
Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

author:Uncle Art

On November 8, a harrowing video quickly went viral, in which the victim's mother emotionally recounted: "I raised the child with my own hands, and you threatened me with the jobs of two public officials in our family." ”

The aunt of the victims at the Jiamusi Stadium revealed that after the accident, they were not notified by the relevant departments to understand the progress of the investigation. Instead, two relatives of public officials in the family were pressured by officials to persuade the child's mother to sign a certain agreement while working on the 8th.

Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

The mother of the victim said that even if she divorced the child's father (public official) and cut off the relationship with the child's uncle (public official), she wanted to get the truth!

When the accident occurred, instead of actively investigating the cause of the accident, pursuing responsibility, and announcing the truth, they tried every means to block the public's mouth, and even mobilized resources to find information about the victims' families, trying to find a breakthrough to turn a big incident into a small one.

It's chilling!

The people we support have even begun to use the power in their hands to target the common people. If this continues, the credibility of the country will inevitably decline.

Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

One of the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union was the serious lack of credibility of the government.

Corruption and authoritarian rule within the Central Committee of the CPSU led to the gradual erosion of popular trust in the government, providing an opportunity for the rise of the opposition.

During that period, the power of the Central Committee of the CPSU was highly centralized, and officials tended to care only about their own interests, abuse their powers, and take bribes, which led to the gradual loss of popular trust in the government. Such corrupt practices not only harm the interests of the people, but also seriously damage the image and credibility of the government.

In addition, the autocratic rule of the Central Committee of the CPSU led to the loss of popular support for the government. Government officials often think only of their own interests, ignoring the principles of democracy and the rule of law. They arbitrarily formulate policies and measures without consulting the opinions and consent of the people, which makes the people dissatisfied and distrustful of the government's decision-making.

Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

As the government lost the support and trust of the population, the opposition was able to organize and express its dissatisfaction and opposition to the government in various ways. These opposition groups often blame the government for corruption and authoritarian rule, calling for reform and democratization. Over time, these opposition groups grew in strength and eventually overthrew the regime of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Indeed, the loss of government credibility has played a key role in many historical events.

The Vietnam War is also a clear example of this.

In addition to questions of military strategy and foreign policy, the U.S. government's defeat in the Vietnam War was largely due to the loss of its credibility.

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. government's propaganda strategy focused on fear and threats in the hope of galvanizing public support. However, this strategy has not had the desired effect, and has instead raised questions about the true intentions and moral standards of the U.S. government and the international community.

Many people saw the Vietnam War as an endless, unnecessary war, which greatly undermined the credibility of the U.S. government.

Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

At the same time, the moral foundations of the U.S. government have been severely challenged. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. government's restrictions on civil rights and freedom of speech left people disappointed and outraged. In addition, some of the actions of the United States Government during the war, such as the bombing and destruction of Vietnamese villages, as well as the brutal treatment of prisoners of war and innocent civilians, have seriously damaged its moral image in the international community.

This dilemma was not accidental, but was part of the U.S. government's strategic defeat in the Vietnam War. Lacking the support of credibility and moral foundations, the US military operation could not achieve a decisive victory on the battlefield in Vietnam.

And with the passage of time, the continuation of the Vietnam War took a huge toll on American society, leading to the intensification of domestic social contradictions and the deterioration of economic conditions.

Eventually, the U.S. government, defeated in the Vietnam War and pressured at home and abroad, had to choose to withdraw from Vietnam. This decision marked the complete defeat of the United States in the Vietnam War and left a profound lesson for world history.

This also proves once again that if a government loses the trust and support of the people, its decision-making and actions in all aspects may be seriously affected.

There are many similar incidents caused by the lack of credibility, from the French Revolution to the Saddam Hussein. The common denominator behind these events is a loss of credibility.

Serving the people is definitely not just a slogan, but a commitment that needs to be truly translated into action.

Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

The Jiamusi Stadium accident may indeed be related to Blizzard, but at the same time, we must also admit that it definitely involves human factors and management issues.

According to the description of the chief service officer of the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, the snow in the northeast is quite wet, although the depth of the snow is only half a meter, but the weight is heavier than dry snow, and half a meter of snow on a 100-square-meter roof weighs four tons. This situation has put a huge strain on the structure of the gymnasium.

Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

However, what makes people question is:

Why can't a gymnasium that has only been in use for three years be able to withstand the pressure of this heavy snowfall? (Passed in 2020)

According to the information disclosed by Xinhua News Agency, the construction of the stadium began in July 2017 and was completed in July 2018, the construction unit is Heilongjiang Yuecheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., the construction unit is Heilongjiang Haifeng Weiye Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd., and the supervision unit is Jiamusi Sanjiang Construction Supervision Company, which passed the acceptance in July 2020.

There are many other gymnasiums in Heilongjiang, and they have not collapsed, so why did only the Jiamusi Huanan County Gymnasium suffer such a tragedy?

Behind this may involve many aspects such as building quality, structural design, maintenance management, etc.

Lack of credibility of the government: pressure is exerted with the work of relatives to force the families of the victims to sign!

Yuecheng Plaza, where the incident occurred, has also been inspected by local safety production for many times, but it still failed to avoid the accident. This leads us to think:

Is local safety regulation in place?

Are safety standards for buildings and utilities sufficient?

Are there adequate precautions for possible risk factors?


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