
CMGE Xiao Jian: The IP of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" will continue to be upgraded and iterated to sharpen new light

author:Straight Flush Finance

CMGE Xiao Jian: The IP of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" will continue to be upgraded and iterated to sharpen the new light###

On November 9, the "2023 Game IP Ecology Conference" was officially opened, sponsored by the Game Publishing Working Committee of the China Audio-video and Digital Publishing Association, the China Game Industry Research Institute, and the Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee, and co-organized by the Propaganda and United Front Work Department of Suzhou Industrial Park and Gamma Data. With the theme of "Empowerment and Upgrading, Interconnection and Symbiosis", the conference invited relevant leaders of Suzhou City and China Audio and Digital Association, as well as industry experts and business leaders in the fields of games, film and television, cultural and creative, online literature, and publishing. Xiao Jian, Chairman and CEO of CMGE, was invited to attend the conference and delivered a keynote speech on "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" IP Sharpens New Light - Exploration and Practice of Game IP Content Innovation.

CMGE Xiao Jian: The IP of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" will continue to be upgraded and iterated to sharpen new light

In recent years, the cross-border integration of the game industry has become the focus of social attention. In particular, with the rapid development of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, the game industry is gradually spilling over to other fields with the help of more advanced game technologies, not only creating more new super digital consumption scenarios, but also realizing the integration and interconnection and virtual and real symbiosis with other traditional cultural industries using technology and IP as the medium. This has also become an inevitable trend in the future development of China's game industry. After 28 anniversaries, the national-level IP "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", which is still flourishing, has become a successful case representative of cross-border integration of the industry.

The following is a transcript of the speech:

Xiao Jian: Distinguished leaders and guests, good morning! I am Xiao Jian from CMGE, and I am very happy to be able to come to the beautiful Suzhou today to attend this game IP ecological conference.

CMGE Xiao Jian: The IP of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" will continue to be upgraded and iterated to sharpen new light

CMGE is a global IP game operator. With IP as the core, we provide high-quality IP games for global players through independent R&D and joint R&D. Focusing on its own IP "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", we will continue to create high-quality content and interactive experiences for fans, create world-class IP, and build "Sword and Fairy World" into the world's first national style Xianxia virtual world.

Today, the theme of the conference is "Empowerment and Upgrading, Interconnection and Symbiosis", and I will also report to you on how to achieve "empowerment and upgrading" and "interconnection and symbiosis" around my own IP "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

In the first report focusing on cultural IP jointly released by Xinhua News Agency's Lookout Think Tank and the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Cultural Expo, "Towards High-quality Development: 2017-2018 IP Evaluation Report", "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" was selected as the top 20 in the IP value list of China's contemporary cultural products, and it is also the gold medal IP of the "2020~2021 China Annual IP Selection" sponsored by the Copyright Administration of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the National Copyright Exchange Center.

Speaking of IP influence, "The Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" has opened up the domestic Xianxia stand-alone game market since 1995, and many colleagues here should have grown up playing this game. In 2005 and 2009, this game filmed the TV series of the same name, and won a huge amount of attention, so it also surpassed the influence of the game IP itself and became a national IP. From 1995 to 2021, in the 26 years of the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" series, 9 stand-alone works have been released, constantly improving the entire world view and IP content.

The game spans thousands of years in time, and the geographical span includes Dali, Miaojiang, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Yuzhou and other regions, and covers rich content such as historical legends, traditional culture, and customs.

The user base of Xianjian IP around the world exceeds 600 million, and the ratio of men to women is close to 1:1, which includes 100 million core fans, and the other 500 million are people who are familiar with Xianjian IP because they have watched Xianjian's TV series. On the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Poland, the largest game-themed concert "Innovative Polish Fun Unlimited", "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" became the only representative of Chinese games and performed as an encore project.

Through years of development, Xianjian has built a huge derivative ecology, including games, comics, literature, trendy toys, animation, musicals, stage plays, film and television works, theme restaurants, and even live entertainment. We have also reached cooperation with Tencent Video, iQiyi and other platforms, and from the end of this year to the next five years, there will be 6 film and television dramas and 3 cartoons to meet you.

In terms of interactive images, there is a very popular interactive drama game called "! I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women!", which has now become a phenomenon. In the future, this kind of integration similar to games and short dramas should be a form that many players and drama fans like to see. We think that this type of work is actually a very obvious trend of IP, and Xianjian will become the first person to eat crabs, so we officially announced the relevant cooperation yesterday, and it has also received heated discussions from the industry and fans, and it quickly became the first on the Weibo game hot search list after the news was announced.

Before that, CMGE also has a movie-level MR interactive game with Fairy Sword IP has been put on the agenda, this product is jointly created by CMGE and the release of the "Legend of Chuncao: Muhe Crisis" cloud game product Weiling Era, which will be a product that shows the new generation of interactive revolution in the future from the multi-dimensional level of visual images, practical experience, immersive experience, etc., the game adopts the latest cloud rendering technology of Weiling Era, and supports VR and MR equipment. In the future, high-quality content will also be adapted to computers, TV screens and mobile phones. At the same time, the game will be launched in the form of a short drama, with each episode of 20 minutes, a total of 8 episodes, and a fee per episode, so that players can experience a new drama-like game experience.

