
Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

author:Shake Chat Movie

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

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In autumn and winter, there is a high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but Academician Chen Keji, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, revealed an astonishing discovery and discovered a small fruit, hawthorn, which has the magical effect of protecting cardiovascular disease. The secret of this little fruit will change the way we think about it, so let's explore how to enjoy the benefits of this fruit to the fullest.

Article content:

In autumn and winter, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are rampant, which worries many people. However, the team of Academician Chen Keji, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, has been exploring ways to protect the heart for many years, and finally revealed a surprising discovery - hawthorn, a small fruit that we are familiar with in daily life, actually has a powerful cardiovascular protective effect.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

The discovery of this secret will change the way we think about hawthorn.

In the study of the Qing court medical case, Academician Chen Keji found that the "heart fruit" commonly used in the Qing Dynasty court was hawthorn. After modern pharmacological research in recent years, it has been found that hawthorn is rich in flavonoids, which can not only reduce blood lipids, but also have anti-atherosclerotic effects, dilate coronary arteries, increase blood flow, and reduce myocardial ischemia, thereby reducing the risk of ischemic myocardial damage. In addition, hawthorn has blood pressure-lowering and antioxidant effects, which makes it ideal for cardiovascular health.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

The results of the experiments conducted by the research team also showed that hawthorn does have the effect of lowering lipids and inhibiting plaque formation. In clinical practice, after long-term consumption of "heart fruit", arteriosclerosis and carotid plaque in many patients have been significantly improved.

But how to best enjoy this "heart fruit"? The experts offer two different approaches.

First, one way is to make a modified version of the Eight Immortals Cake. This healthy snack combines hawthorn and lily to balance the warmth of hawthorn with the coolness of lily to enhance its heart-protecting effect. To make this pastry, it is not complicated, it is made by mixing medicinal powder, glutinous rice flour and rice flour, adding warm water and noodles, then using a mixture of hawthorn and lily as a filling, and finally steaming.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

This improved Eight Immortals Cake is especially suitable for people with cardiovascular disease and those who wish to prevent it.

The other method is simpler, which is to make hawthorn tea. This tea is an enhanced version of Qing Gong Immortal Elixir Tea, containing raw hawthorn, kuding tea, lotus leaf and perilla leaf to promote cardiovascular health. After brewing these herbs into tea, drinking them half an hour after meals helps to lower lipids and blood pressure, and at the same time dispels dampness and lowers lipids, which is also helpful for weight loss. This hawthorn tea is especially suitable for patients with three highs and hyperuricemia, and it is able to improve symptoms such as obesity, dizziness, headache, sticky stools, loss of appetite and fatigue.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

In addition, the article also explains the differences in the efficacy of different forms of hawthorn. Fresh hawthorn and raw hawthorn have similar effects, mainly lowering lipids and protecting the cardiovascular system. Burnt hawthorn focuses on digestion and accumulation, while fried hawthorn excels in strengthening the spleen and appetizing. Therefore, when choosing hawthorn products, you need to consider its specific efficacy.

Overall, hawthorn is a powerful cardiovascular-healthy food, and whether it's making Eight Immortals Cake or making tea, it's a delicious and healthy way to enjoy its benefits. However, it is important to remember that these methods, while helpful with conditioning, are not a substitute for medication.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

The secret of hawthorn has been revealed, let's make full use of this little "heart fruit" when protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health in autumn and winter.

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Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

It is the "savior" of the lungs, and it should be eaten often in autumn! One nourishes the stomach, the second clears the lungs, and the third strengthens immunity!

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Hello everyone, I'm Tachibana! Have you ever heard of the secret of the four seasons: "nourish the liver in spring, nourish the heart in summer, nourish the lungs in autumn, and nourish the kidneys in winter"? Autumn has arrived, and it is the time to nourish your lungs and prepare for the health challenges of winter. Why should we pay special attention to nourishing our lungs? The dry climate in autumn reduces the body's immunity and can easily lead to respiratory infections such as cough, sore throat, nosebleeds and other uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, lung health care in the fall is crucial to help reduce the distress of illness.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

Now I would like to introduce you to a very suitable ingredient for autumn - yam, also known as potato or potato. At home, whenever autumn comes, yams are on our table almost every week. Yam is praised by my mother as a nutritious and beneficial ingredient for the human body, especially suitable for autumn consumption.

