
Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

author:Cheng Yixian

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Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

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Many people like to eat in restaurants because they can eat the food carefully prepared by the chef, which is convenient and fast.

But did you know that in order to improve efficiency and save costs, some dishes in restaurants are not clean and hygienic at all?

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

There are 3 dishes that the chef and waiter generally do not eat, and only the uninformed diners often order them.

Which three dishes are "shot"? After reading it, you will be wary!

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

●—≺ Dried Flower Vegetables ≻—●

This first course is dried pot cauliflower.

This dish is a dish that often appears on the public dinner table whether it is at home or in a restaurant, it is crisp and delicious, not as greasy as meat, so the elderly and children often choose.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

Many people think that only meat dishes are easy to be "unclean", and vegetarian dishes will not be a big problem.

Then you are wrong, the secret of dry pot cauliflower is beyond your imagination.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

Cauliflower is a common vegetable, with a special shape, loose structure, and often pesticide residues, dust and other dirt hidden in the crevices, which need to be carefully cleaned, otherwise it is not safe to eat.

However, some catering practitioners who pursue profit maximization, in order to save trouble and labor and speed up the speed of food cooking, do not clean the cauliflower and directly put it into the dry pot to overheat the oil, which has great health risks.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

According to media reports, during the processing of the dry-pot cauliflower of a well-known chain restaurant, the purchased cauliflower was taken directly from the packaging bag and fried in a hot oil pan without any cleaning.

When you eat this deep-fried cauliflower, you will feel that the texture of the oil is unusual and slightly bitter.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

Some hotel employees revealed that the cauliflower needs to be fried in oil, and the oil is recycled many times, and long-term high-temperature heating produces peculiar smells, and may also contain certain fatty acids and carcinogens.

Eating such food directly has certain hidden dangers to human health.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

The oil is not clean enough, and the cauliflower itself that has not been washed also has the risk of excessive pesticide residues.

These cauliflowers are cooked and eaten without washing, which can easily lead to acute or subacute food poisoning, and senior dietary experts also point out that various microorganisms and parasite eggs may also be attached to the surface of cauliflower.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

If it is eaten raw, there is a great risk of infection, and even after high-temperature cooking, some heat-resistant microbial toxins may remain, causing damage to human health, especially children, the elderly, pregnant women and other special groups.

We must not believe that "cauliflower will taste good if it is directly oiled", and we must choose a restaurant with good hygiene habits and responsible food handling procedures.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

If you make your own homemade dry-pot cauliflower, you must also wash it carefully before putting it into the pot, so as to minimize the risk of foodborne illness and ensure food safety.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

●—≺ fried mushrooms ≻—●

The first dish is fried mushrooms, and some restaurants call them salt-and-pepper mushrooms.

Mushrooms are a favorite ingredient for many people, especially fried mushrooms, which are popular with diners, but did you know that many restaurants skip the step of cleaning mushrooms in order to pursue efficiency?

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

How can mushrooms be cooked without washing?

The beauty of this dish is that it is also deep-fried.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

Some restaurants do not wash mushrooms, but directly tear the mushrooms into strips, wrap them in batter and fry them, sprinkle some salt and pepper or cumin, and serve them to customers, and a dish is so simple to make.

This increases the risk of eating stale or unclean mushrooms, so as a hygienic and delicious eater, how do we choose and prepare fried mushrooms correctly?

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

High-quality fried mushrooms must start with high-quality ingredients.

The newer oyster mushroom cap is full and elastic, the color is bright white, the stipe is thick, and the surface is not damaged.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

If you choose to buy it yourself and take it home, but you are not in a hurry to cook it, take care to avoid moisture, store it in the refrigerator, and eat it for a short time.

Cleaning is also a big task before making this dish, and proper cleaning can remove dust and microorganisms attached to the surface of the mushrooms.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

When cleaning mushroom vegetables, the time should not be too long, so as not to absorb too much water, you can quickly rinse with water first, then soak in a little salt water for 2-3 minutes, and finally wash gently.

A small amount of vinegar can also be added when soaking to help sterilize, and the washed mushrooms need to be wiped dry to facilitate subsequent coating.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

The batter directly affects the effect of frying, so it is recommended to mix flour, starch, and an appropriate amount of water to avoid the batter being too thick or too thin.

