparation for the wedding was not cumbersome, as the couple already had a clear plan in mind, and they chose to start a new life in this beautiful and remote land, blending their wedding with nature.

When night falls, the stars twinkle in the boundless night sky, forming a fantastic picture of the starry sky.

Xiao Zhang and his wife stood in front of the tent hand in hand, looking up at this bright sea of stars, as if they were in a fairyland.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

The starlight shone on them, reflecting their happy smiles, and every leaf on the grass seemed to dance for their love.

"It's really a paradise. The wife whispered, her eyes full of love for the land and anticipation for the future.

Xiao Zhang stroked his wife's hair and responded with a smile: "This is the wedding of our dreams, in this peaceful land, embracing the starry sky, and spending this special moment together." ”

In the meadow at night, they lit a bonfire, and the light of the fire danced, reflecting on their faces, warm and happy.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

Surrounded by towering mountain peaks and starry night sky, it seems as if this meadow has become a hotbed of their love.

Inside the tent are simple bouquets of flowers and ribbons, as if announcing a new beginning.

Xiao Zhang and his wife had dinner together in the tent, savoring the food in their hands, and enjoying this moment that belonged to them.

The fragrance of the grass on the grass and the coldness of the stars under the stars seem to wash away all distractions, leaving only two hearts that love each other.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

"We're always there for each other. Xiao Zhang looked at his wife affectionately and said, and his wife smiled and nodded, their hearts were deeply integrated under the night.

There is no need for red tape for the wedding to take place, as the meadow itself is the most beautiful backdrop.

The two exchanged rings and made vows, a simple but sincere ritual that swore to nature and engraved their love on the land.

In this peaceful meadow, they began their new and beautiful married life.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

The starlight shines on them, illuminating a bright and glorious path for their future.

This special wedding became the most beautiful memory of their lives, and their love was as unquenchable as the starry sky of this night.

On that night, the starlight was gradually replaced by a sudden movement on the grass, and in the middle of the night, an unusual tense atmosphere hung over Xiao Zhang and his wife.

The once peaceful meadow seemed to become uneasy, and people felt a sense of unease, and suddenly, a melodious howl was heard from all directions, resounding in the night sky of the plateau.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

Xiao Zhang and his wife, who had been sleeping soundly, were awakened by this cry, and they immediately got up to look, only to see a huge group of wild wolves gradually appearing in the moonlight.

Their eyes glowed green, like evil spirits in the night, and their fierce aura permeated the grass.

A wave of fear and surprise swelled up in the hearts of Xiao Zhang and his wife, they originally thought that this remote land would be safe, but they did not expect to encounter such a huge pack of wild wolves.

In this deserted plateau, they became like a helpless boat, facing the coming storm.

The wolves gradually approached them, their steps methodical, and each wolf seemed unusually alert.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

On this deserted plateau, Xiao Zhang and his wife are like a lonely boat, helplessly facing the approaching storm.

There is not a trace of people in the vast plateau, only the vast sky and endless storms under your feet.

The surrounding aura was filled with tension and fear, as if the howl of a wild wolf echoed in the ears, making people shudder.

The wolves were drawing closer to them, their pace methodical, each of them looking unusually alert, their grey-brown fur and their eyes shining dangerously.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang held the items tightly in their hands, trying to drive away the sudden threat.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

Xiao Zhang's wife was pale, her heartbeat was like an agitated drumbeat, she felt extremely frightened and helpless in the face of the approaching wolf, but at this moment, she knew that she had to be strong and had to face it bravely.

Xiao Zhang tries to stay calm, knowing that their survival depends on his decisions and actions.

He glanced at the items at hand and saw that their only weapon was a fruit knife. He knew they couldn't expect the knife to defeat an entire pack of wolves, but at least it would give them a sense of security.

However, to their disappointment, the wolves were not scared away by the storm, and they surrounded Xiao Zhang and his wife, constantly sniffing the breath in the air.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

Xiao Zhang's fingers held the fruit knife tightly, while his wife closed her eyes and silently prayed for safety.

