
Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated


The U.S. has been encircling and suppressing China for several years, but China's momentum has not been significantly affected. American experts put forward the idea that there is only one way to defeat China, but the United States has never dared to cross this red line. China drew the "38th parallel" for the United States during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the 17th parallel of north latitude during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam, which is the bottom line set by China in order to defend its national interests. However, American experts believe that to defeat China, it is necessary to constantly deplete China's forces through local wars. Peripheral security and stability are crucial to a country's development, and the United States has been able to rise thanks to its favorable surrounding environment, while China's surrounding environment is relatively complex. Despite the various containment and suppression carried out by the United States against China, China still maintains a vigorous momentum of development. So, what other cards does the United States have to play? How to solve the problem of the game between China and the United States? This article will explore. China has drawn a red line, which is the bottom line that China has set to defend its national interests. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China successfully pushed back the US military to the vicinity of the "38th Parallel", which became the world's famous military demarcation line.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Similarly, in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam, China drew the 17th parallel as a warning line, and as long as the United States crossed this red line, it would be equivalent to starting a war with China. However, these red lines have not yet been crossed by the United States. Looking back at history, during the Vietnam War, the US ground forces never dared to cross the 17th parallel, which was also considered a political defeat for the United States. It can be said that China has effectively protected its national interests by drawing red lines, and it cannot be ignored that this is also a manifestation of China's firm defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, American experts believe that to defeat China, it is necessary to constantly deplete China's forces through local wars. In recent years, the United States has used various means to contain and suppress China, but it has not achieved the expected results. Peripheral security and stability are crucial to a country's development, and development and prosperity require a stable and peaceful surrounding environment. The reason why the United States has been able to make a lot of money in silence is largely due to its favorable surrounding environment. In contrast, China's surrounding environment is relatively complex and in a state of "congenital deficiencies". This has brought certain challenges to China's development, but it has also stimulated the motivation of the Chinese people to work harder.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Therefore, American experts believe that the constant depletion of China's forces through local wars may be a way to defeat China. However, this view has sparked some controversy. Some believe that the attrition of China's power through local wars could lead to regional instability and bring more trouble to the world. In addition, as the world's second largest economy, China has strong economic strength and international influence, and its development has become an irreversible trend. Therefore, in order to defeat China, it may not be enough to rely on local wars. In addition, China adheres to the concept of peaceful development and does not take the initiative to invade other countries, but at the same time resolutely defends its own national interests. China has always been committed to resolving international disputes through peace and cooperation, actively participating in global affairs, and contributing to world peace and stability. Therefore, the United States should adopt a more pragmatic and cooperative attitude toward its China policy. In general, the United States has been encircling and suppressing China for many years, but China's development momentum has not been significantly affected. China has effectively protected its national interests by drawing red lines, while American experts believe that attrition of China's power through local wars may be the way to defeat China. However, this view has sparked some controversy.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

As the world's second largest economy, China's development has become an irreversible trend. Instead of trying to defeat China through confrontation and war, it is better to adopt a more pragmatic and cooperative attitude. The two sides should strengthen dialogue and exchanges, strengthen cooperation, and jointly address global challenges. Only through cooperation and development can a win-win situation be achieved. Finally, we raise a question: how can the two sides achieve peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation in the game between China and the United States? Please leave a comment to share your views and suggestions. The increasingly serious security situation in China's surrounding areas has aroused the attention of the international community. China has territorial disputes and security issues with a number of countries, including the North Korean nuclear issue, the South China Sea dispute, the threat of terrorism in its western borders, and the conflict between India and Pakistan in South Asia. U.S. military experts believe that China's strength is too strong to defeat on its own, but it can be used to deplete China's strength by cultivating power and creating opportunities. However, the United States has not dared to cross this "red line" so far, and its strategic deployment is to fan the flames and create local hot spots in China's neighborhood in order to drag China into the quagmire of war. Some US experts believe that in order to defeat China, it is necessary to cooperate with China's neighboring countries and attack China en masse.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Japan and India are seen as the main forces of the United States in besieging China. They can provoke trouble and echo the United States from afar. These plans are not just on paper, but are actually being implemented. China's territorial disputes and security issues with its neighboring countries have become the focus of world attention. From Northeast Asia to South Asia, from the South China Sea to Central Asia, the security situation in China's surrounding areas is becoming increasingly tense. However, American military experts believe that China's strength is too strong to be countered by the United States alone. So, how does the U.S. respond to this challenge? One view is that the United States can rely on its alliance system to cultivate power around China and create opportunities to drag China into a local war. Through a "proxy war", the United States can gradually deplete China's power and interrupt China's rise process. However, this practice has raised concerns in the international community. After all, China is one of the largest developing countries in the world, and the global impact of its stability and peace cannot be ignored. The situation in China's neighborhood is complex and volatile. The North Korean nuclear issue in Northeast Asia has not been resolved, and territorial disputes and historical issues between countries are intertwined, and the great power game is escalating.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