Yam is a valuable ingredient for both medicine and food, it is rich in fiber and mucin, which helps to promote the function of the spleen and stomach, strengthen intestinal peristalsis, and strengthen the spleen and stomach. At the same time, yam is also a good product for moistening and nourishing the lungs, helping to relieve wheezing and coughing and other lung discomfort symptoms caused by lung deficiency, especially beneficial to middle-aged and elderly people.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

In addition, yam can also improve immunity and enhance the body's ability to resist diseases.

In autumn, in addition to increasing yam intake, it is equally important to drink plenty of water and keep warm. At the same time, we should also choose our diet carefully and avoid too much spicy and greasy food. It's important to remember that wellness requires patience and you can't expect results overnight. I myself used to have poor physical fitness, but in the past year, I have gradually improved through health conditioning, and now I rarely feel unwell, and my physical condition has improved significantly. There are many different ways to cook yams, including making porridge, stewing soups, stir-frying, and making desserts, among others.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

Next, I'm going to share with you three common home-cooked practices that can make yam your "savior" for the fall!

Recipe 1: Brown sugar yam glutinous rice balls

Ingredients: yam, glutinous rice flour, old brown sugar, red dates, wolfberry, water

Detailed Steps:

1. First, peel off the skin of the yam, wash it and cut it into thin slices, then steam it, mash it into a puree, and put it in a large bowl.

2. Add glutinous rice flour, stir well, and knead into a dough.

3. Take a small piece of dough, roll it into a small round ball, and put it on a plate for later use.

4. Bring water to a boil, add yam dumplings, cook until floating, remove and set aside.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

5. Add old brown sugar and water to the pot, bring to a boil, add the yam rice balls, cook until the sugar is dissolved, and skim off the foam.

6. Finally, add the red dates and goji berries, cook for 1 minute and enjoy.

Exceptionally warm in autumn and winter, these brown sugar yam dumplings are delicate, sweet and delicious, and can be enjoyed 2-3 times a week to keep your body warm and no longer affected by the cold.

Recipe 2: Emerald yam

Ingredients: yam, broccoli, white vinegar, salt, chicken essence, cooking oil

Detailed Steps:

1. Peel the yam, cut it into thin strips and soak it in water with white vinegar to prevent oxidation and blackening.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

2. After pruning the broccoli, blanch for 3 minutes, remove and set aside.

3. Heat the cooking oil in a pan, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add yam and broccoli and stir-fry until dry.

4. Add salt and chicken essence, continue to stir-fry, add water starch, stir-fry evenly, and then you can get out of the pot.

This jade yam is refreshing and delicious, simple to make, has a wonderful color, and is delicious and nutritious.

Recipe 3: Sweet and sour yam

Ingredients: yam, corn starch, cooking oil, sweet and sour sauce, salt

Detailed Steps:

1. Cut the yam into small evenly pieces and coat with cornstarch

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

2. Add oil to the hot pan, slowly fry the yam until golden brown and crispy, remove and set aside.

3. Add sweet and sour sauce to the pot, cook until thick, add the fried yam, and stir-fry quickly.

This sweet and sour yam is sweet and sour, suitable for adults and children, and is very simple to make.


Yam is a good helper for promoting lung health, and has been widely praised for its many nutritional values and health benefits. In autumn, let's savor delicious yams to protect our lung health and prepare for a healthier autumn and winter. This is the end of this article, please like, favorite, and share with more friends.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

A 48-year-old man pooped two or three times a day and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! 5 types of anomalies or physical "alarms"

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Everyone thought that there would be no problems with their health until that day came suddenly. Mr. Liu, a seemingly athletic 48-year-old man, prides himself on his regular bowel movements and good appetite. However, his arrogance is slapped in the face by reality because pancreatic cancer comes so quickly. This story will take you through why pancreatic cancer is known as the "king of cancers" and show you how to identify early symptoms and prevent this malignant disease.

