
Bogu took Li De's words as a holy decree, and Chen Yi sarcastically said: I want to marry a French wife, please agree

author:Meticulous sunshine hYf

Chiang Kai-shek was a controversial politician and military general in the midst of great changes in China's modern history. He adopted a two-pronged strategy, encircling and suppressing the Communist Party with one hand and cracking down on the Communist Party's organs in Shanghai with the other. And during this turbulent period, a German named Li De became the focus of a fierce debate within the CCP.

Bogu took Li De's words as a holy decree, and Chen Yi sarcastically said: I want to marry a French wife, please agree

Chiang Kai-shek's two-handed strategy was aimed at weakening the power of the Communist Party. Shanghai spies frequently attacked in an attempt to smash the Communist Party's foundations in Shanghai. However, the Communists did not rest on their laurels, on the contrary, they adopted a strategy of relocation and moved the central organs to Ruijin, which became the new capital of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. This move enabled the Communist Party to remain mobile and resilient in the face of enemy encirclement.

Bogu took Li De's words as a holy decree, and Chen Yi sarcastically said: I want to marry a French wife, please agree

During this period, Bogu invited the German Otto Braun, alias Li De, to serve as an adviser to the CCP. However, Li De was not an experienced military general, and he served in the Soviet army but lacked practical combat experience. Nevertheless, due to the influence of Wang Ming's line, he was treated as an expert, entrusted with the military strategy and command of the Red Army, and even replaced Zhu De and Zhou Enlai.

Bogu took Li De's words as a holy decree, and Chen Yi sarcastically said: I want to marry a French wife, please agree

Li De's command method aroused the displeasure of the Red Army generals, but Bogu demanded that they obey Li De's command. This internal discord and controversy caused ripples within the Red Army. What is even more striking is that Li De's marriage arrangement has aroused ridicule from everyone, and his interest in foreign women has become the focus of discussion.

Bogu took Li De's words as a holy decree, and Chen Yi sarcastically said: I want to marry a French wife, please agree

In the incident of the loss of Li Chuan, Li De was furious and held Xiao Jinguang accountable, but the final trial was not over. Mao Zedong supported Xiao Jinguang and believed that Li Decai was the key to the problem. This dispute caused waves within the CCP, and the unity and unity within the Red Army were seriously tested.

Bogu took Li De's words as a holy decree, and Chen Yi sarcastically said: I want to marry a French wife, please agree

This controversy and conflict highlighted the internal problems within the CCP during the war. While facing the enemy, the differences and contradictions within the party have also given rise to a series of complex problems. The result of this controversy eventually became a rich and colorful stroke in the history of the CPC, and had a far-reaching impact on the development and construction of the party.

In this controversy, Li De became the center of controversy within the party. His inexperience, unpopular command methods, and carelessness in his personal life all contributed to his controversy. To a certain extent, this controversy also reflects the dilemma and challenges within the CCP in terms of military guidance and leadership building.

After many debates and twists and turns, the CCP finally reached a consensus on the issue and took corresponding measures. This controversy not only had a profound impact on the leadership building of the CPC, but also became a historical node of unity and unification within the party. This historical story has become a valuable lesson in the growth history of the Communist Party of China.

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