The South China Sea issue has gradually become a core element of China-ASEAN national security cooperation. The western frontier and the Central Asian countries face the threat of terrorism, separatism and extremism. The India-Pakistan conflict, nuclear proliferation, ethnic-religious tensions, and poverty in South Asia have also plagued China. In response to China's challenge, American military experts put forward their strategy. They believe that in order to defeat China, it is necessary for China's neighboring countries to cooperate with the United States and launch a joint offensive against China. Among them, Japan and India are seen as the main forces of the United States in the siege of China. They can stir up trouble in China's neighborhood, create local hot spots, and form a distant echo with the United States. The purpose of this strategy is to deplete China's power in order to prevent China's rise. However, the implementation of such a strategy is not an easy task. As a big country, China has great economic and military strength, and its stability and peace have a huge impact on the world. A siege on China could not only trigger regional conflicts, but also cause global economic turmoil. Therefore, the United States must carefully consider its strategy and not only consider its own interests while ignoring regional and global stability. In addition, this practice by the United States has raised questions about its intentions.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Some believe that the United States is trying to contain China's rise in order to maintain its global hegemony. However, this approach does not correspond to the current trend of the international community. The world has entered a multipolar era, and all countries should solve problems in a cooperative rather than confrontational manner and promote common development. Overall, the growing security situation in China's periphery has raised international concerns. U.S. military experts have come up with a strategy to deplete China's power by cultivating power and creating opportunities. However, such an approach may trigger regional conflicts and even global economic turmoil, so it needs to be carefully considered. In today's era of multipolarization, all countries should solve problems in a cooperative rather than confrontational manner and promote common development. So, what measures should the international community take in the face of the security situation around China? We look forward to hearing your views and suggestions. Please answer the following questions:1. What do you think about the U.S. strategy of besieging China? 2. How do you think the international community should respond to the security situation around China? 3. What are your thoughts on China's rise and its implications for regional and global stability?

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

India refuses to be a pawn of the United States, and the purpose of the United States to instigate a proxy war against China In early 2023, the U.S. Senate passed a bill declaring the recognition of the illegal "McMahon Line" as the Sino-Indian border, a move that is considered to be U.S. interference in China's internal affairs and contrary to historical facts and international justice. The purpose of the United States is to profit from the Sino-Indian war by instigating India to provoke a border conflict between China and India. However, India's handling of the border issue has been unexpected, and it has clearly recognized the intentions of the United States and reminded itself not to take a casual position. Although the United States has been stirring up trouble in China's neighborhood, it has never dared to directly support those countries in their war with China. This is because China's strength is no longer what it used to be, and the risk of war with China is uncontrollable to build an "encirclement" against China. China's relations with its neighbors are very delicate, and the United States' instigation for neighboring countries to go to war with China is purely whimsical. In India, for example, despite the border conflict between China and India, India understands that an all-out war with China is tantamount to self-destruction. Moreover, India and Russia cooperate closely at the military level, and given the special inter-state relations between China and Russia, India does not dare to act rashly.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Similarly, Vietnam is at loggerheads with China over the South China Sea, but it will never dare to go to war with China. Despite its constant small moves, the United States has never dared to cross the red line and directly support the country's war with China. This is because the United States realizes that China's strength is no longer to be underestimated, and the risk of provoking a war is uncontrollable. A war with China would create enormous uncertainty at the economic, political, and military levels. At the same time, the United States does not want to see its allies in China's neighborhood drawn into war, which would weaken its influence in the region. Therefore, although the United States has provoked trouble on the surface, it has never dared to break the bottom line. Although the United States has been trying to contain China's development through various strategies, these strategies are not destined to succeed in the current international landscape. China's economic, technological, and military capabilities have increased significantly, and it is unrealistic to build an "encirclement" against China. On the contrary, China's cooperative relations with its neighbors have been strengthened, and China's influence in regional affairs has grown. The United States should recognize this and cooperate with China, not hostile, in order to find its niche in the current international landscape.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

