
CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

author:James tears up the mujan to talk about sports

At the end of the first phase of the CBA regular season, the Xinjiang men's basketball team won five consecutive victories with its outstanding performance, making them temporarily ranked first in points. This dynamic team seems to be ready to challenge for the title of this season. However, the next game will be a tough one as they will host a Liaoning team who are currently undefeated. For the Xinjiang team, this is undoubtedly a test, and it is also a key battle for them to move towards the championship.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

The Liaoning team, as an old and strong team in the CBA, should not be underestimated. Although their performance at the beginning of the season did not meet people's expectations, with the return of Zhao Rui, their strength has undoubtedly been further improved. However, the compatibility between Zhao Rui and foreign aid Jones after his comeback has become a difficult problem for the Liaoning team. This will require them to gradually grind in and find their best form in the next games.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

Back on November 8, in addition to the fierce battle between the Xinjiang team and the Liaoning team, there are two other news about the CBA that deserve our attention. First of all, a well-known ID named "Xu Jie Fan Club" on Weibo announced the cancellation, which attracted widespread attention. This account has been in operation since 2017 and has been in operation for more than 6 years, and its owner's conclusion on this account is "everything starts with talent and loyalty to character". This means that Xu Jie, as a basketball player, has not only won people's recognition with his skills, but also won people's respect and love because of his character and character.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

Xu Jie, a basketball player from Guangdong, has maintained a high level of popularity since his debut. He doesn't have the physicality of any other player, but he plays with his spirit and awareness, which allows him to always find the best offensive and defensive positions on the court. This unique way of playing, coupled with his flexibility and leadership on the court, has made him a wide range of fans and supporters in Guangdong and even in the entire CBA.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

In addition, Xu Jie is also loved by people because of his character and qualities. He has always been a very hard working and motivated player, showing a very high level of professionalism on and off the pitch. His approach to the game and his team spirit are highly appreciated. On the pitch, he is always calm and responsive to situations, and off the pitch, he often interacts with his fans and shares his life and training experiences.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

However, such an excellent player has recently been controversial due to some controversial incidents. Some believe that his poor performance in the game is due to his physical condition that limits his performance, while others believe that his lack of cooperation with his teammates on the field is due to his lack of leadership skills. These controversies have damaged Xu Jie's image to a certain extent. However, the cancellation of the "Xu Jie Fan Club" does not mean that people's evaluation of Xu Jie is over. On the contrary, this incident has triggered people to think about the maintenance of the image of CBA players and the construction of fan culture. As professional footballers, they not only need to show excellent skills and qualities on the pitch, but also need to maintain their image and reputation off the pitch. This requires the players to have a higher professional quality and cultural quality, and at the same time, it also requires fans to watch the game and evaluate the players more rationally and civilly.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

As a member of Guangdong Hongyuan South China Tigers Club, Xu Jie has won the love of many fans with his outstanding basketball talent and outstanding game performance. This summer, however, his name was associated with a series of negative events. In the emotional turmoil, he was accused of being irresponsible for his feelings, and he was suspected of abandoning from beginning to end. The incident quickly fermented on social media, which greatly damaged his image. Many fans who originally supported him began to question him and even chose to abandon him. To make matters worse, his on-court performances have also declined this season. In the absence of strong support from the inside, Xu Jie's weaknesses were fully exposed. His performance on the offensive end was so-so, while the defensive end became a key target for opponents. His performances have been underwhelming so far this season, which has taken a serious toll on his image on the pitch.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

In addition to the turmoil outside the field, the pressure on the field also troubled Xu Jie. In the most recent home defeat to the Shanghai men's basketball team, Jilin head coach Gao Junchao may face the fate of being sacked. The team is currently 2-5 and has slipped to 13th place in the standings. As the youngest head coach in the CBA, Gao Junchao's coaching ability has been severely challenged. Gao Junchao's youth and lack of experience made it difficult for him to lead the team. Last season, the Jilin team did not renew the contract with Wang Han, and Cui Wanjun only played half a season after taking over, but he retreated to the second line due to physical reasons. In this case, Sun Jun's choice to let such a young Gao Junchao lead the team in the first line is undoubtedly a bold decision. However, at the moment, it seems that this decision has not led to the desired results.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

In this case, some observers believe that the Jilin team may need to make changes. Such changes may include a reassessment of Gao's coaching abilities and consideration of bringing in more experienced and capable coaches to lead the team out of trouble. While Gao's youthful energy may bring new elements to the squad, the current predicament may require a more experienced leader to guide the team forward. In addition, for Xu Jie, this season is undoubtedly a low point in his life. From the glory of the basketball court to the troubles of emotional turmoil, his life has changed dramatically. However, it also provided him with an opportunity to reflect and grow. He needs to think hard about his actions and decisions and work hard to correct his mistakes.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

In this season, the Jilin team seems to have a stronger lineup, with Wells on the outside, Rakosevich on the inside, and Wu Changze on loan from Liaoning, which makes the cards in the hands of head coach Gao Junchao look better. However, even in the face of such a seemingly perfect deck of cards, Gao Junchao and the Jilin team also faced a huge challenge. First of all, although the team has been strengthened, other teams are also improving. They have improved their squad through transfers, youth training and foreign signings, making the competition more fierce throughout the league. Therefore, Gao Junchao must not only ensure that the team reaches the top level of the league in terms of staffing, but also show unique talent in tactical design and on-the-spot command.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

As a young coach, although Gao Junchao has passion and momentum, he still lacks in coaching experience compared with veteran coaches. He needs to better understand and interpret every detail of the game, better bring out the best in his players, and better respond to unexpected situations. Only then will he be able to establish himself in this challenging arena. Thirdly, the pressure of Jilin's performance this season cannot be ignored. As a team with a good fan base, Jilin has been performing well in the past few seasons, and fans naturally have high expectations for the new season. If the results do not improve significantly or meet the expectations of the fans, Gao Junchao may face a lot of pressure.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

Against this backdrop, Gao's priority is to ensure that the team can play their best in a consistent manner. To do this, he needs to carefully study the match footage, analyze the characteristics and weaknesses of each opponent, and develop a tactical strategy accordingly. At the same time, he also needs to maintain a good relationship of communication and trust with the players to ensure that they can work together and perform at their best on the pitch. However, even with these preparations, Gao Junchao still needs to constantly adjust and adapt in the game. The game of basketball is a sport full of uncertainties, and every player can miss a game due to injury or other reasons. In this situation, Gao Junchao needs to be flexible in adjusting tactics and personnel to ensure that the team can remain competitive.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

At the same time, Gao Junchao also needs to face pressure from the media and fans. In this era of highly developed information, the coach's every move can become the focus of discussion in the media and fans. Sometimes, these discussions can have a positive impact on the coach, but sometimes they can be unnecessarily stressful and negative. Therefore, Gao Junchao needs to have sufficient psychological qualities and coping strategies to cope with these challenges.

CBA three news!Xu Jie fans will be disbanded? The post-80s coach will leave class, and Yang Ming supports Shalamu

Finally, for Gao Junchao, every game in the CBA is a test and an opportunity. He needs to show his talent and potential on this platform, and at the same time, he needs to keep learning and growing on this platform. Only then will he be able to establish himself and achieve better results in this challenging arena.

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