Recently, everyone should have also paid attention to WeChat's mini games, which have now become a huge blue ocean market, and they are also a new opportunity for many small and medium-sized R&D teams to break through. The mini game track is also one of the very important layout directions of CMGE. The mini-game based on the IP of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" has also been officially launched, and this mini-game "The Legend of Sword and Fairy: A New Beginning" in cooperation with Kaiying Network has been among the top ten best-selling WeChat mini games for a long time after its launch.

Xianjian IP has covered people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and other fields. We have carried out derivative cooperation with hundreds of brands, such as the cooperation between the figure and Bubble Mart, the cooperation between large-scale sculpture and Kaitian Studio, the cooperation between ceramics and Sinocera Yongfengyuan, the Li Xiaoyao skin has been launched in the Glory of Kings, and there is also a complete set of "Xianjian Yi" characters for sale in the Peace Elite, and in terms of live entertainment, the Xianjian Town project in Hangzhou Xixi Wetland is also in full swing. At the same time, we have also created an exclusive community for our fans to further maintain closer communication with fans, this community app is called "Sword and Fairy Alliance", which has been launched on major app markets.

Fairy Sword started in games, but it has grown into a well-known IP brand, which has a deep connection with all walks of life, empowered many physical industries, and achieved good commercial value and returns. In the future, with the development of technologies and forms such as open world, metaverse, UGC, AIGC, etc., we are also thinking about how Xianjian IP can meet the needs of players in the future and achieve more competitive upgrades and longer linear operations.

"Sword and Fairy World" continues the core of the Sword and Fairy IP, and Fairy Sword, as the first IP of the national style Xianxia, has always been praised for its high-quality plot and music. Its plot constantly explores the dialectical relationship between man and nature, the conflict between race and personal positions, and the choice between righteousness and ego. Xianjian IP has been working tirelessly on cultural innovation.

The Xianxia World created based on the IP of Xianjian is integrated into Chinese culture to show the beauty of Chinese classical philosophy, Chinese landscapes, and Chinese mythology. Players can not only experience the audio-visual feast in the game, but also gain cultural knowledge and life insights in the story content. "Sword and Fairy World" creates a world of national style and fairy with humanistic connotation, and contributes to the promotion of Chinese culture.

We often say that Europeans and Americans have a magical understanding of fantasy, science fiction and Norse mythology. Chinese also has Chinese own fantasy world, that is, the fairyland-like fairy world. We hope to make the Chinese feel about the grand fantasy world of Xianxia.

As a grand fantasy Xianxia world, "Sword and Fairy World" has a large map of 384 square kilometers, plains, mountains, basins, forests and other ecological terrains, and builds various Xianxia scenes such as fairy mountains, floating islands, overseas fairy islands, and fairy gate ruins, so as to build a grand fantasy Xianxia world, in which you can experience the symbiotic ecology of people, demons, and spirits.

Today, we all came to the beautiful Suzhou, "Sword and Fairy World" has built Suzhou City into the entire virtual world of Fairy Sword, and integrated Suzhou's architectural style, food and commentary.

In terms of content, he takes the spirit of Sword and Fairy IP as the core of his creation, and explores the humanistic spirit of fate, bonds, choices, and emotions through a large number of plot content such as the main plot, character-exclusive plot, and side quest plot. In terms of free exploration, players can fly away to explore multiple spaces, transform into spirits and use various spirit skills, and a large number of adventures, traps, puzzles, ruins, etc. are distributed in the vast world, experiencing the surprise fun of free exploration. In terms of socialization, "Sword and Fairy World" has an independent single-player world for individuals to explore, and you can also enter the multiplayer environment to meet friends and play together, and leisure gameplay such as home, fishing, farming, and life skills provide users with a relaxed and interesting social environment. In terms of leisure life, "Sword and Fairy World" builds a life and commercial area that combines virtual and real, and experiences a paradise life integrating creation, shopping, leisure, and entertainment.

Moreover, in the game, you can explore multiple spaces and encounter various adventures, including heaven and earth, spiritual curiosity, fairy exploration, etc., and you can also have a variety of interesting social interactions here to establish a benign and long-term social relationship. Players can work together in teams, such as the Great Secret Realm, Dungeon, Home Socializing, and summoning players to help explore, enter the market to set up stalls and trade, etc., to accomplish more things, forming a very long-term benign social environment.

In addition, players can also purchase a personal private home in the spiritual world, a living and commercial area that combines virtual and real life, to create an exclusive private mansion, participate in PartyGame gameplay, jump and dance, a variety of vertical social scenes, and watch virtual concerts performed by celebrities. You can also freely create gameplay, shoot scripts, design home blueprints, create furniture, design costumes, etc. The content created can be freely traded for economic gain. The product will also be integrated with the B-end business of the real economy, and cooperate with cultural organizations to build online museums, intangible cultural heritage experience halls, and cultural tourism attractions, open up online and offline experiences, provide culture, entertainment, consumption and other life experiences, and show business interaction in this regard.