In short, the United States is trying to contain China by intervening in the Sino-Indian border issue, but India's sober attitude makes it impossible for the United States to realize its plan. The United States has continued to make small moves, but it has never dared to cross the red line to support the country in starting a war with China, because the United States recognizes that China's strength cannot be underestimated and the risk of war is uncontrollable. On the contrary, China's position in international affairs has been continuously enhanced, and its cooperative relations with neighboring countries have been strengthened. Therefore, the United States should change its strategy and cooperate with China rather than confront it in order to find its place in the current international landscape. Do you think the U.S. strategy of containing China by intervening in the Sino-Indian border issue is feasible? In the current international landscape, how should the United States respond to China's rise? Tensions between China and the United States are growing, and many are worried about whether a direct conflict will erupt. However, judging by historical experience, Vietnam understands the consequences of confrontation with China. Today, the economies of China and Vietnam are increasingly interdependent, so a rash war with China would be self-explanatory. Vietnam is strategically located, and the United States has always wanted to station troops in Vietnam to better deter China. However, Vietnam has never allowed it, fearing over-stimulating China.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Vietnam is willing to work with the United States to put pressure on China, but will never allow itself to risk war with China for the United States. However, the U.S. instigating a "proxy war" around China is tantamount to playing with fire and self-immolation, which is likely to trigger serious consequences of a direct conflict between China and the United States. In the past two years, the interaction between the United States and China's Taiwan has escalated, approaching China's bottom line. The Chinese military has taken corresponding countermeasures, including the launch of hypersonic missiles in the eastern seas. China also dispatched the Shandong warship to conduct an "island closure" exercise in the waters east of Taiwan Island, and the US aircraft carrier "Reagan" quickly headed north to break away. These incidents show that the United States does not dare to act lightly, because once it provokes China, the consequences will be unimaginable. Despite the tensions between China and the United States, Vietnam does not intend to put itself in trouble for the sake of American interests. Vietnam understands the consequences of a direct conflict with China and therefore does not act rashly. At the same time, Vietnam is increasingly economically interdependent with China, making it self-digging to go to war with China. Vietnam's strategic location has led the United States to have a military presence in Vietnam to better deter China. However, Vietnam has not allowed it, fearing that such a move would overstimulate China.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Therefore, Vietnam is willing to cooperate with the United States to put pressure on China, but will never allow itself to risk war with China for the United States. On the other hand, the "proxy war" instigated by the United States in China's neighborhood is tantamount to playing with fire and self-immolation, which is likely to trigger serious consequences of a direct conflict between China and the United States. In the past two years, the interaction between the United States and China's Taiwan has escalated, approaching China's bottom line. The Chinese military has taken corresponding countermeasures, including the launch of hypersonic missiles in the eastern seas. China also dispatched the Shandong warship to conduct an "island closure" exercise in the waters east of Taiwan Island, and the US aircraft carrier "Reagan" quickly headed north to break away. These incidents show that the United States does not dare to act lightly, because once it provokes China, the consequences will be unimaginable. In July 2023, Mark Milley revealed that the United States is considering adjusting its military deployments in Japan and South Korea, possibly withdrawing some of its troops. This is because China's repeated military exercises have shaken the confidence of the United States to continue to control the "first island chain." Mark Milley said that the U.S. military has more than 80,000 troops stationed in Japan and South Korea, and is currently looking for alternative bases, and plans to withdraw some troops from Japan and South Korea. The immediate reason is to prevent a full-scale attack by China in an uncertain conflict.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

