
30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!

author:Spring tree peace
30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!
30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!



Common viral influenza cannot be treated

Treatment is also not required

All cold medicines that are taken are used to relieve symptoms, and there is a saying: for a cold, take medicine for a week, and not take it for 7 days. However, sometimes a viral flu can be combined with a bacterial infection, which is when antibiotics or injections are required.


Stomach ulcers really have little to do with what you eat

The main cause of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter pylori infection, which is mainly transmitted through meals and many people chewing to feed their children, and Helicobacter pylori infection can be cured with antibiotics. A small amount of gastric acid secretion is due to nervous control disorders, which can be solved with antacids, and severe cases can be solved with surgery. Generally, as long as it is not particularly exciting, there are not so many taboos.


Beriberi is a systemic disease

Many people have fungal infections on the feet, but as long as there are visible foci of infection on the feet, in fact, there are generally fungal distributions throughout the body, and the likes of Daknin can only relieve local symptoms in a short period of time, and oral antifungal drugs are needed to cure them.


There are many causes of anemia

But it's useless to eat ejiao, red dates, and the like

The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency anemia, which can be supplemented by eating more iron-rich liver and red meat, and the iron content in plant foods is not only generally low, but also has a very poor absorption rate. Other types of anemia are also treated and supplemented.

Finally, the main ingredient of Ejiao is collagen, which is extremely inferior to human beings from a nutritional point of view, which is far less real than eating an egg.


Don't take supplements after surgery, especially ginseng

Not to mention that the ingredients in various supplements are unknown, that is, the ginseng that Chinese like to use the most, which contains a variety of anticoagulant saponins, which can easily cause postoperative bleeding after eating.

30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!



A light diet refers to a diet that is less oil and salt

Note that there is less oil and salt here, not that it is the healthiest to boil vegetable leaves in water every day, and the necessary fats and inorganic salts are also essential nutrients for the human body. In the past, when I was in dry hepatobiliary surgery, I was ordered to eat a light diet when I was discharged from the hospital, but I didn't eat salt for half a month, and I couldn't send it back if I vomited hyponatremia.


Hepatitis B and AIDS are not so scary

Although these two diseases are incurable by modern medicine, under reasonable drug control, the survival time is not shorter than that of healthy people, and the quality of life is not much worse. The key is that these two diseases are not spread through daily contact and meals, so if you encounter an infected person, please treat them as normal.


If you have appendicitis, it's best to cut it

Although some papers have pointed out that the appendix may function as an immune organ, for purulent appendicitis, if conservative treatment is taken for the first time after the onset of the disease, the probability of being sent back to the hospital for the same reason in the second year is close to 100%, and each episode will cause more severe local adhesions, which will become more and more difficult to treat.


The cause of diabetes is not because of eating too much sugar

The main cause of type I diabetes is heredity, which is manifested by the autoimmunity of pancreatic B cells, resulting in an absolute deficiency of insulin secretion, which must be treated with insulin. The main cause of type II is obesity, which is mainly manifested by the relative deficiency of insulin resistance, and can be treated with drugs that improve lifestyle habits and promote glucose metabolism or insulin secretion when the symptoms are mild, and insulin must be used when the symptoms are severe.


Don't trust any

A quick cure for serious skin diseases

For diseases such as psoriasis and vitiligo, the cause is mainly an abnormality of the autoimmune system, and all the ways that provide quick relief of symptoms are essentially the same: to destroy the patient's immune system. Therefore, almost all of these remedies use heavy metal poisons such as mercury or lead, and immune agents such as tripterygium wilfordii. This type of method does relieve the symptoms quickly, but the kidneys and liver are also drained.

30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!



The most effective way to suppress a cough is to eat sugar

When coughing, take a piece of hard candy, and the syrup that you swallow constantly can form a protective layer in the throat and reduce laryngeal irritation, and drinking honey water is also fine, but it is not as long-lasting as holding sugar. The antitussive drops mainly used in clinical practice mainly rely on codeine to paralyze the nerves, and there is a risk of addiction when drunk in large quantities. The most dangerous is licorice tablets, which are added directly to opium, which is very addictive.


