
"Xiaoxue is not healthy, find a doctor all year round", Xiaoxue on November 22, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat the nourishing "3 treasures"

author:Shukuri Musume

As the temperature gradually decreases and the chill hits, winter health has become the focus of attention. As the saying goes: "Xiaoxue doesn't maintain health, find a doctor all year round." "Entering the light snow solar term is to welcome the arrival of the cold season and do a good job of protecting the body from the cold.

"Xiaoxue is not healthy, find a doctor all year round", Xiaoxue on November 22, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat the nourishing "3 treasures"

At the beginning of winter, the yang energy begins to converge and the yin energy gradually grows. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping warm and avoiding colds to prevent the invasion of colds, wind chills and other diseases. In addition, tonic is also essential, especially the ingredients that nourish yin and dryness, nourish yin and kidneys, and nourish yin should be added to the daily diet. In the cold winter, the human body is often prone to loss of moisture, dry skin, and easy to cause symptoms such as cough and throat discomfort. Therefore, ingredients that nourish yin and nourish the kidneys have become an important choice for health preservation.

"Xiaoxue is not healthy, find a doctor all year round", Xiaoxue on November 22, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat the nourishing "3 treasures"

1. Soft-shelled turtle

For nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, soft-shelled turtle is an excellent choice. The soft-shelled turtle has delicate meat and delicious taste, and is known as a good product for nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney. Especially during the light snow season, eating soft-shelled turtle soup in moderation can not only nourish kidney qi, but also help to enhance immunity and improve the ability to resist cold.

Recommended Recipe: [Farewell My Concubine]

Ingredients: soft-shelled turtle, chicken, wolfberry, ginger slices, green onion, salt, cooking wine

Here's how:

1. Chop the soft-shelled turtle and chicken into small pieces, soak them in water, wash them and set aside, cut the ginger into slices and the green onion into sections.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add the soft-shelled turtle and chicken, add cooking wine and ginger slices, and bring to a boil over high heat. When the water is boiling, skim off the foam and remove it.

3. Heat oil in the pot, add the chicken, stir-fry the water, add an appropriate amount of water, add the soft-shelled turtle meat and shell, add green onions, ginger slices, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours, finally add wolfberry and an appropriate amount of salt, continue to cook for 10 minutes, and then eat.

"Xiaoxue is not healthy, find a doctor all year round", Xiaoxue on November 22, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat the nourishing "3 treasures"

2. Radish

In winter, we also need to pay attention to the body's blood circulation. Cold weather tends to cause blood to clot, so it's important to eat ingredients that nourish the body. Radish soup is an ideal product to nourish the lungs and relieve symptoms such as cough and dry throat. At the same time, radish is also rich in vitamins, which have a positive effect on improving immunity. Radish and shrimp soup can not only nourish the yin but also increase the body's resistance.

"Xiaoxue is not healthy, find a doctor all year round", Xiaoxue on November 22, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat the nourishing "3 treasures"

Recommended Recipe: 【Radish and Shrimp Soup】

Ingredients: radish, shrimp, ginger slices, salt, cooking oil

Here's how:

1. Peel the radish, cut into thin strips, remove the shrimp whiskers and shrimp gun and set aside.

2. Heat oil in a pot, add prawns, radish and ginger slices and stir-fry until the prawns change color, press the shrimp heads with a spatula, add light soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, add water, and bring to a boil over high heat.

3. After the water boils, turn to low heat and cook for 5 minutes, finally add an appropriate amount of salt, stir well, and serve.

"Xiaoxue is not healthy, find a doctor all year round", Xiaoxue on November 22, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat the nourishing "3 treasures"

3. Black beans

Black bean multigrain wotou is a food rich in protein, fiber and other nutrients, which has a significant effect on enhancing physical strength and improving constipation. The following is an introduction to the production method of black bean cereal wotou.

"Xiaoxue is not healthy, find a doctor all year round", Xiaoxue on November 22, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to eat the nourishing "3 treasures"

Recommended Recipe: [Black Bean Multigrain Wotou]

Ingredients: black bean flour, cornmeal, millet flour, baking soda

The steps are as follows:

1. Pour the black bean flour, cornmeal and millet flour into a pot in a ratio of 1:1:1 and mix thoroughly. Add 3 grams of baking soda to the bowl, add a little water, and dissolve the baking soda.

2. Slowly pour baking soda water into a basin, stir well until there are no flour particles, and form a ball, seal and let rise for 30 minutes.

3. Dip your hands in water, take a fist-sized piece of dough, arrange it into a circle, poke a hole with your thumb, and turn the dough to make the hole bigger, make it into a nest, put the nest head into a pot, steam it over high heat until it is steamed, continue to steam for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 2 minutes, then eat.

This black bean multigrain nest can be eaten as a staple food or with soup, making it a delicious and nutritious winter dish.

In winter, we should conform to the natural climate change, pay attention to the body's cold and warm work, and at the same time, through reasonable dietary conditioning, choose ingredients that nourish yin and dryness, nourish yin and kidneys, and nourish yin, so as to replenish nutrients for the body, enhance resistance, and spend a healthy and warm winter.

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