Therefore, disperse personnel and materials to avoid being "one pot" by China. Summing up, Vietnam understands the consequences of a direct conflict with China and is not going to put itself in trouble for the sake of the United States. On the other hand, the U.S. strategy around China could provoke a direct conflict, so it is also reconsidering its military deployments. In the current complex international situation, peace and stability are of the utmost importance. States should solve problems through dialogue and cooperation, rather than taking risky actions. It is only through cooperation that we can build a peaceful and stable world that ensures the interests and security of all nations. How to ensure peace and stability in the face of growing tensions between China and the United States? How do you think countries should solve the problem? Please leave your opinion in the comments. The United States and neighboring countries have recently conducted frequent joint military exercises, a move that is seen as putting pressure on China. However, the United States did not directly provoke China, because the United States understands that China has become a great power to be reckoned with, and its power has surpassed what the United States had previously anticipated. In reality, the U.S. policy toward China has reached a tipping point where it either touches China's red line or accepts China's rise.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

So, where exactly are the red lines in the US policy toward China? What are the limits of a conflict between China and the United States? This article will discuss this in conjunction with the relevant literature. The red lines in the US policy toward China are mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the issue of China's territorial sovereignty, and the other is China's role in international affairs. On the issue of territorial sovereignty, the United States has a clear attitude toward China's Taiwan issue and the South China Sea issue. In addition, the United States is increasingly worried about China's voice and influence in international affairs. However, the red line in the US policy towards China does not mean that it will directly declare war on China. On the contrary, the United States is more inclined to exert pressure indirectly by conducting military exercises with neighboring countries and stepping up arms sales to China. As a country with the largest military budget in the world, the United States has demonstrated strong military strength in its China policy. However, the United States also knows that in the event of a direct conflict with China, the consequences will be unimaginable. In the past few decades, the United States' foreign strategy has mainly focused on "hegemonism" and tried to expand its interests and influence by force. However, with the rise of China, the hegemonic strategy of the United States has faced serious challenges.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

The United States needs to ensure its own national security, but also need to take into account its international image and influence. It can be seen from this that the fundamental reason why the United States does not dare to directly cross the "red line" and nakedly instigate neighboring countries to go to war with China is that it is afraid of China's great strength. Once America's allies go to war with China, the United States will be caught in a "dilemma": if it does not support its allies, it will completely lose its international credibility and lead to the collapse of the alliance system; Once substantial support is provided to an ally, it is easy to enter into a head-on conflict with China, with dire consequences. However, China is not without countermeasures. In recent years, China has made great strides in terms of military strength, economic strength, and diplomatic means. China is also playing an increasingly important role in international affairs. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have had a profound impact on the global economy and trade. In addition, China has expanded its influence in East Asia by signing free trade agreements with neighboring countries and participating in regional multilateral security cooperation. Conclusion: Our attitude towards relations with the United States has always been clear and unambiguous.

Overcoming China's Last Hurdle: Experts Reveal the Only Strategy That the United States Miscalculated

The Pacific Ocean is large enough for the peaceful coexistence of China and the United States. The United States has led the trend of global economic development for a long time, and there is much to learn from China. Therefore, we have absolutely no intention of challenging the international status of the United States, still less disdain to engage in a so-called "struggle for hegemony" with the United States. Even when the United States takes the initiative to provoke and the game between China and the United States is in full swing, we are still willing to show the greatest sincerity and goodwill to negotiate with the United States to solve the problem and jointly build a harmonious world. However, we must also point out that national independence and territorial integrity are our core interests and bottom line, and any provocative behavior that crosses the red line will inevitably meet with China's head-on attack. Reference: Wang Fan, "The Bottom Line of the U.S. Strategy Toward China and the Limits of Sino-US Conflict", Foreign Affairs Review (Journal of China Foreign Affairs University), 2021, No. 6.

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