
Skin diseases are frequent in autumn and winter, and experts give advice on how to prevent them

author:Qilu one point
Reporter Qin Congcong

As the temperature gets cooler and the temperature difference between day and night increases, our skin also enters "seasonal mode". In addition to feeling dehydrated and uncomfortable, some skin diseases have also entered a high incidence period, such as chapping, scaling, redness, itching... Dermatology outpatient clinics in major hospitals ushered in a wave of spikes, and pruritus, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, shingles, psoriasis, etc. are all common. How to take care of the skin to survive the change of seasons in a stable manner? How to deal with skin diseases correctly? In this regard, this reporter interviewed relevant experts from the Jinan Dermatology Prevention and Treatment Institute.

Skin problems are high in autumn and winter

Recently, citizen Xiao Wang has been plagued by repeated dry and itchy skin, scratched blood marks on his body, and his sleep at night has also been greatly affected. Unbearable, he went to the hospital for treatment and found that there were not a few patients with the same problem as him.

"The skin is the largest organ in the human body and the first line of defense against external aggressors. It is in direct contact with the outside world, so it is very sensitive to climate change. Yu Debao, vice president of Jinan Dermatology Prevention and Treatment Institute, introduced that with the change of seasons, the temperature and humidity decrease, so that the secretion of sebaceous glands is reduced, most people will feel dry skin, flaking, and dryness and lack of oil, will destroy the protective force of the stratum corneum, so that the superficial nerve endings of the skin are in a more active and sensitive state, for those who have problems with the skin barrier function, it is easy to appear corresponding redness, itching, stinging and desquamation and other symptoms.

In addition, bathing in excessively hot water, washing hands frequently, and prolonged exposure to dry conditions can also exacerbate dry skin.

Because of the invasion of the skin's immune barrier, some inflammatory skin diseases, such as chronic eczema and atopic dermatitis, are prone to onset or recurrence in autumn and winter. At the same time, as the temperature drops, cold urticaria also enters a high incidence period.

According to reports, cold urticaria is a type of physical urticaria, which can be affected by both adults and children. Unlike urticaria, cold urticaria has a well-established history of exposure to cold substances. It is typically characterized by pruritic erythema and wheals in the cold area after skin contact with cold water, cold air and other cold substances. Although most patients can resolve spontaneously, some patients may induce severe anaphylaxis, such as swelling of the throat, chest tightness, abdominal pain and diarrhea, etc., and should seek medical attention promptly.

Older people should be wary of shingles

It should be noted that the elderly are more likely to have skin problems.

Yu Debao explained that with the increase of age, the physiological structure of the elderly gradually changes, the skin's ability to protect and regulate will also decrease, the oil and moisture to moisturize the skin will decrease, the skin becomes dry and sensitive, the skin barrier function is impaired, the skin thickness becomes thinner, the elasticity is significantly reduced, and the ability to adapt to the surrounding environmental stimuli is also reduced.

In autumn and winter, senile pruritus is more common. Foreign epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of pruritus in outpatients over 65 years old is 12%, and the incidence of pruritus in patients over 85 years old is 20%, which is related to skin aging and sebaceous gland function in middle-aged and elderly people.

In addition to dryness, the body's immune function is reduced due to the change of seasons, which also increases the incidence of viral skin diseases.

Herpes zoster is a viral skin disease that occurs in autumn and winter. It is an infectious skin disease caused by the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus that has been latent in the posterior root ganglia or cranial ganglia of the spinal cord for a long time.

Up to more than 90% of adults latent varicella-zoster virus, when the human body is relatively strong, the virus is latent, but when the immunity is reduced, the virus is likely to be activated and replicate in the body, and then manifest as neuroinflammation and clustered blisters on the skin, accompanied by varying degrees of pain.

The incidence of herpes zoster is relatively high in middle-aged and elderly people aged 50 and above, and many patients are accompanied by chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients with other immunocompromised diseases, such as immune diseases, are also at high risk of shingles.

Yu reminds that shingles can lead to serious and long-lasting complications, the most common being postherpetic neuralgia, which can last for months or even years if no intervention is taken early in the disease.

Studies have shown that the development of shingles over the age of 50 may be complicated by a high chance of postherpetic neuralgia.

Take care of your skin, pay attention to prevent dryness and moisturize

Yu Debao pointed out that the occurrence of most skin diseases in autumn and winter is related to dry skin and impaired skin barrier function. Therefore, to prevent skin diseases, it is necessary to strengthen skin care in life.

Because there is a natural protective oil film on the surface of human skin, the climate is dry in autumn and winter, so the number of times to clean the skin should not be too much, the time should not be too long, and the water temperature should not be too high, so as not to destroy the oil film and skin barrier. Try to avoid over-cleansing your skin. Apply a moisturizing lotion or cream, such as a product containing urea, glycerin, or hyaluronic acid, immediately after bathing, and drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

Pay attention to maintaining a stable body temperature in life, maintain a good and happy mood, ensure adequate sleep, and have regular work and rest. In terms of diet, you can choose to eat more fruits and vegetables such as grapes, bananas, apples, carrots, cabbage, etc., to replenish the vitamins and sugars needed by the skin in a timely manner, pay attention to a balanced dietary intake, and try to drink less strong tea and coffee. A humidifier can be used indoors to increase the humidity of the air and avoid prolonged exposure to dry environments.

When itchy skin occurs, be careful to avoid excessive scratching as much as possible to avoid aggravating the damage to the skin barrier. If it is really unbearable, you can gently pat the itchy area, or rub a special ointment. Choose loose, soft, breathable cotton clothes and bed sheets and bedding, and avoid using chemical fibers, wool and other products to reduce skin irritation. In addition, skin problems can also be a manifestation of internal diseases such as diabetes, hepatobiliary diseases, thyroid diseases, and even malignant tumors.

Therefore, when encountering skin diseases, it is recommended not to blindly apply ointment by yourself, but it is recommended to seek medical attention in time, especially if the skin is dry and itchy or the problem lasts for a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms, further examination and treatment are needed to avoid delaying the condition.

Skin diseases are frequent in autumn and winter, and experts give advice on how to prevent them

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