
As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

author:Dr. Teo talks about health
As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

The skin is not only the outward appearance of our body, but also a mirror of the body's inner health.

When there is an abnormality in the skin, such as dandruff when taking off pants, it can be a sign of dry skin or a skin disease, which should be taken seriously.

Occurrence of dry skin

Starting from exogenous factors, frequent bathing is one of the main culprits that lead to dry skin. This is especially true when using detergents that contain strong surfactants, such as those that are full of foam soaps and shower gels.

While these surfactants are effective in cleansing the skin, they can also destroy the skin's natural protective layer, leading to the loss of moisture and oil, ultimately leaving the skin dry and itchy.

Environmental factors are also exacerbating this phenomenon. For example, in the low humidity and cold weather in winter, the moisture content in the air decreases, and indoor heating further reduces the humidity in the air, and the skin moisture evaporates rapidly, exacerbating the degree of skin dryness.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

At the same time, strong winds and excessive sun exposure also impair the skin's barrier function, accelerating the loss of moisture and making the skin drier.

And endogenous factors, especially age, are also silently influencing the health of the skin. As we age, the skin's ability to regenerate gradually decreases, and the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases accordingly, which leads to a decrease in the skin's ability to retain moisture.

One study found that skin hydration and lipid content gradually decreased as we aged, making older adults more susceptible to suffering from dry skin.

In addition to these common factors, some diseases can also be a trigger for dry skin. For example, eczema, psoriasis and hypothyroidism can affect the skin's barrier function and moisturizing ability, increasing the risk of dry skin.

Eczema, for example, is a common skin condition in which the skin's barrier function is often impaired, making the skin more susceptible to moisture loss and reducing the skin's ability to defend itself against external stimuli.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

For people with intrinsic health problems, prompt medical treatment is also crucial. Dry skin may be just the first signal from your body to pay attention to it and address it to help maintain overall health.

The main features of xeroderma

The main feature of xeroderma is associated with impaired proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, accompanied by a decrease in lipid content and a decrease in hydration.

These changes occur mainly in the epidermis and do not directly affect the dermis and subcutaneous tissues.

The stratum corneum is the outer layer of the skin and is composed of structural proteins, intercellular lipids, natural moisturizing factors, and an enzyme system that work together to maintain the skin's barrier function and hydration.

The structural proteins of the stratum corneum, mainly made up of keratin, form a strong physical barrier that protects the skin from the external environment.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

However, when the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes are impaired, the structure and function of keratin are also affected, resulting in a decrease in the skin barrier function and susceptibility to external stimuli.

Intercellular lipids play an important role in maintaining skin hydration and barrier function. Reduced levels of lipids such as ceramides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids can lead to a decrease in the moisture content of the stratum corneum, making the skin dry and rough.

Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) is another vital ingredient that is made up of amino acids, urea, lactic acid, and more, which is able to absorb and retain moisture and maintain the hydration of the skin.

However, when levels of NMF drop, the skin's ability to retain moisture is affected, making the skin more susceptible to dryness.

Finally, the enzyme system plays an important role in the maintenance of the stratum corneum, such as lipases and proteases are involved in the metabolic process of lipids and proteins, affecting the renewal and shedding of keratinocytes.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

When the activity of these enzymes is inhibited, the process of renewal of the stratum corneum is disturbed, resulting in dryness and scaling on the surface of the skin.

Dermatology is a broad concept

Dermatology is a broad field of medicine that encompasses a wide range of lesions, from the epidermis to deep tissue structures, which can be affected. This complexity and diversity requires deep expertise and technical proficiency on the part of physicians.

During the diagnostic process, doctors perform a comprehensive evaluation, including a medical history, clinical examination, laboratory tests, and possibly a skin biopsy.

By looking at the size, shape, color, and location of the lesions, doctors can make an initial determination of the type of skin disease.

For example, dermatitis often presents with symptoms such as redness, itching, and scaling, while autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus may present with features such as facial butterfly erythema.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

Sometimes, doctors may need to do more in-depth tests, such as patch tests or blood tests, to determine the person's allergies or infections.

A biopsy is a critical step in confirming the diagnosis of certain skin conditions, and examining the skin tissue with a suspected lesion through a microscope can help doctors determine the type and severity of the lesion.

