
Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

The line in the mother's hand, the wanderer's shirt. Before leaving, I am afraid that I will return late. To be honest, only when I became a father did I know how difficult it was for my parents to love me. Old is the earliest wave of post-80s, so when I was a child, the conditions at home were not very good, remember to eat a bone, but also wait until the New Year, and it has to be noon on the Chinese New Year's Eve.

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

Nowadays, the living conditions of every family are much better. Not to mention anything else, when it comes to eating, at least every household has no shortage of big fish and meat! When the living conditions are better, as a parent, the love for their children will naturally be more materially reflected.

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

However, what I want to share with you today is that whether you take your children to the supermarket to buy snacks or take your children out to eat, I advise parents not to give the following foods to their children! To put it bluntly, some foods are equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags at one time, so let's take a look at them together.

The first type: cream cake

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

Many parents and grandparents at home think that cake is a good thing. Every time someone in the family has a birthday, they will buy a big cake. Even when children want to eat, they will buy a small piece separately to satisfy their cravings! However, Lao Yu is here to advise parents, don't give the cake to your children if you can't eat it!

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

Because, nowadays, most cakes are made with margarine. The so-called margarine, to put it bluntly, is margarine, which is very difficult to metabolize after entering our human body. To put it mildly, eating a meal is at most obese, and at worst, these fats are accumulated in the body and cannot be metabolized, and the impact on health is really great!

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

Some parents also said: What should I do if my child likes to eat cakes? If possible, you can occasionally eat a cake with animal butter. It's just that animal butter cakes are not easy to store, and they are generally freshly made and eaten, otherwise they will collapse or spoil.

The second: fried food

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

First of all, the fried food at home is not that you can't eat it, but that you should eat it less; However, if you can't eat fried food outside, you won't eat it! Many friends don't understand, it's all fried, why can you eat it at home, but you can't eat fried food outside! Let's put it this way, if it is a store with a little conscience, there may be palm oil for cooking, although this kind of oil is vegetable oil, but like animal fat, it contains saturated fatty acids, although it is expensive, but it is resistant to frying, that is, a pot of oil can be used for a long time.

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

If you encounter unscrupulous merchants, you will use shortening to fry the food. This oil is characterized by its inexpensiveness, reusability and crispiness of fried food. However, the disadvantages are also very obvious, because this kind of oil has a nickname, called "trans fatty acids", and the harm to health is not ordinary!

The third type: packaged takeaway fast food

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

To be honest, if you can, try not to let your child eat takeaway fast food! Why? I have experienced this once! Once, because of work problems, I came home late, so I simply took out a pot sticker from our Qingdao. Friends who have eaten it know that potstickers are similar to fried dumplings, so when they first come out of the pot, the temperature is extremely high.

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

When I opened the package, not only did I smell a smell of plastic, but it felt like I had set a plastic bag on fire in my mouth, which was not only very disgusting, but also difficult to swallow. In fact, this is caused by the decomposition of the plastic in the bags and boxes caused by the high temperature.

These things not only affect the taste of the ingredients, but also cause great harm to the health of the body. So, since then, I have never given my child takeout again.

——Old Yu said——

Eating once is equivalent to eating 8 plastic bags, many people don't know, and parents are advised not to give their children to eat

The above is the content to share with you today, I hope it can help you! In fact, for children, three meals a day is best eaten at home, in addition to less oil, less salt and less sugar, try to achieve 3 points for meat, 5 points for vegetables, and 2 points for staple food in the combination of ingredients, which is not only more nutritious, but also more scientific. I'm a gluttonous old man, thank you for watching, thank you!

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