
Although he died in the thirteenth year of Jian'an, without this person, there would be no Zhang 800 and 100,000 Sun 100,000

author:A painting of history

The incident of Zhang Liaowei's earthquake in Xiaoyaojin occurred in the twentieth year of Jian'an, that is, in 215 AD. In the Battle of Hefei that year, Zhang Liao met the 100,000-strong army of Eastern Wu with 7,000 defenders, and successfully broke the enemy army, so that Sun Quan had to retreat. The Battle of Xiaoyaojin was an important part of the Battle of Hefei during the Three Kingdoms period in the late Han Dynasty, and it was also one of the famous battles in which fewer won more. This battle not only directly defeated the attack of Sun Quan's army, but also made Zhang Liaowei shake Jiangdong and go down in history.

Although he died in the thirteenth year of Jian'an, without this person, there would be no Zhang 800 and 100,000 Sun 100,000

But everyone overlooked one person.

Although he died in the thirteenth year of Jian'an, without this person, there would be no Zhang 800 and 100,000 Sun 100,000.

He is Liu Fu.

Liu Fu, the character Yuanying, originally from Peijun Xiang County, went to Yangzhou to avoid chaos in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. In the early years of Jian'an, with his noble personality and outstanding political wisdom, he successfully persuaded Yuan Shu's generals Qi Ji and Qin Yi to take their troops to join Cao Cao. This behavior was deeply appreciated by Cao Cao, so Cao Cao appointed him as a subordinate of Situ Fupeng.

Later, in 200 AD, the rebellious general Sun Ce ordered Li Shu, the Taishou of Lujiang, to attack and kill Yan Xiang, the assassin of Yangzhou to which Cao Cao belonged, causing turmoil in the Jianghuai region. Faced with this situation, Cao Cao thought that he could entrust the political affairs of the southeast region to Liu Fu, so he asked the imperial court to appoint Liu Fu as the assassin of Yangzhou.

As soon as Liu Fu accepted the appointment, he went to Hefei Empty City alone, established public security measures in the state city, and adopted a strategy of appeasing Lei Xu and other forces in southern Hefei, so that they all assembled in a stable manner, so that Lei Xu and others were very moved, and they continued to donate goods. In the past few years, this policy of probation and encouragement has had a great effect, and the people have lived and worked in peace and contentment, and thousands of people who had been displaced and fled from the country have crossed the river and returned to their hometowns. His achievements have fully demonstrated his ability to govern and his profound feelings for the people.

Although he died in the thirteenth year of Jian'an, without this person, there would be no Zhang 800 and 100,000 Sun 100,000

Liu Fu not only strategically attached importance to the construction of Hefei City, but also actively promoted the construction of urban fortifications in actual operation. In order to strengthen Hefei's defense capability, Liu Fu implemented a series of important measures. First of all, he was "high as a fortress" and was committed to building Hefei into a front-line fortified city, suitable for a protracted defensive war when his own side was weak. In addition, he stockpiled a large amount of wood and stone, grass and fish, which were called the "Three Treasures" as strategic supplies for possible war. Wood and stone can be made into rolling wood and stone, which is a traditional defensive weapon; Grass can block rain, pave roads, and cope with sudden weather changes; Fish paste is easy to store and lasts for a long time, can be lit, burned, and can also be used to satisfy hunger in times of emergency.

Liu Fu's business strategy made Hefei's city defense as strong as an iron bucket. After his death, the city of Hefei remained standing despite many wars. This is largely due to Liu Fu's efforts during his lifetime and the abundant materials he left behind.

When Sun Quan attacked Hefei for the first time in the thirteenth year of Jian'an, although Liu Fu was no longer there, it was relying on Liu Fu's city defense and accumulated materials, as well as Jiang Ji's strange strategy, that Sun Quan returned in vain. The records of the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Shu, and the Biography of Liu Fu show that although Sun Quan had a large army, the defenders of Hefei successfully defended the city through the materials and strategies left behind by Liu Fu. At that time, it rained for several days, and the city wall was in danger of collapsing. Therefore, the defenders covered the city wall with the straw and coats accumulated by Liu Fu, and lit the grease oil at night to illuminate the outside of the city, observe the movement of the enemy army and make corresponding precautions. Therefore, it can be said that Liu Fu played a key role in the construction and operation of Hefei City.

Although he died in the thirteenth year of Jian'an, without this person, there would be no Zhang 800 and 100,000 Sun 100,000

In addition, Liu Fu is also committed to the development of agricultural production. He built earthen dams such as Shaobi, Rupi, Qimen, and Wutang to store water to irrigate rice fields, providing rich grain reserves for the government and the people. The construction of these water conservancy projects not only increased local agricultural production, but also enhanced the living standards of the people, and to a certain extent, ensured the food supply during the war.

However, although Liu Fu made great contributions to the construction of Hefei City and agricultural production, he died in the thirteenth year of Jian'an and was unable to see the fruits of his efforts with his own eyes. However, his wisdom and courage, as well as his construction achievements, have been widely praised by posterity and have left a deep mark on history.

Sun Quan's second siege of Hefei with an army of 100,000 took place in 215 AD. The background of this siege was Cao Cao's attack on Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, so he was unable to provide assistance to Hefei at a critical moment. Although Sun Quan's forces far outnumbered the defenders of Hefei, the strong fortifications and valiant defenders of Hefei made it impossible for Sun Quan to achieve an easy victory. In this war, Zhang Liao successfully resisted Sun Quan's offensive with his outstanding military talents, and even made Sun Quan retreat in a hurry.

Of course, there is also Liu Fu's credit. It can be said that without Liu Fu's management of Hefei City, there would be no Zhang Liao's mighty Xiaoyaojin.

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