
2 new parks located in...

author:Shenzhen Longgang release
2 new parks located in...

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Today, the publisher is with you

Share the news that the "garden" is full of energy!

2 new parks located in...

The Jihua Park family

Here come two new "gardens"!

They are

Xiufeng Street Park

Hualong Road Pocket Park

These are 2 good places to walk your baby and rest

Where exactly? What does it look like?

Let's take a look~

Xiufeng Street Park

The park is close to Kam Hang subway station

It is located at the intersection of Xiufeng Road and Ganli Road, Jihua Street

In front of the gate of Xiufeng Industrial City

It covers an area of about 775 square meters

A new cultural landscape wall and tree pond benches have been built

Rest corridors and landscape green belts

Leisure garden lights and other supporting facilities

2 new parks located in...

Park features:

The park as a whole is to:

Shenzhen Intangible Cultural Heritage "Gankeng Cool Hat"

for the design idea

The cool hat weaving style, craft raw materials, bamboo, etc

as the main element

Realize the "gorgeous turn" of the corners of urban public space

2 new parks located in...

▲The cultural landscape wall is combined with the overall shape and line of the cool hat to create a hat shape.

2 new parks located in...

▲The "Emei flower" weaving style of the cool hat is combined with the paving to create an interesting space.

Hualong Road Pocket Park

The park is located in Hualong Road, Cuihu Community, Jihua Street

It is close to Cuifeng Experimental School and Cuifeng Haoyuan Community

It covers an area of about 1120 square meters

Add a small square for flower pond benches and tree array benches

Functional areas such as characteristic landscapes

Park features:

The park adopts

"Minimalist" themed ribbon park design

Created through the "micro-terrain" of green space

Design techniques such as "seam flower arrangement" type greening embellishment

Integrate the construction of the park with the surrounding landscape environment

Connect the dots and weave the green into a net

While satisfying the functionality of public space

Adds artistic appreciation

2 new parks located in...
2 new parks located in...
2 new parks located in...
2 new parks located in...

There is a way for the walkers, and there are chairs for the sitters

Those who rest have shade, and those who enjoy have scenery

The two parks above

Is it near your home?

Everyone is welcome to check in!

Source: Jihua Street Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Office

Editor-in-charge: Longgang Financial Media (Editor Chen Yizhi)

Proofreader: Wang Rong

2 new parks located in...
2 new parks located in...
2 new parks located in...

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2 new parks located in...