Do not give your child any "calming" herbs

Don't eat it for adults

In all the drugs that claim to calm the nerves, almost one ingredient will be found: cinnabar, and an obvious manifestation of mercury poisoning caused by taking cinnabar is listlessness, which is also the origin of the calming effect. However, it is clearly not worth risking mercury poisoning for the sake of an uncertain tranquilizer.


A medical examination is very important

Although the current level of medical care is not a cure for all diseases, it can already treat a considerable number of diseases. Similarly, although there are many diseases that cannot be cured, the progression can be slowed down with drugs and various therapies. However, these therapies and drugs have one thing in common: the earlier they are diagnosed and the treatment is started, the better the effect, so the germination of the disease detected by the physical examination can often be cured or controlled in the early stage of the disease, even if it is cancer.

If you wait until you have self-conscious symptoms and then go to see it, many diseases have already entered the terminal stage, and the gods are incurable.


Lumps on the body

What doesn't hurt is more dangerous than what hurts

When you find that there is an unexplained lump on your body, such as in the breast, there are often symptoms of redness, swelling, heat and pain, which are often just simple inflammation, but if the lump is not painful and the activity is not good, then the possibility of malignancy will skyrocket. Therefore, if you find an unexplained and painless lump on your body, you must go to the hospital immediately.

Several people have asked me about this, and I would like to add: the most important factor in judging the danger is "poor mobility", which means that the thing is fixed in place and difficult to push out of place, so it will be dangerous, not that the block that does not hurt is dangerous.


Shingles and chickenpox are a disease

Both of these diseases are caused by varicella-zoster virus infection, which often manifests as chickenpox in children and shingles in adults, especially if you have chickenpox as a child, you will have about a 1/3 chance of developing shingles in the future. Under regular antiviral treatment, herpes zoster can generally relieve pain in three days, so don't try any local methods.

30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!



Do not give honey to your baby

Although honey is a good food, it is easily contaminated with botulinum toxin, and adults have a well-developed intestinal flora, so don't worry. However, for infants with imperfect intestinal development, it is easy to cause botulinum poisoning. (And eating too much in children can cause precocious puberty.) )


Not all people need to consume iodized salt

Iodine is a very important element for the human body, and iodized salt in iodine-deficient areas does prevent the occurrence of many iodine deficiency diseases. However, for areas that do not live inland, or where they have access to abundant non-staple foods, the addition of iodine has resulted in a serious overabundance of iodine. In particular, the iodine addition technology that has not been updated in China's salt industry for decades, potassium iodate is not homogeneous at all. Therefore, for people who live by the sea or have symptoms such as hyperthyroidism and thyroid adenoma, it is healthier to buy iodized salt to eat.


Fruits and fruit juices are not as healthy as they could be

Although fruits can provide a lot of vitamins, they also provide a lot of sugar and are very high in calories. For example, a bowl of sweet watermelon actually has nearly as many calories as a bowl of rice. The situation is even more serious after being juiced, not only losing a lot of dietary fiber, but also making it easier for people to consume more calories.


All claims use the latest Nobel Prize research

Or the latest research results are not reliable

In medicine, the cycle from the discovery of a thing to its practical application to clinical practice is about 10 to 20 years, so it is impossible for the latest research results to be directly used.


Natural vitamins are no better than synthetic vitamins

Some brands of health supplements, such as X-Li, claim to be "added" with natural vitamins, but in fact, those who have bought them can look at the instructions, and only a small part of the vitamins in each tablet come from extracts such as cherries. However, there is no difference between natural vitamins and synthetic vitamins, on the contrary, natural vitamins are more likely to introduce contamination and impurities in the production and extraction process.

If you take a vitamin supplement, two dollars for a hundred tablets at the pharmacy is enough.

30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!



After an injury, do not apply anything powdery to the wound

Whether it's a cut or a scald, the powder applied to the surface of the wound after the injury can cause severe scarring, and even the hemostatic powder that is used in some situations needs to be cleaned off later in debridement. In particular, some powdered drugs also have the addition of Oxanine Radix, which can be fatal for people who are sensitive to aconitine.