As mentioned earlier, technological innovation and the application of AIGC will bring a huge sense of immersion and realism to the virtual world of Fairy Sword. In terms of technology application, we have comprehensively improved the realism of the environment and enhanced the sense of immersion in the virtual world through a number of technology applications. Using 24-hour real-time lighting, the early morning, day, dusk, and night alternate to achieve the real water flow effect, simulate the reflection of the real water surface, the perspective of the water flow, and the use of high-density grass sea technology to show the swaying of vegetation according to weather changes.

In terms of technology application to enhance player experience and stimulate creativity, such as the AI NPC part that everyone is most concerned about nowadays, the NPCs of "Sword and Fairy World" will show corresponding behaviors and conversations according to the natural environment, forming a natural and real social ecology and improving the authenticity of the virtual world. Players can also call the AI technology applications provided by the product, such as AI face pinching, AI voice, AI action generation, AI+UGC and AI conversion of 3D digital assets, etc., to enrich the user's personalized expression, vivid performances, rich 3D digital asset content, free communication experience, and lightweight creation, greatly enriching and enhancing the player's interactive experience and stimulating their creativity in the virtual world.

Since the "Sword and Fairy World" product will be adapted to multiple terminals to improve terminal reach. At present, it has supported mobile, PC and cloud, and will focus on VR/MR version and console version in the future. "Sword and Fairy World" will realize account interoperability, no matter what device is accessed, access to the same world. "Sword and Fairy World" not only serves the players in the existing terminal market, but also strives to become a killer application in the era of space Internet!

We believe that the future of games should give the choice to the players, and the players will freely explore and create in the world, and form a circular economic system to achieve better integration of the virtual and the real, so that the game will also become an endless platform. "Sword and Fairy World" is not only a super first-line open world game, but also a virtual world full of oriental fantasy and romantic feelings! "Sword and Fairy World" around the "game + social + UGC" to create a set of games, leisure, social and consumption in one of the virtual space, the future will develop into a user co-creation, co-construction and virtual and real symbiosis game platform.

With the launch of "Sword and Fairy World", CMGE's three-dimensional construction around the Sword and Fairy IP and the upgrading of the needs of future players will achieve an important closed loop, and the Sword and Fairy IP will also return to the top!

In addition, CMGE has adhered to the IP game strategy since 2014, and we have established cooperation with the world's top copyright owners to adapt their excellent IP into games and promote them globally. At present, we have more than dozens of well-known IP copyright owners have established cooperation with us, including our own IP, a total of 123 IP reserves, including 55 authorized IPs and 68 self-owned IPs. We have also established cooperative relations with dozens of game development companies in the industry, and we have also invested in more than 20 developers, and we work together to create high-quality high-quality IP games and publish them globally.

We have launched a number of excellent IP game works, such as "One Piece Blood Route", which we co-published with Chaoxi Lightyear, with a turnover of more than 400 million in the first month, and "The Legend of Sword and Fairy: Sword Swinging Love", which we jointly developed and published with a third-party partner, with a turnover of more than 200 million in the first month. IP game strategy is the core strategy of CMGE, and we are very willing to carry out continuous and in-depth IP game cooperation with top IP copyright owners and excellent developers in the industry.

In the future, we have a number of excellent boutique IP games launched at home and overseas. We will usher in a number of new blockbuster IP games jointly developed including "Douluo Continent: Shrek Academy", "Daily Life of Chat Group", "Breaking the Sky: Peak Showdown", "New Three Kingdoms: The Legend of Cao Cao", "Douluo Continent: Reversal of Time and Space" and "Naruto: Konoha Master", etc., and based on its own IP, self-developed "City Lord World", "All People Street Basket", and self-developed core game "Sword and Fairy World" will be officially launched. At the same time, we will also make greater efforts to go overseas in 2024, and we will soon launch "The Legend of Sword and Fairy: Sword Swinging Love", "Douluo Continent: Shrek Academy", "Breaking the Sky: Peak Showdown", "New Three Kingdoms: The Legend of Cao Cao", "Codename: DreamWorks All-Stars", and will also launch "Dynasty Warriors" in Japan, "Codename: DreamWorks All-Stars" in Europe and the United States, etc. In 2024, CMGE will achieve comprehensive growth at home and abroad, and it is believed that the game industry will also usher in a huge explosion period in 2024.

The above is CMGE's innovative exploration and practical experience sharing in game IP content.

That's all for today's report, thank you for listening, and I wish you all a fruitful trip to Suzhou!

About CMGE

CMGE is a leading global IP game operator. With IP as the core, the company provides high-quality IP games for global players through independent R&D and joint R&D, creating a highly competitive IP game ecosystem. Deeply cultivate the operation of its own IP such as "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Monopoly", continue to create high-quality content and interactive experience for fans, and create world-class IP!

Launched on NASDAQ on September 25, 2012, CMGE is the first mobile game company in China to be listed on the U.S. stock market, which was privatized in August 2015 and listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 31, 2019 (stock code: 0302.HK). HK)。

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