On this deserted plateau, Xiao Zhang and his wife confronted the wolves.

Their hearts beat in sync with the rhythm of the wind and rain, their eyes were full of tension and fear, and the night became so long and terrifying that it seemed like a life-and-death contest that tested their courage and wisdom.

Xiao Zhang waved the tool in his hand, trying to create a deterrent sound, while his wife held a flashlight, trying to deter the wolves through the light.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

However, these efforts only seemed to spur the wolves to attack more ferociously, and the wolves let out a low, roaring howl, as if declaring war on Xiao Zhang and his wife.

The light in their eyes became more and more hideous, revealing a desire for prey, and the faces of Xiao Zhang and his wife were full of helplessness and horror, and they deeply felt their own insignificance and helplessness.

Wild wolves surrounded them, forming an impregnable iron wall, and the only thing Xiao Zhang and his wife could do was to stay calm in the face of this unexpected threat.

The traveling wedding of Xiao Zhang and his wife turned into a tragedy in an instant, and they were helpless under the onslaught of wild wolves, unable to escape this nightmare of the night.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

The shrill howl of wolves mixed with the chaos of the wedding scene, and under the starlight, the grass became a cemetery where they could never meet the dawn.

A passerby by noticed a terrifying sight on the grass, where the bodies of Xiao Zhang and his wife were scattered and bloodstained.

In addition to the consternation, the pedestrian immediately called the police, causing the police to intervene.

The police quickly launched an investigation, and the evidence at the scene and the couple's belongings became clues to their understanding of the truth.

At the site where Xiao Zhang and his wife were camping, the police found tents and relics scattered on the grass, all of which seemed to tell an unusual tragedy.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

The police investigated the scene carefully and found that Xiao Zhang and his wife had placed some food in the tent, and these food were scattered around.

While observing the couple's belongings, the police found the couple's cell phones, which contained video footage of their journey.

It turned out that Xiao Zhang and his wife were misled into believing that wild beasts were human and could be protected as long as they were entertained with food, and this false belief led to their tragedy.

In the video, Mr. and Mrs. Zhang describe how they have heard that there are wild beasts on the Xinzang line, but these beasts are so psychic that they will keep passers-by safe as long as they are entertained.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

Therefore, with good wishes and this false faith, they chose to camp on this deserted plateau to welcome their special wedding.

However, this seemingly miraculous plan backfired, as the food they threw outside the camp attracted a large number of wild wolves, and these hungry wolves treated Xiao Zhang and his wife as food, turning the otherwise romantic wedding into a tragedy.

"Their aspirations are good, but such beliefs are wrong. One officer sighed deeply. In their eyes, behind this case is both human reverence for nature and misunderstanding of wildlife protection.

This tragedy has become a lesson in the need to be cautious in the face of nature.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

When traveling in the wild, it is especially important to understand and respect the laws of nature, and not blindly believe in some unrealistic legends.

After investigating the unfortunate incident of Xiao Zhang and his wife, the police officers felt deeply reflective.

The tragedy taught them and the community that they need to know and respect wildlife properly when traveling in the wild, rather than blindly believing in some fictional legends.

On the plateau where the crime occurred, the police stood on the grass at nightfall, recalling the wrong decision of Xiao Zhang and his wife.

The sparkling light flickered in the night sky, as if it was a silent tribute to the loss of life, and in the face of nature, we need to be more rational and cautious.

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

In this meadow, the relationship between humans and nature is particularly delicate.

The officers understand that respect and understanding of nature is fundamental to the harmony between humans and wildlife.

They hope that through this incident, more people will be inspired to respect the laws of nature and to be extra cautious when taking risks.

"We need to properly understand the behaviour and habits of wild animals and not expect them to behave in our way. ”

The wedding of a couple in Tibetan areas has turned into a funeral, and behind the raid of wild wolves, is it the wolf that is vicious or the mistake of man?

Another officer said. Wild animals have their own ecological laws and territorial ideas, and excessive human intervention can lead to unpredictable consequences. (Only published on the headline account, other platforms are ported)

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The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

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