It is useless to nourish the body and just drink soup

Many people like to stew all kinds of soups and think that the soup is very replenishing, but even if it is stewed for a long time, the soup is only a very thin fat and water-soluble amino acid solution, and the main nutrients are still left in the meat, that is, if you want nutrition, you must eat the soup residue, if you want to taste it, please feel free.

In addition, bone broth does not replenish calcium, even if it is simmered in a pressure cooker for several hours, the calcium content in the soup will only be slightly higher than that of tap water, and the fat content is quite high.


Persimmons and kelp are like

What you can't eat with wine isn't that scary

In fact, this kind of food does harden when encountering "high-concentration" alcohol, but generally low-concentration alcohol does not have any effect, and drinking red wine and beer is not a big problem, on the contrary, persimmons are still very popular as an accompaniment to snacks in Japan and other places.

Of course, if you insist on taking the same service with the highly old white, the general surgery department is waiting for you.


You don't usually get STDs when you live in a hotel or something

Sexually transmitted diseases are called STDs because their pathogens are very fragile and quickly inactivated when they leave the body, and they require very direct contact – sexual contact, blood, mother and child – to spread. Even if it's a small hotel, as long as the sheets and the like are washed, there won't be much of a problem, and so is the toilet.

Of course, it's best to use only that bath towel for the towel, only the size of that piece is not suitable for being caught by the cleaner aunt to wipe things.


Soy milk is not a substitute for cow's milk

Although the protein content of the two is about the same, the calcium and fat-soluble vitamins of soy milk are still much lower than that of cow's milk. For the elderly and children, milk is even more beneficial. But given the high levels of lactose intolerance among Han Chinese, yogurt is also a good choice.

30 must-know medical and health knowledge, don't go wrong again!



Antibiotics must be used

Use as directed by a healthcare practitioner and when sufficient

The emergence of bacterial resistance is because bacteria cannot be completely killed by antibiotics, and the remaining part of the drug resistance becomes the dominant bacterial group. When used in sufficient amounts, the number of bacteria can be reduced to less than the number that can be handled by the autoimmune system, so that there are no pathogenic bacteria left in the body, which can minimize the chance of the formation of drug-resistant bacteria.

Therefore, if you don't want to build drug-resistant bacteria in your body, don't use antibiotics privately; Use it under the guidance of a doctor, and do not arbitrarily reduce the dosage and stop the drug.


The flu vaccine is safe and effective

It is best for the elderly and children to be vaccinated on time

The flu vaccine is made using the three most prevalent strains of the virus each year, which means that after the injection, a person will gain resistance to the most prevalent colds. Although vaccinations cannot avoid colds, they can avoid the worst ones.


Do not fast from water when you have diarrhea

Especially for children

Many people like to eat and drink less when they have diarrhea, but in fact, as long as they don't vomit, they still need to eat as much as possible, especially drink more water, and you can also add a little salt to replenish electrolytes. "Oral rehydration salts" are generally available in pharmacies, and they work best when they are mixed with water to effectively replenish electrolytes.


It is very important to get the rabies vaccine after being bitten

The fatality rate of rabies is almost 100%, and the effective means of prevention is vaccination, which requires vaccination after being scratched or bitten by carnivorous mammals (mainly cats, dogs, bats), even if there is no bleeding.

For rodents, such as hamsters or rabbits, the WHO opinion is that injections are not needed. The reason why everyone who went to the hospital was vaccinated was because the outpatient doctor was not sure what was biting you, and he didn't know if you were lying, so in view of the serious consequences of the disease, he had to be injected one by one.


The little bit of blood that was tested in the hospital

It will not cause harm to your health

An adult has about 4,000 milliliters of blood in his body, and a few milliliters of blood tests are a drizzle for the total amount.

In addition, just a normal person has more than 200 ml of spare blood in the spleen, and your blood volume will come after drinking a glass of water.

In addition, the reason why the finger is not pricked now is because the blood pricked out of the finger will be mixed with tissue fluid, and the result is not as accurate as that obtained directly with an intravenous needle.

Note: The content of this article is for reference only.

Source: Retirement Circle

Editor: Spring Tree Pension

The copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please inform us

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