
"Love lasts for a long time, and finally finds a confidant": Fei Yuqing and his girlfriend have been together for life at the age of 56

author:Xiao Li said in amusement

Fei Yuqing - a dedicated singer and humorous host In 2019, at the Taipei concert, everyone was moved by Fei Yuqing's words, "I'm going to seal the wheat, this time it's true!" After 47 years as a singer, he retired. Fans were in tears, and this music giant brought us too many classic songs. And his life is also very legendary, since he broke up with his first girlfriend, he has been alone and has never married. Fei Yuqing's real name is Zhang Yanting, and after his parents divorced, he lived with his sister Fei Zhenya. In order to take care of her younger brother, her sister worked as a resident singer in a bar to make money, and Fei Yuqing often listened to her sister sing at that time, and slowly became interested in singing. Under the introduction of his sister, he began to work as a resident singer in bars, and with his outstanding talent, he quickly accumulated some fame. In 1973, China Television Company held a singing competition, Fei Yuqing signed up, passed all the way, and finally won the fourth place with a song "Smoke and Rain and Sun". Later, he went to a western restaurant to sing, and met the well-known songwriter Liu Jiachang by chance, and successfully signed a contract with Haishan Records under his recommendation. Soon after, he released his first solo album "I Love Miao", which received a good response. Since then, he has released many albums one after another, and has been shortlisted for the Golden Bell Award for Best Male Singer three times.

"Love lasts for a long time, and finally finds a confidant": Fei Yuqing and his girlfriend have been together for life at the age of 56

It wasn't until 1984 that he finally won the Best Male Singer Award at the Taiwan Golden Bell Awards with "Dream Camel Bell"! However, what really made him popular was the host song of the same name he sang for the TV series "One Cut Plum". The singing voice is pure and clear, and it is very beautiful. Although this song has been covered by many singers, it can't surpass the original singer Fei Yuqing! After becoming popular, he won awards and won soft hands, and even hosted many variety shows, such as "Dragon and Tiger Brothers", "Golden Voice Gold Award", "Flying on the Rainbow" and so on. With his humorous eloquence and exaggerated facial expressions, the show he hosted is deeply loved by the public, and it makes people laugh! With his rich hosting experience, he has also formed his own hosting style. Everyone found that Fei Yuqing, who sang very affectionately, was a completely different person when he told jokes. To this day, the jokes he told on the show still make people laugh! Fei Yuqing is a dedicated person, he has never married a wife, and there have been no scandals. He said in an interview: "I grew up and didn't get the love of my parents, and I cherished my feelings more. This is perhaps the most profound realization of his life. Not only that, but his music and hosting are also unique in their own way.

"Love lasts for a long time, and finally finds a confidant": Fei Yuqing and his girlfriend have been together for life at the age of 56

His singing voice is pure and clear, which makes people feel moved when they listen to it; His hosting style is humorous and funny, which makes people laugh. His success comes not only from his talent, but also from his unremitting pursuit and hard work. His music and hosting style, like his life, are legendary and exciting. In short, Fei Yuqing is a highly admired singer and host, and his music and hosting style have a unique style. His life is also full of legends and wonderful. Perhaps we can all understand the true meaning of life from his story. In the end, we can't help but ask: How do you feel about Fei Yuqing's singing voice and hosting style? The story behind Fei Yuqing's love affair with a Japanese girl Fei Yuqing, an artist with many fans in the singing industry, once experienced an unforgettable relationship. After he met the Japanese girl Chie Yasui, the two fell in love at first sight, supported each other, and soon fell in love. Fei Yuqing's career is becoming more and more prosperous, he began to introduce various resources to his girlfriend, and often took his girlfriend to attend various activities. The two decided to go one step further and hold an engagement ceremony, but the marriage ended in failure due to the excessive demands of the woman's family. Yasui Chie's father wanted Fei Yuqing to become a Japanese citizen and live in Japan with his daughter.