With the development of science and technology, the diagnostic methods of skin diseases are also constantly improving. The application of artificial intelligence technology makes the analysis of clinical images more accurate, providing doctors with a more reliable basis for diagnosis.

At the same time, the emergence of single-cell sequencing technology provides new possibilities for precision therapy, and the pathogenesis of diseases can be better understood by analyzing the composition of immune cells.

There are also various ways to treat skin diseases, including medication, physical therapy, and biological therapy.

For autoimmune diseases, drugs such as glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants may be needed. In recent years, the research and development of biologics has brought new hope for the treatment of some refractory skin diseases.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, our understanding and treatment of skin diseases will also be more in-depth and precise, bringing better medical services to patients.

Prevents dry skin

Dry skin is a widespread problem in everyday life, but taking a few simple yet effective measures can significantly reduce the chances of its occurrence.

Moderate bathing is key to preventing dry skin. Excessive bathing, especially the use of hot water, can damage the oil layer on the skin's surface, leading to skin moisture loss.

Therefore, it is advisable to use a mild water temperature and limit the bathing time to reduce irritation to the skin.

It is also crucial to use a mild detergent. Many cleaning products on the market contain strong chemical ingredients that can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

Choosing products that are labeled "hypoallergenic" or "fragrance-free" can help maintain your skin's natural barrier.

Indoor humidity regulation is also very important. Especially in winter, room heating can reduce air humidity and make the skin more susceptible to dryness.

Using a humidifier or placing a basin of water in your home can help increase moisture in the air, which can reduce dry skin.

In addition, avoiding overexposure to extreme climatic conditions is also an effective way to prevent dry skin. Whether it's a cold winter or a hot summer, extreme climates can cause stress on the skin.

In cold weather, warm clothing should be worn to protect exposed skin. In hot weather, sunscreen should be used and prolonged direct exposure to the sun should be avoided.

A good diet is also essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Adequate water intake ensures hydration of the body and skin, while essential nutrients, such as vitamin E and essential fatty acids, are essential for maintaining the skin's elasticity and moisture balance.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

Foods such as nuts, seeds, and olive oil are rich in these nutrients and should be included in the daily diet.

Psychological factors

Emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression not only affect an individual's psychological state, but can also have a negative impact on skin health, aggravate skin problems, or accelerate the process of skin aging.

Stress is an inevitable part of modern life, but long-term stress can cause the body to develop a persistent stress response.

This stress response works by activating the neuroendocrine system, releasing a range of hormones, such as cortisol, that directly affect the skin's barrier function and immune response.

Studies have shown that stress can increase the level of skin inflammation, slow the healing rate of skin wounds, and may even trigger or exacerbate the development of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

Anxiety is an emotional state that can lead to overstimulation and scratching of the skin, which can damage the skin's natural protective layer, making it more susceptible to external irritants and infections.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

In addition, anxiety may also affect an individual's lifestyle choices, such as poor sleep quality and poor eating habits, which indirectly affect the health of the skin.

Depression is a more serious mental health problem that not only affects an individual's mood and behavior, but can also have a direct negative impact on the skin.

People with depression may experience dry skin, pigmentation, and other skin problems. Studies have found that the skin cells of people with depression may produce too much melanin, causing the skin to lose its luster and even form melasma.

In addition, people with depression may lack the motivation to take care of themselves, including basic care for their skin, which can also lead to worsening of skin problems.

Therefore, maintaining good mental health is not only essential for an individual's overall well-being, but also a key factor in maintaining healthy skin.

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

Abnormal conditions of the skin can be a manifestation of dry skin or skin diseases. The right thing to do is to seek diagnosis and advice from a medical professional, along with proper precautions and care to keep your skin healthy and comfortable.

In this process, we should not only pay attention to the external performance of the skin, but also the internal health of the body, because the skin is our first line of defense in contact with the world, and its health reflects our overall health.

References are as follows:

[1] Altered epidermal proliferation, differentiation, and lipid composition: a new key element in the vitiligo puzzle

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

[2] Research progress on xeroderma

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

[3] Stress and quality of life in skin diseases: the moderating effect of anxiety-sensitive social concern

As soon as you take off your pants, "dander flies all over the sky", is this a skin disease, or is the skin too dry?

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