
Beach house house

author:Zhang Bobo
Beach house house

Facing the sea, this beachfront villa

International studio A-Cero Architectural Affairs shares their latest work with us. This is the interior design they did for the Villa Bianca and a restaurant at the Iniala Hotel located on Natai Beach in Phuket. The space is enclosed by bending the roof to one side, and the roofs meet almost on a central axis towards the ocean. Between them, a linear pool extends the length of the building, reaching the shore after passing over the enclosed spaces. Because the two houses complement each other, the interior design identifies similar but very different schemes. The curved roof and walls are all enclosed by wooden panels, accented by curved white panels. In one unit, the designer emphasized the view facing the sea, and in the other, the designer emphasized the longitudinal curvature of the structure. The different positioning also determines the different styles of interior furnishings, and the designer makes full use of custom-made furniture to create a home that brings comfort and luxury to the guest rooms. The reflective white headboard, counters, stools and vanity are made of high-quality polycarbonate for a clean, smooth and spotless finish.

Beach house house

Standing by the pool and looking out at the room

Beach house house

The exterior of the first unit with wooden planks as the interior

Beach house house

The roof panels curve along the room to blend in with the benches

Beach house house

In the second unit, the headboard transitions into a backlit ceiling

Beach house house
Beach house house

Custom-made vanity behind the headboard

Beach house house


Beach house house

The exterior structure of the guest rooms

Beach house house
Beach house house

The interior of the restaurant is decorated with wavy wooden strips on the roof and walls, like the waves of the sea

Beach house house

View from the exterior of the restaurant

Beach house house

Exhibition board

Beach house house

Floor plan of the hotel

Beach house house

Floor plan of the hotel

Beach house house


Beach house house


Beach house house


Beach house house


Beach house house

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