
Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

author:Lao Li Health said

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In the hospital room late at night, Aunt Li moaned softly. Cancer is not only life-threatening, but also unbearable pain.

Her family sat around the bed, helpless and anxious. Cancer pain, like an invisible shadow, hangs over every cancer patient and their family. However, even in such a difficult situation, there are measures that can be taken to prevent and relieve this pain, bringing substantial relief to the patient.

The management of cancer pain is a multidisciplinary process that involves multiple aspects such as medication, psychological support, and lifestyle care. Here are three key details that can serve as an entry point for preventing and caring for cancer pain. First, medication is the foundation for managing cancer pain.

Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a stepwise treatment plan for cancer pain, which provides clear guidance for clinical practice. This regimen recommends starting with non-opioids and progressively transitioning to opioids depending on the level of pain. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication according to the patient's specific situation.

In this process, details determine success or failure, such as drug selection, dosage adjustment, and administration time, etc., all need to be carefully adjusted. At the same time, doctors and nurses will closely monitor the patient's reaction to the drug and side effects to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and the patient's safety. Second, psychological support is essential for relieving cancer pain. Pain is not only a feeling, but also an emotional experience.

Fluctuations in mental states, such as anxiety, depression, and fear, can exacerbate the feeling of pain. Therefore, providing psychological counseling and support is an important part of managing cancer pain. Professional counsellors can help people adopt various strategies, such as relaxation training, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc., to improve their emotional state and thus reduce the perception of pain.

Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

Third, the details of life care should not be overlooked. Daily care for cancer patients is equally important for pain management. Family members and caregivers should pay attention to the following: Maintain a comfortable sleeping environment, as adequate rest can increase the body's tolerance for pain.

Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

Encourage moderate activity, appropriate physical activity can improve blood circulation and help reduce pain; Dietary modification is also key, and balanced nutrition can help patients maintain their strength and cope better with pain.

In Aunt Li's hospital room, doctors and nurses are carefully adjusting her medication regimen. Her daughter recorded every word of the doctor, ready to continue collecting information when she returned home. She knows that in addition to hospital treatment, home care is just as important. By optimising the details of care at home, she hopes to give her mother more comfort and support.

Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

Small life changes may also help relieve cancer pain. For example, adjusting the temperature and light in the room to make the environment more comfortable can help patients relax better; Providing music and reading materials can divert the patient's attention and reduce the focus on the pain.

Make sure the patient wears loose-fitting clothing to reduce the feeling of pressure on the body; As well as maintaining good ventilation, it helps to improve the patient's mood and sleep quality. The doctor also stressed the importance of education and training for family members. Families need to understand how to look for signs of pain, how to assess the intensity of pain, and how to use a pain diary to record changes in pain.

Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

This information is essential for doctors to adjust their treatment plan. In addition, families should learn basic pain relief techniques, such as how to help the patient adjust their position, how to perform a simple massage, and how to use non-pharmacological therapies such as hot and cold compresses.

The active participation of Aunt Li's family has added strength to her pain management. They learned that preventing and caring for cancer pain is not just the responsibility of doctors, and that every family member has a role to play in the process. Through the joint efforts of families, the quality of life of patients can be greatly improved and even help to improve the treatment outcome.

Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

Patients and families are not helpless in the face of cancer pain. Through careful medication, meticulous psychological support and life care, pain can be effectively controlled and relieved. Auntie Lee's pain was gradually alleviated, she began to have more time to share smiles with her family, and although the shadow of cancer remained, she and her family learned to find their light and hope in this struggle.

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Cancer pain is painful for patients, how to prevent and care for it? Doctor: There are 3 details to keep in mind

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