
Remember not to use water to soak yuba! Teach you the skills of the hotel not to be passed on, and soak it quickly and softly without a hard core

author:Consume Life


As a traditional ingredient, yuba is loved by people because of its unique taste and rich nutrition. Whether as a stand-alone dish or as a seasoning for other dishes, yuba adds a rich flavor and texture to food. However, many people often soak yuba directly in water when soaking it, which will cause yuba to become hard and taste bad. You may be thinking, why can't you just soak yuba in water?

Soaking yuba in water can indeed clean and soften, however, soaking yuba in water may make the ingredients less chewy and hard. Therefore, teach you a simple and correct way to soak yuba to make your ingredients more chewy and chewy during the cooking process.

Remember not to use water to soak yuba! Teach you the skills of the hotel not to be passed on, and soak it quickly and softly without a hard core

First of all, it is very important to choose a high-quality yuba.

High-quality yuba is dry, odorless, and uniform in color. At the time of purchase, you can choose a product that is well packaged and has no signs of moisture. This ensures the quality and taste of the yuba.

When buying yuba, you can choose those yuba with uniform color, because uneven color yuba often means that yuba made at different times and methods are mixed together, and the quality is difficult to guarantee.

Also, pay attention to the smell of yuba, a good quality yuba should not have any odor. If you smell sour or musty, it may be that the yuba has deteriorated and is not suitable for purchase.

Next, the correct brewing step is also key.

First, soak the yuba in warm water for 15-20 minutes until soft. The water temperature here should not be too high, so as not to destroy the nutrients of the yuba. Don't just soak the yuba in water, we need to add some special ingredients to enhance the flavor of the yuba.

Remember not to use water to soak yuba! Teach you the skills of the hotel not to be passed on, and soak it quickly and softly without a hard core

To make yuba more chewy and not stiff, you can choose to add a pinch of table salt. Edible salt can not only enhance the taste of yuba, but also play an antibacterial role to ensure the safety of eating.

In addition, adding an appropriate amount of vinegar is also a good choice, which can make the yuba soften faster and make the taste more delicate. The sourness of the vinegar can also neutralize some of the bitter taste of the yuba itself. Of course, for a different taste, you can also try adding other seasonings such as soy sauce or sugar according to your preference.

Finally, remove the soaked yuba and gently squeeze out the excess water.

This step helps the yuba to better absorb the flavor of the ingredients and increase the layering of the texture. Also, too much moisture in yuba can affect the subsequent cooking process, so it's important to make sure that yuba is as dry as possible.

Remember not to use water to soak yuba! Teach you the skills of the hotel not to be passed on, and soak it quickly and softly without a hard core

Once you have completed the above steps, you will find that your yuba has become chewy and not stiff.

At this point, you can dispose of the yuba according to your preference. If you prefer a light taste, you can boil the soaked yuba in the broth for a few minutes, then remove and drain. This kind of yuba is suitable for stir-frying, and when added, it can be cut into sections with a knife and stir-fried with various vegetables, which not only increases the taste level of the dish, but also adds a delicate taste to the dish.

If you prefer a strong flavor, you can cut the yuba into small pieces and simmer it with other ingredients when making the soup, or it can also be used as a cold salad. You can cut the soaked yuba into strips, and then add minced garlic, chili oil, soy sauce and other seasonings to mix well, which not only maintains the tender taste of the yuba, but also incorporates the fragrance of various spices, making the yuba more appetizing and delicious, and becoming a cool and delicious dish.

Through these different cooking methods, properly brewed yuba can bring out different characteristics and textures, whether you choose to stir-fry, make soup or salad, you can enjoy the delicious taste of yuba to the fullest.

Remember not to use water to soak yuba! Teach you the skills of the hotel not to be passed on, and soak it quickly and softly without a hard core

In short, although the production of yuba is simple, whether the method is correct or not will directly affect the taste of yuba. With the right brewing method, the rich nutrition and unique taste of yuba will add a delicious dish to your table. Whether as a staple or as a side dish, yuba can bring you different taste enjoyment. Come and try this simple and correct way to soak yuba, so that your soaked yuba tendons are not hard!

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