It is not recommended to add eggs, which will cause the mushrooms to become softer, you can add a little cumin, pepper and other spices according to your personal taste to add flavor, and mix the washed mushrooms into the batter and evenly coat them.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

After wrapping the flour, it is fried in the oil pan, and the correct frying method is also very important, and the oil temperature is well controlled, so as to fry the effect of crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

It is recommended to fry the mushrooms in 60% hot oil until golden brown on both sides, remove the oil, and then raise the oil temperature to 70% hot, put the mushrooms and fry them for 10 seconds.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

After cooking, you can lightly sprinkle a little salt, or you can add seasonings such as black pepper, monosodium glutamate or chili powder according to your personal preference to make it fresh and appetizing.

Following the above tips, the fried mushrooms are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh and delicious, and I believe that they will become a delicious dish at family dinners.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

●—≺ Crayfish ≻—●

This third course is the delicious crayfish from the summer night market.

Crayfish is a must-order delicacy for many diners in summer, especially when the heat comes, order a chilled crayfish with beer, which is an excellent summer dish, however, crayfish seems delicious, but it hides some hidden dangers in eating.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

As a seafood food, the spicy taste of crayfish covers up a lot of stale flavors, and at the end of the day, the unhygienic taste is even more shocking.

The main reason for unhygienic is that crayfish are in high demand in summer.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

When business is good, a larger restaurant may sell hundreds of catties of crayfish every day.

In the face of such high demand, it is difficult for restaurant staff to carefully clean the crayfish one by one, most of them are simple cleaning, and the appearance of the crayfish is passable.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

Some shops are very careful and will use shrimp powder or other chemical cleaning products to clean in batches, but the results are not ideal.

What's more, in order to reduce costs, they don't even wash them, and directly put the live shrimp in the pot and serve them to the table.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

In this case, netizens have two opinions, some think that it is very unhygienic, and they will never eat crayfish outside again in the future.

But some people think that even if the crayfish is not clean, but after frying and stir-frying at high temperature, even if it is unhygienic, it is sanitized at high temperature, and there must be no problem with eating, what is the truth?

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

In fact, crayfish are prone to attach various microorganisms, parasites and other pollutants to the body surface, even if the pathogen is killed by high-temperature cooking, some heat-resistant bacteria will still remain, forming a hidden danger to food safety.

This is especially the case with wild crayfish.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

Non-standard breeding environment can also lead to crayfish pollution, some farms are located in areas with serious industrial pollution, and crayfish absorb various heavy metals.

There are also farms that use excessive hormones and feed additives, resulting in excessive drug residues in crayfish, which increases the food safety risk of crayfish.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

When we eat in restaurants, we try to choose crayfish from regular farms, and more than eighty percent of the crayfish currently circulating on the market are farmed.

Compared with wild crayfish, farmed crayfish have a lower risk of pollution, but it is also important to choose a reputable and well-managed farm, which will pay attention to environmental protection and drug use to ensure the quality of crayfish.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

Looking at the farm traceability information on the crayfish packaging can also give an idea of its reliability.

When dining in a restaurant, it is recommended that diners avoid peak hours, try to choose a restaurant with less foot traffic, and can communicate with the waiter to ask the restaurant to provide a reliable crayfish cleaning certificate.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

There is also a trick to recommend to everyone, that is, to pack and take away the crayfish in advance, and it is also a good choice to go home for a second cleaning.

Crayfish may look delicious, but it may hide food safety issues, as a foodie, be vigilant and choose reliable crayfish products to better enjoy this delicacy.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

●—≺ Conclusion ≻—●

While food safety in small restaurants is a concern, the sourcing and processing methods of large restaurant chains cannot be ignored.

We should enjoy the convenience of food while ensuring the hygiene and nutrition of food.

Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

No matter how good the food outside is, it is not as delicious and hygienic as the food at home, I hope everyone can often go home to see and make a table of nutritious food by themselves, which is both clean and thoughtful.

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Many people must order the "dirtiest" 3 dishes in the restaurant, but the hotel staff generally do not eat them

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