## Insidious early symptoms

The pancreas, the secret organ of the body's endocrine and digestive systems, is usually not a cause for concern.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

Mr. Lau has been living a healthy and regular life, however, a few months ago, he started noticing abnormal bowel movements, and his stools became thin and unformed, but he didn't worry too much about it, thinking that it might just be an upset stomach.

Soon after, symptoms escalated and the frequency of stools increased, accompanied by an increase in the severity of diarrhea. At the same time, Mr. Liu's skin began to turn yellow and he lost significantly weight. As a last resort, he went to the hospital for answers. The doctor recommended a colonoscopy, but the result was unexpected by everyone – normal. Although the doctor prescribed some digestive aids, Mr. Liu's symptoms did not improve significantly.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

Two months later, the symptoms flare-up again, this time more severely. Mr. Lau found that as long as he consumed a little high-fat food, he would suffer from severe diarrhea. After a thorough examination at the hospital, Mr. Liu was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which was at an advanced stage and had little chance of cure.

This story shows us that pancreatic cancer is often an unforeseen, quietly developing killer. Since early-stage pancreatic cancer has few obvious symptoms, 80% of patients are diagnosed in the middle and advanced stages. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the early symptoms so that early action can be taken.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

## Five warning signs

### 1. Pain in the upper abdomen

The early symptoms of pancreatic cancer may be less obvious, but some signs can still help you be alert. The first is epigastric pain, which is experienced in about 60% of patients in the early stages. This pain may be more pronounced at night and may spread to the upper chest and back.

### 2. Gastrointestinal symptoms

Another warning sign is digestive symptoms, including loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and changes in bowel habits. These symptoms may be associated with the development of pancreatic cancer.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

### 3. jaundice

Jaundice is not only a sign of liver problems, it can also be a sign of pancreatic cancer. When the tumor presses on the common bile duct, it can cause jaundice, causing the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow, accompanied by symptoms such as a dark brown color in the urine.

### 4. Elevated blood sugar

The pancreas plays a key role in maintaining blood sugar balance. However, pancreatic cancer may affect insulin secretion, leading to an increase in blood sugar. So, if you notice an increase in your blood sugar levels, it could also be a warning sign.

### 5. Lose weight for no reason

The pancreas, as an exocrine gland, is able to secrete digestive enzymes.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

Pancreatic cancer may cause a disorder in the secretion of these enzymes, which can lead to unexplained weight loss in patients.

These five symptoms can be early signs of pancreatic cancer, and although they may be associated with other diseases, if you or someone close to you is experiencing these symptoms, you should consult your doctor early to rule out the possibility of pancreatic cancer.

## Four key steps to prevent pancreatic cancer

Although pancreatic cancer is a sinister disease, there are steps we can take to reduce our risk. Cancer does not occur suddenly, but is a long-term accumulation and progressive process, therefore, prevention is crucial.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

### 1. Eat a balanced diet

Diet is essential for maintaining good health. To try to maintain a balanced diet, minus

Limit the intake of high-salt, high-fat and pickled foods. Red and processed meats should also be limited, while foods such as white meat, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits should be eaten more.

### 2. Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Many people with pancreatic cancer have a history of smoking and drinking. Smoking and alcohol consumption can adversely affect pancreatic health, so it's important to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption as early as possible.

### 3. Keep moving

Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce the incidence of many types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

Therefore, the elderly should choose an exercise that suits them and stick to it.

### 4. Regular medical check-ups

For people at high risk of pancreatic cancer, regular check-ups are very important. People with a family history of pancreatic cancer, recent weight loss, fatigue, abdominal pain, or elevated tumor markers during physical examination should be screened regularly.

Pancreatic cancer is a fatal disease, but we can reduce our risk by living a healthy lifestyle and having regular check-ups. If you or someone close to you is experiencing symptoms related to pancreatic cancer, be sure to pay enough attention and consult a doctor in time.

Autumn is a seasonal fruit that can lower lipids, inhibit plaque formation, and effectively protect cardiovascular health!

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