"Love lasts for a long time, and finally finds a confidant": Fei Yuqing and his girlfriend have been together for life at the age of 56

Fei Yuqing was very disgusted by his request, and although Yasui tried her best to persuade her parents to agree, the two were eventually forced to break off their marriage. Fei Yuqing was very sad because of this, and since then he can no longer accommodate anyone, and Yasui Chihui can only compromise and choose to marry, and quit the entertainment industry after marriage. Although Chie Yasui has been obsessed with Fei Yuqing after the breakup, her efforts have never changed her father's mind. Many years later, Fei Yuqing and Jay Chou sang a song "Thousands of Miles Away", which revealed the meaning of nostalgia for the previous relationship, and also to commemorate the love between the two. Now Fei Yuqing is 68 years old and has never been married, but he has always been accompanied by Jiang Hui. The two have known each other for many years, are high-profile singers, have maintained a deep friendship, and are musical soul mates. Fei Yuqing and Jiang Hui encourage and support each other, accompany each other in life, and their relationship has long surpassed that of ordinary friends. Although Fei Yuqing has experienced an unforgettable relationship, he has not given up love, he believes that "with love in the heart, life is complete". We should also cherish everyone around us, love with our hearts, and make every relationship a precious memory. In this era of material distractions, people's attitudes towards love seem to be changing.

"Love lasts for a long time, and finally finds a confidant": Fei Yuqing and his girlfriend have been together for life at the age of 56

Many people chase money and profit, and ignore the original love. We should return to the essence of love and cherish every heart-warming moment. Perhaps, true love is not to have, but to be moved at that moment. In today's noisy society, many people are chasing their love dreams. However, there is a special couple who chose not to get married. Who are they? They are Lin Qingxia and Tony Leung, who are known as "cardamom lovers". It is said that the cardamom lovers said when they were young that if they did not start a family in their later years, they would accompany them for life. Brigitte Lin and Tony Leung are both superstars in the Chinese film industry. They have countless fans and fans. Brigitte Lam used to be a first-line actress in the Hong Kong film industry, and her beauty and acting skills were highly praised. Tony Leung, on the other hand, is a first-line actor in Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, and he has won the Best Actor award at the Hong Kong Film Awards many times. The two met in 1985 during the filming of the movie "The Last Emperor" and became good friends. As they developed in the film industry, their friendship grew deeper and deeper. Although they had both been in a relationship, they never chose to get married. How deep is the friendship between the two "cardamom lovers"?

"Love lasts for a long time, and finally finds a confidant": Fei Yuqing and his girlfriend have been together for life at the age of 56

It is reported that Brigitte Lin and Tony Leung once traveled together, shopped together, watched movies together, and joked together. They also often give gifts to each other and care about each other's lives. Their relationship looks like that of husband and wife, but without the constraints of marriage. Many people may ask: Why didn't Brigitte Lin and Tony Leung choose to get married? Is it because there is no affection for each other, or is it because of something else? In fact, they did have been in a relationship before. But they didn't choose to get married because of this relationship. Perhaps it was because they all wanted to remain free and continue to pursue their acting careers. Perhaps it is because they prefer to keep their feelings for each other on the level of friendship. Whatever the reason, the relationship between Brigitte Lin and Tony Leung has never changed. They have experienced each other's growth and changes, as well as facing setbacks and difficulties in life together. Their friendship not only made them feel warm, but also infected countless fans and audiences. Now, Brigitte Lin and Tony Leung are over half a hundred years old, and they are still single. Maybe they really haven't found their own person yet, or maybe they have a deeper understanding of each other's friendship.

"Love lasts for a long time, and finally finds a confidant": Fei Yuqing and his girlfriend have been together for life at the age of 56

In any case, we hope that they can live a healthy and happy life all the time, and continue to bring more excellent film works to the audience. Finally, let's think about it: what is true love in this colorful world? Do you have to get married to prove that you have love? Perhaps, we can find another kind of love different from marriage from the friendship between Brigitte Lin and Tony Leung. Let's explore this topic together and leave a message to share your opinions!

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