
Wang Qianqiu, who used to be Han Kuo-yu's press chief when he was mayor of Kaohsiung, had close contacts with Han Kuo-yu, and she revealed that Han Kuo-yu only wanted to be a cheerleader, but now the Blues cannot do without Han Kuo-yu.

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

Wang Qianqiu, who used to be Han Kuo-yu's press chief when he was mayor of Kaohsiung, had close contacts with Han Kuo-yu, and she revealed that Han Kuo-yu only wanted to be a cheerleader, but now the Blues cannot do without Han Kuo-yu. Many people want to put him in the first place in the "no division", or promote the pairing of Hou Youyi and Han Yu.

Han Kuo-yu's ability, eloquence, and influence put him in a positive position, even if he was not selected 4 years ago, giving him another chance this time may be his best position. But now it is impossible, the Kuomintang does not have such grace, nor has it made such a decision.

Han Kuo-yu's former chairman of the Information Bureau asked Han Kuo-yu if anyone had come to talk to him, and Han Kuo-yu said yes, but he did not agree, and he did his good job as a cheerleader. Some people also proposed that Han Kuo-yu should be put first among the "non-district legislators", and Han Kuo-yu may not be very interested in these.

Han Kuo-yu has been elected positively, and in that election he faced Tsai Ing-wen, and the Blues did not choose badly in 2020. It is not that Tsai Ing-wen was elected well, but that there were special circumstances in 2020, when the DPP manipulated the cross-strait issue and put the turmoil caused by the amendment of the Hong Kong bill ahead of the election.

Originally, it had nothing to do with Taiwan, but Tsai Ing-wen manipulated such a situation to intimidate Taiwanese voters. Some people fell for her, although they were not selected that time, but it does not mean that Han Yu will not be selected. If he is allowed to be his deputy, he will also have to take responsibility, and he will not have the right to speak if he is elected, so it is better to take up the post of chairman of the Kuomintang after the election.

For Han Yu, some people think that he is reluctant to come out, and "Hou Han Pei" is because he has a certain plot with Ke Wenzhe. When he was the general manager of the Taipei Agricultural Company, Ke Wenzhe gave him a chance, and he was reluctant to fight directly. Han Yu is not such a person, if he is really corrected, he will definitely fight against Ke Wenzhe, there is no doubt about it.

Han Kuo-yu is considering that with his role, if he cannot have the right to speak and lead the election, he will definitely not participate. Han Kuo-yu is now doing a good job as a cheerleader, and letting "Korean fans" support Hou Youyi is already the best position.

Han Yu's family is in charge of his wife Li Jiafen, Li Jiafen saw that in the last election, their house was said to be illegal, the basketball court was demolished, the school held in Yunlin was also checked water meters, and her two daughters and a son were doxxed, which hurt their family too much. Li Jiafen said that in the future, he should not worry about Taiwan's political affairs.

Han Kuo-yu this time is out of sincerity, he wants to help the Kuomintang and save Taiwan, so he would rather be a cheerleader than wade into this troubled water The biggest reason is family factors.

Wang Qianqiu, who used to be Han Kuo-yu's press chief when he was mayor of Kaohsiung, had close contacts with Han Kuo-yu, and she revealed that Han Kuo-yu only wanted to be a cheerleader, but now the Blues cannot do without Han Kuo-yu.
Wang Qianqiu, who used to be Han Kuo-yu's press chief when he was mayor of Kaohsiung, had close contacts with Han Kuo-yu, and she revealed that Han Kuo-yu only wanted to be a cheerleader, but now the Blues cannot do without Han Kuo-yu.
Wang Qianqiu, who used to be Han Kuo-yu's press chief when he was mayor of Kaohsiung, had close contacts with Han Kuo-yu, and she revealed that Han Kuo-yu only wanted to be a cheerleader, but now the Blues cannot do without Han Kuo-yu.

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