
Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

author:Lele Fashion House

Title: Years Like a Song - Memories of Our Youth

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

In that campus full of youth, the four names Zhu Yuanyuan, Tang Xu, Li Naiwen and Xin Baiqing are like shining lights, and they use their own stories to compose a song that belongs to youth. Today, I would like to take this article to take you back to that touching time when friendship and love, challenges and growth were intertwined with each other.

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

Zhu Yuanyuan, who first stepped into the university gate, was a sunny girl. She has an independent and strong personality like chasing the wind and the sun, and is quite popular among her classmates. Tang Xu and Li Naiwen are her closest friends, and the three of them have spent many unforgettable moments together. And Xin Baiqing, with his self-evident but deep feelings for Zhu Yuanyuan, told us a heartwarming and active love story.

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

The college years were short, but colorful enough. We experienced the teacher's motivating explanations in class, the bright lights in the library to study knowledge, and the sweetness, shyness and sincerity in front of the confession wall downstairs in the dormitory. Every detail records the beautiful and tangled and complex bits and pieces of our growth.

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

Just as simple and real as Zhu Yuanjian's smile when he received Xin Baiqing's incomparably clean laundry detergent, or the cautious and firm determination when he saw Xin Baiqing change his dress just to win the approval of his friends and get more attention from Zhu Yuanjian, these clips constitute the pure and indifferent but extremely precious feelings between them.

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

Time flies, from the graduation season to the first professional test to the auditorium and say "I do", the protagonists each write their own magnificent or stable and warm life chapters. Despite the changes of time and social trials, they have always kept a low profile and faced every new challenge in life.

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

This is the end of the article, but the thoughts about the dotted relationships between the four protagonists and their life trajectories have only just begun: have we had similar experiences, can we stay positive in the face of setbacks and choices, and how will we continue to move forward in the future?

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

After sharing the beautiful and beautiful stories of these years, please remember that everyone is the screenwriter and starring in their own destiny. May you and I look back on the past with a smile and say, "My life is up to me." ”

Tang Xu: is like glue with Zhu Yuanyuan, if it weren't for Xin Baiqing, she would almost marry him

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