
Nursing experience for the elderly: observe carefully, eat well, and use good medicine

author:Spring tree peace
Nursing experience for the elderly: observe carefully, eat well, and use good medicine


Observational records of health conditions

The observation and recording of health status is a key part of the care of the elderly. The measurement of physiological indicators such as respiration, pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature is necessary to understand the physical condition. Measured at a fixed time every day, the measured values are recorded in the form of graphs, and each table can record various data for a week or more.

The data are represented by dots of different colors, and the dots are connected in turn, so that the changes in the health data of the elderly within a certain period of time will be clear at a glance, which is an indispensable and important basis for understanding the changes and development trends of the physical condition of the elderly.

Nursing experience for the elderly: observe carefully, eat well, and use good medicine


1. Body temperature measurement

After wiping off the sweat from the armpits, hold the front end of the thermometer against the middle of the armpits, tilt the thermometer downward about 45° and clamp it, and take out the thermometer for about 10 minutes to observe. Normal value 35°C-37°C. The elderly who are weak and bedridden can use cotton pads to plug under their armpits to help fix the thermometer in close contact with the body, and the elderly with hemiplegia can be measured on the healthy side.

2. Pulse measurement

When measuring, hold the wrist of the elderly, the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger side by side, gently press the artery at the root of the old man's thumb, and count at least half a minute to one minute in a quiet state. Pay attention to the frequency of the pulse of the elderly (generally 60-80 beats/min), and feel the strength and regularity of the pulse beat (uniform or uneven, early beats, pauses).

3. Breath counting

Observe the ups and downs of the elderly's chest as they breathe, and measure the number of breaths. The normal range is 15-20 beats per minute. Elderly people sometimes breathe faster if they are aware of being measured. Therefore, when the pulse is measured, the breathing of the elderly can be measured unknowingly. Also note breath sounds, including wheezing or coarse breath sounds.

4. Blood pressure measurement

It is measured after 2-3 minutes in a quiet and relaxed state. The pulse pressure band is sleeved 2-3 cm above the elbow joint and is seated at the same height as the heart. Generally, 3 times each time, the lowest value is taken, or twice is measured, and the average value is prevailed. There are elderly people with hemiplegia, measure the healthy side. At the same time every day, usually at 9 a.m. and again at 4 p.m. if necessary.


Normal values range from 130 to 139 mmHg for high blood pressure (systolic) and 70 to 89 mmHg for low blood pressure (diastolic).

Pay attention to body temperature: blood pressure should be measured at the same time as 1 hour after eating, bathing and exercising.

5. Dietary observation

Including the nature and type of food, the amount of food eaten, appetite, water intake, etc.

6. Urine and stool observation

Urine: urine volume, urine color, frequency of urination. Normal urine is pale yellow, clear and transparent.

Stool: stool volume, stool color, shape, frequency of bowel movements. Normal stools are earthy yellow in color, soft in texture, and shaped.

Note: The amount of urine and stool is estimated, and the weight of the urine pad can be measured when the elderly have diapers.


Nutritional needs of the elderly

1. Heat

As a result of decreased activity and muscle mass, caloric requirements decrease with age. Generally, female elderly people need 1600-1700 kcal a day, and male elderly people need 1700-1800 kcal a day. People who are bedridden, overweight or obese can lose another 300-500 calories a day.

Nursing experience for the elderly: observe carefully, eat well, and use good medicine


2. Protein

The diet of the elderly should be heavy and small, with an intake of 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.

In addition to having an adequate amount, the quality of the protein is also important, and beans, fish, meat, eggs and milk are all high-quality proteins with high biological value. Eggs are rich in iron and lecithin, and can be eaten 2-3 per week.

People with normal cholesterol can consume liver 1-2 times a week to replenish iron and protein.

3. Fats

Vegetable oil should be used for cooking. Animal foods should choose those with less fat content, such as skinless chicken, fish, and lean meat (pork, beef, mutton).


The right time to take your medication

After prescribing medicine to a patient, doctors often simply say "take it before meals" or "take it after meals", and in addition to indicating the time and interval of taking the medicine, some will also indicate "take it before meals", "take it during meals" or "take it after meals". But how long before a meal is "before a meal"? How long after a meal is "after a meal"?

1. Taking medicine on an empty stomach: It refers to taking medicine one hour before or two hours after meals.

2. Take medicine before meals: It refers to taking medicine half an hour to one hour before meals.

3. Medication during meals: It refers to taking it with a meal or with the first bite of food.

4. Taking medicine after meals: It refers to taking medicine half an hour to one hour after meals.

5. Take medicine before bedtime: It refers to taking it 15-30 minutes before bedtime.


Tips for making your medication easy to take

1. Water medicine: add tackifier to make a paste, mix with jelly and pudding, and the bitter medicine can be mixed with cocoa to weaken the bitter taste.

2. Powder: The drug is wrapped in rice paper, mixed with pudding, mixed with tackifier and a small amount of water, and placed behind the tongue.

3. Tablets and capsules: Swallow capsules, and if it is difficult to swallow, discuss with your doctor to change the dosage form (tablet to powder).

4. Sublingual medications: Sublingual medications are medications that are absorbed through the veins under the tongue. Place under the tongue and slowly dissolve and absorb. Be careful not to allow the elderly to drink or swallow it.

5. When taking several medicines at the same time: discuss with your doctor. When using drugs prescribed by hospitals and commercially available drugs, you should consult with your doctor.

6. Stop the drug immediately if there are side effects: If you have abnormal phenomena such as complexion changes, rashes, and loss of appetite after taking the drug, stop the drug immediately and consult with a doctor.

Nursing experience for the elderly: observe carefully, eat well, and use good medicine



Pay attention to minor colds and heal them as soon as possible

For the elderly, colds are the source of all diseases and should be carefully prevented at all times. If you have a cold, treat it aggressively and try to cure it as soon as possible. In addition, a cold can also be a precursor to pneumonia, and even lead to death when it worsens, so you should pay special attention to it and do not take it lightly.

Keep quiet, stay in bed, keep warm, maintain physical strength, and reduce consumption. If fever is present, physical cooling should be taken first. When the body temperature is below 38 degrees Celsius, a cold towel or ice pack can be applied to the head and pillow.

Maintain room temperature of 20°C and humidity of 60%. Humidify with a humidifier or indoor hanging wet towel.

Give the elderly warm ginger soup and drink plenty of water. Rinse your mouth with light salt water to flush out cold viruses that have attached to your throat.

When you sweat a lot, wipe yourself with a dry hot towel and change into dry pajamas. In order to prevent overheating and affect the body temperature, it is not recommended to use electricity for a long time.

Note: The content of this article is for reference only.

Source: CCUN Care Network

Editor: Spring Tree Pension

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