
Separated by 9,000 kilometers, why do Indonesia and Malaysia stand apart? For 75 years, there has been no diplomatic relations with Israel

author:Lively magpie zzZ

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Friendship and Hostility: The Position of Indonesia and Malaysia

Separated by 9,000 kilometers, why do Indonesia and Malaysia stand apart? For 75 years, there has been no diplomatic relations with Israel

They are 9,000 kilometers away from Indonesia and Malaysia, but in the face of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, they are on the same side and support the Palestinians. However, Indonesia and Malaysia have not established diplomatic relations with Israel for 75 years. Why is that?

Separated by 9,000 kilometers, why do Indonesia and Malaysia stand apart? For 75 years, there has been no diplomatic relations with Israel

Religious and historical context

Separated by 9,000 kilometers, why do Indonesia and Malaysia stand apart? For 75 years, there has been no diplomatic relations with Israel

First of all, Indonesia and Malaysia, like Palestine, are Islamic countries. From the point of view of religious doctrine and cultural traditions, they are closely linked to the Islamic camp. Even at great distances, this bond persists, prompting them to stand out for Palestine.

Separated by 9,000 kilometers, why do Indonesia and Malaysia stand apart? For 75 years, there has been no diplomatic relations with Israel

Indonesia has been colonized by the West for more than 300 years, and understands the preciousness of independence. Therefore, they are emotionally sympathetic and understanding of Palestine. In addition, the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, which led to the tragic events at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, further fueled discontent in Indonesia and Malaysia. The region has a special religious significance for Islamic countries, and Israel's actions have provoked the irritation of Islamic countries by touching sensitive religious feelings.

In addition, Palestine is a staunch supporter of Indonesia's independence struggle, and Indonesia has a moral responsibility and obligation to support Palestine.

Sovereignty and historical events

Malaysia's dislike of Israel is linked to the issue of sovereignty. In 2018, a Palestinian scientist was assassinated in Malaysia by Israel's Mossad group. Western media revealed that this was an Israeli operation, and the Israeli side also acknowledged the incident. The incident led to deep resentment and resentment towards Israel in Malaysia. Since then, Malaysia has seen Israel as a threat and its hostility towards it has become even more pronounced.

It is worth mentioning that the Malaysian passport still has the words "This passport can be used in all countries except Israel". This shows how strongly Malaysia rejects Israel.

Is Hamas a terrorist organization?

Hamas is not included in the list of terrorist organizations at the United Nations. However, in Israel's view, Hamas is a terrorist organization, since their main goal is to "remove Israel from the map." In addition to Israel, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, Egypt and other countries and international organizations have also listed Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Unity of Islamic nations

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Islamic countries have shown solidarity. In addition to Indonesia and Malaysia, Pakistan is also an Islamic country. While Pakistan has not made a clear statement in this conflict, Turkey, which is connected to the Islamic world, has openly criticized Israel and said it would send humanitarian aid.


There are deep historical, religious and sovereign reasons behind Indonesia and Malaysia's support for Palestine. Despite the distance, their emotions and values put them on the side of Palestine. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict reflects the unity of Islamic countries in the face of challenges, while also highlighting Israel's isolation in the international arena. In the future, the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue will require greater participation of the international community to resolve disputes and eliminate regional tensions by peaceful means.


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