
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!

author:Rong Rong loves food 1128

As they age, the body of middle-aged and elderly people gradually weakens and is susceptible to various diseases. In order to enhance the body's immunity, in addition to paying attention to dietary hygiene and strengthening exercise, you can also improve your immunity by eating some foods that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The following are four vegetables with their own "natural penicillin", which are eaten once every other day by middle-aged and elderly people, which is very beneficial to their health.

1. Garlic

Garlic is a food with powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and the allicin it contains has an inhibitory and killing effect on a variety of bacteria and viruses. Middle-aged and elderly people can consume garlic in moderation to prevent diseases such as colds, respiratory tract infections, and digestive tract infections. Garlic can be chopped into minced garlic and added to coleslaw to taste, or garlic can be cooked and eaten.

A new way to eat garlic is recommended

I know how to eat! It's really fragrant, it's delicious!!

It's simple and fast, and you can sandwich the baked cakes, steamed buns, and bread!!

Sisters in the fat loss period can eat whole wheat toast!!

Don't put so much garlic at first, two eggs and two garlic, the taste is not enough

You can add garlic again!! Go and try it!! It's not tasty, come to me!!

The practice is shown in the figure ~

These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!

2. Kale

Kale is a vegetable rich in vitamin C and fiber, and it also contains a certain amount of antibacterial ingredients. The sulfide in kale inhibits the growth of bacteria, thus acting as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Middle-aged and elderly people can consume kale, which can enhance the body's immunity and prevent colds and other respiratory diseases. Kale can be stir-fried or boiled in soup.

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried beef with kale

Method: Chop the kale and set aside, 100g beef with light soy sauce, cooking wine, black pepper, starch, oil, marinate for 5 minutes, heat the garlic in the oil, stir-fry the beef to change color and add kale, and fry until it is broken. It's delicious with multigrain rice, so let's try it, sisters.

These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!

3. Purslane

Purslane is a wild vegetable and a nutritious vegetable. It contains a lot of nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene, and also has a certain antibacterial effect. The flavonoids in purslane can inhibit the reproduction of bacteria, thereby playing an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory role. Middle-aged and elderly people can consume purslane to prevent diseases such as intestinal infections and respiratory tract infections. Purslane can be stir-fried or served cold.

Recommended recipe: cold purslane

This dish is recommended for girls!!

Please see the figure for the manufacturing method

Purslane efficacy: anti-inflammatory, regulating blood sugar, anti-cancer and anti-cancer, diluting water and reducing swelling

Clear away heat and detoxify, cool blood and stop bleeding, treat diarrhea

Purslane, which contains strong antioxidants, can maintain the normal physiological functions of the skin, delay skin aging, eliminate pigmented spots, prevent facial acne, and make the skin moisturized, delicate and smooth, suitable for people with dry skin.

Suitable for

Patients with enteritis, skin diseases, three highs, and cancer


Pregnant women, people with spleen and stomach deficiency, hypoglycemia, and low blood pressure

Not suitable for eating together: soft-shelled turtle, amaranth, cold food.

These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!

4. Fennel

Fennel is a spice and a nutritious vegetable. It contains a lot of nutrients such as vitamin C, carotene and fiber, and also has a certain antibacterial effect. The volatile oil in fennel inhibits the reproduction of bacteria, thus acting as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Middle-aged and elderly people can consume fennel to prevent diseases such as intestinal infections and respiratory tract infections. You can chop fennel and mix it with seasonings, or you can cook fennel in soup and eat it.

Recommended recipe: fennel-stuffed dumplings

I heard the old people say that eating dumplings with this stuffing can nourish the stomach!!

I checked it out, and eating fennel is really good for the stomach.

Make dumplings with thin skin and large filling, and eat more than 10 at a time.

Ingredients: fennel, fungus, shrimp skin, egg, green onion

Seasoning: sesame oil, salt, pepper, oyster sauce, light soy sauce

These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!
These 4 kinds of vegetables come with "natural penicillin", which can be eaten by middle-aged and elderly people every other day to improve immunity!

These four vegetables with their own "natural penicillin" are very beneficial to the health of middle-aged and elderly people who eat them once every other day.