
Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

author:Soul chats about the world

Zimbabwe is a country located in southern Africa, rich in natural resources and rich in history and culture, with many natural attractions worth visiting, and many people will come here to explore.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

Most of the locals are still relatively good, and you don't have to call to say hello or anything, but you have to tip when you're done. The lower incomes are basically moonshine people, and the blacks understand the matter of having fun in a timely manner, so they squander half of the money to buy beer that night, and then squander the money after 2-3 days before returning to work.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

Zimbabwe has experienced long-term economic difficulties, including high inflation, recession, and currency crises. This has led to high unemployment, poverty and inadequate infrastructure, which have challenged people's incomes and spending power.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

The local use of the US dollar is dominant, and the accident in the previous Jinyuan era caused many millionaires to go bankrupt directly, so the current black people believe in the dollar and are reluctant to deposit their money in the bank.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

The Zimbabwean coin is already worth 0 as a currency, but it still has a recycling value as paper. The maximum face value ever issued by Zimbabwe is 10^14 yuan, because the face value has no actual value, so any Zimbabwean currency we regard as 10^14 yuan, otherwise, a 10^14 yuan is worth more than a piece of paper, contradictory.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

Local political sensitivities can't talk about their president, but in the chat, you can understand that some people are still dissatisfied with the current government, and if there is something to stake, you can feel the greed of the country.

There are no high-rise buildings there, only small villas, each with a garden and needs to be maintained by itself. The infrastructure is poor, and it is easy to lose power and the network.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

On the way to work during the day, if you walk, you don't dare to carry a backpack, it is easy to be robbed, and when you have to do it, make the backpack stronger on your body. After all, in their eyes, Chinese are rich, and the traffic police look for trouble from time to time, the purpose of course is to get tips.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

Zimbabwe's transport system is relatively poor, with roads connecting major cities and rural areas. But it has long been dilapidated and no one has repaired it, and buses and minibuses are often overloaded and crowded.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

Zimbabwe has a limited rail system that mainly connects some major cities and mining areas. There are only a few airports in a country, and some may be cut by airlines.

Zimbabwe is home to several wildlife sanctuaries, including Warley National Park and Mkuru National Park, among others. These sanctuaries are dedicated to the protection of endangered species such as rhinos, elephants, and lions, providing opportunities for wildlife viewing and ecotourism.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

There is also one of the most famous natural attractions – Victoria Falls, one of the largest waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls is known for its stunning views and huge momentum, where you can feel the baptism of water mist and enjoy breathtaking views.

Zimbabwe's "Current Situation", the Real Moonlight People 1000 Words to Understand the Real "Zimbabwe"

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