
The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

author:Financial Cool Review

#国家安全部: Be a staunch guardian of financial security##国家安全部: Be wary of bears and short-sellers##Shareholder exchanges##股票财经#

Finance is the lifeblood of a country's economy, and ensuring the security of the financial sector is essential for national security. Recently, the Ministry of State Security issued a circular calling on everyone to be vigilant against illegal activities in the financial sector, including those participants, executors, and profiteers who lend short securities and lend money, as well as those who falsify financial listings, refinance pre-listing raids with dividends and refinance debts, and those who take advantage of loopholes in the rules to reduce their holdings and then transfer assets overseas. These people are all categorized as "bears, shorts, bearers, and hollowouts".

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

There is a profound economic rationale behind this appeal, and wrongdoing in the financial sector can cause significant damage to the country's economy and therefore needs to be cracked down on in accordance with the law. In this article, we will explore the harms of these wrongdoings and why combating them is crucial for both the state and the average investor.

Finance is the lifeblood of a country's economy

First, let's understand the importance of finance to the country's economy. Finance is the lifeblood of a country's economy, and it supports the development of enterprises, innovation and the improvement of national living standards. The stability and security of financial markets is critical to the economic health of a country.

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

The stability and security of financial markets is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the interests of ordinary investors. When the financial market is not harmed by illegal acts, ordinary investors can participate with more peace of mind, obtain higher asset income, improve the quality of life, and enjoy more sense of gain and happiness.

The dangers of "bears, bears, bears, and hollowouts".

Now, let's take a closer look at the harm to national financial security caused by the illegal acts of "bears, shorts, shorts, and hollowouts". These actions could lead to instability in financial markets and undermine national security.

1. Short Sellers: Short selling is a speculative act in which participants borrow stocks and sell them, expecting the stock price to fall, and then buy back the stock at a lower price to pay off the debt, earning the difference. If this behavior gets out of control, it may lead to a vicious circle in the market, disrupt the normal investment order, and damage the stability of the market.

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

2. Financial fraud listings: Financial fraud may lead to inflated stock prices, attracting investors to invest a lot of money, and then the company is unable to achieve the promised performance, which ultimately leads to the collapse of the stock price and damages the rights and interests of investors.

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

3. Those who take advantage of loopholes in the rules to reduce their holdings and then transfer assets: Taking advantage of loopholes in the rules to reduce their holdings and transfer assets overseas not only undermines market transparency, but may also lead to capital outflows and damage national economic security.

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

Why it's important to fight wrongdoing

Cracking down on the illegal acts of "bears, short-sellers, short-sellers, and hollow-outs" is of paramount importance to the state and ordinary investors. Here are some of the key reasons:

1. Maintain the stability of the financial market: Illegal acts may lead to vicious market fluctuations and affect the stability of the market. Maintaining the stability of financial markets can help attract more investment and boost economic growth.

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

2. Protecting the rights and interests of ordinary investors: Ordinary investors are often a vulnerable group in the market, and they need to be legally protected from illegal acts. Cracking down on wrongdoing helps protect the rights and interests of investors.

3. Curbing capital outflows: Wrongdoing can lead to capital outflows and undermine national economic security. Combating these acts contributes to the preservation of national wealth.

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

4. Promote economic development: The stability and security of financial markets are essential for the financing and development of businesses. Cracking down on illegal activities can help boost investor confidence and boost economic development.

How to Combat "Bears, Bears, Bears, Bears, Hollows"

In order to crack down on the illegal activities of "bears, shorts, shorts, and hollowouts", a series of measures need to be taken, including:

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

1. Strengthen supervision: Strengthen the supervision of the financial market, increase the cost of violating the law, and ensure the fairness and transparency of the market order.

2. Severe punishment of illegal acts: For those individuals and enterprises engaged in illegal acts such as short-selling securities lending, financial fraud, and taking advantage of loopholes in the rules, they should be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the law and recover their illegal gains.

The Ministry of State Security is a staunch guardian of financial security: how to define the "four big empty" and how to be vigilant

3. Improve the transparency of information disclosure: Strengthen the financial information disclosure requirements of enterprises to ensure that investors can obtain true and accurate information.

4. Strengthen international cooperation: Combating capital outflows requires international collaboration to curb transnational violations.


The illegal acts of "bears, short-sellers, bear-bearers, and hollow-outs" in the financial sector pose a major threat to the national economy and ordinary investors. Maintaining the stability and security of the financial market is part of national security, and it also helps to improve people's sense of gain and happiness. By strengthening regulation, punishing wrongdoing, increasing transparency in disclosure, and strengthening international cooperation, we can work together to combat these wrongdoings and ensure the health of financial markets and the prosperity of our nations. Only in this way can A-shares really get better and bring about beneficial and harmless economic development.

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