
"The Pleiades of the Sky": At the peak of the aesthetics of Qing court dramas, Zhang Meng and Zhao Liying both left their best appearances

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In the TV series "The Pleiades of the Firmament", the outstanding performance and superb acting skills of the actors are praised, but few people pay attention to the actresses in this drama, although their acting skills and appearance have reached their peak at the time. Let's take a fresh look at these great actresses and rank them according to their performance and charisma in the show.

No. 5: Zhao Liying In "The Pleiades of the Sky", Zhao Liying starred as Ling'er, the younger sister of the male protagonist Chun'er. The character she plays is docile and in love with Liang Wenxiu, and is played by Zhou Yiwei. This is Zhao Liying's first attempt at costume dramas, although she is slightly green in appearance, she is extremely feminine, and her smile and cheeks are very cute. However, the director once hit her directly, thinking that her "round face can't be a heroine". At that time, Zhao Liying had just debuted for four years, and she was still struggling in the entertainment industry, and it was not until the role of Qing'er in "New Huanzhu Gege" that she began to be well-known.

"The Pleiades of the Sky": At the peak of the aesthetics of Qing court dramas, Zhang Meng and Zhao Liying both left their best appearances

No. 4: Xu Baihui Before Zhao Liying is Qingyun played by Xu Baihui, Liang Wenxiu's wife and Ling'er's rival. Although Qingyun is not the most brilliant female character in the play, she has an outstanding temperament and elegant demeanor. Xu Baihui debuted as early as her sophomore year in Chinese opera and has been playing different roles in various film and television works. She herself has a good mentality and has said that she will take it seriously even if she is not a heroine. Xu Baihui has always been a popular actor, and has played Meng Zhaoshi in "The Legend of Miyue", or Yi Concubine in "Yanxi Raiders". She also has an identity, she is Tang Yan and Hu Ge's "best friend".

No. 3: Kan Qingzi In "The Pleiades of the Firmament", Kan Qingzi played the young Cixi, although her role was sadly cut when the show aired. It is said that this was because the episode was questioned as being too long when it was broadcast in Japan and needed to be re-edited, resulting in the deletion of the part of the young Cixi. This is a big loss for the audience and Kan Qingzi, because Kan Qingzi at that time was beautiful in the stills, and her pure and immature face revealed endless desire. However, the audience did not have the opportunity to enjoy her wonderful performance.

"The Pleiades of the Sky": At the peak of the aesthetics of Qing court dramas, Zhang Meng and Zhao Liying both left their best appearances

No. 2: Yin Tao In recent years, Yin Tao has become popular again because of her appearance in "The World", but in "The Pleiades of the Sky", she also showed the peak of her appearance. In the play, she plays the role of Princess Wang of Shou'an, who is wise and resolute, full of charm, and is praised as a "Chinese beauty" by the Japanese media and has become the dream lover of men. At that time, Yin Tao had already acted in classic works such as "Happiness Like Flowers" and "The Secret History of Yang Guifei", and was one of the popular flowers. However, the show only became popular on a small scale and failed to attract wider attention.

No. 1: Zhang Meng Zhang Meng played Concubine Zhen in the TV series "The Pleiades of the Sky", a lively and clever character. At that time, she was only 22 years old, with a peach blossom face and excellent appearance. Zhang Meng was born as a child star and started making movies at the age of 15, and later shined for playing Baguio in the MV of the online game "Zhu Xian". In 2009, she was invited by director Yu Zheng to participate in "The Pleiades of the Sky", leaving the most beautiful images. Those years were the pinnacle of her acting career, but later controversies and turmoil affected her career.

"The Pleiades of the Sky": At the peak of the aesthetics of Qing court dramas, Zhang Meng and Zhao Liying both left their best appearances

When reviewing the performance of these actresses in "The Pleiades of the Sky", we find that their appearance and acting skills at that time have reached their peak, but different reasons make their career trajectories different. The actresses in this drama, although they did not attract widespread attention at the time, left behind valuable images and memories. Their acting skills and beauty will forever be cherished in the hearts of the audience and become an indelible part of the history of Chinese TV dramas.

In 2010, the Qing court drama "The Pleiades of the Sky" directed by director Wang Jun premiered on Beijing Satellite TV. However, I think this drama is worth mentioning, especially in terms of ratings, which still maintain a high score of 88 to this day. When looking back on this drama, some highlights can be seen, although it failed to achieve the same huge success as "The Legend of Zhen Huan" at the time.

"The Pleiades of the Sky": At the peak of the aesthetics of Qing court dramas, Zhang Meng and Zhao Liying both left their best appearances

First of all, Zhao Liying played the younger sister of the male protagonist Chun'er, Ling'er, although she had just debuted for four years at the time, her performance in the play was very good. Although Zhao Liying's appearance is slightly green, her softness and excellent acting skills make her role full of vitality. After the show was broadcast, Zhao Liying began to emerge as Qing'er in "New Huanzhu Gege", which also marked the start of her career.

Secondly, although Qingyun played by Xu Baihui is the second female lead, her temperament and tenacious attitude left a deep impression on the audience. She has been performing well in various film and television works, especially in "The Legend of Miyue" and "Yanxi Raiders". Xu Baihui's persistence and attitude of not rushing for quick success have won her the respect of the audience.

"The Pleiades of the Sky": At the peak of the aesthetics of Qing court dramas, Zhang Meng and Zhao Liying both left their best appearances

Third, Kan Qingzi plays the young Cixi in the play, although her scene was edited when it was broadcast in Japan, her beauty and excellent performance are gripping. Her image is impressive, and although some audiences have not been able to enjoy her wonderful performances, her performance in the film and television industry has always been in the spotlight.

Fourth, Yin Tao's role in the play shows the peak of her appearance. Her temperament and style made her performance in the show very popular, especially in Japan. Although she became popular again in "The World", her performance in "The Ang of the Sky" cannot be ignored.

In the end, Zhang Meng played the lively and clever Concubine Zhen, and her appearance reached its peak in the play. She was born as a child star, started filming movies as early as the age of 15, and rose to prominence for playing Baguio in the MV of the online game "Zhu Xian". Despite the ups and downs she has experienced in her career, the performance in "The Pleiades of the Firmament" remains one of the masterpieces of her career peak.

On the whole, although "The Pleiades of the Sky" failed to become a huge success at home and abroad like "The Legend of Zhen Huan", it still has a certain attraction in terms of the actors' appearance and performance. All the actresses gave excellent performances in this drama and left a deep impression on the audience. Different actors have achieved certain achievements at different stages, which also reflects the different trajectories and changes in the development of actors' careers. In the end, the show still maintains a special place in the hearts of the audience and becomes an unforgettable memory.

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