
How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

author:Fatty gnocchi

Generally, it can bloom after 3 years, and most varieties usually bloom around October, and some will bloom in June. Of course, there are many factors related to whether it blooms or not, and it is difficult to bloom if it is not maintained properly.

How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

Generally, it blooms in summer and autumn every year, and its flowering period is very short, and each flower can only last for about a week. Generally speaking, it takes 2~3 years to cultivate raw stone flowers to bloom, and they can bloom after 1 year of cultivation when the conditions are ripe.

How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

Of course, it is related to many factors in the early stage, it may not bloom if the nutrient supply is insufficient at the time of flower bud differentiation or the environment is not suitable.

How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

1. Shading measures

Raw stone flowers usually bloom at noon. During this time, the light is strong. In order to make the flowering period of raw stone flowers last longer and more colorful, we need to take corresponding shade measures during this time to avoid damage to plants caused by strong light.

How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

2. Replenish nutrients

The differentiation of comfrey flower buds requires certain nutrients. If the nutrients are insufficient, it is easy to lead to the overgrowth of the plant, so that the plant cannot bloom smoothly. Therefore, we need to give the native stone flower a certain amount of nutrients, during which we can apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 20 days.

How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

3. Control the temperature

If the stone flowers bloom in the summer, then we need to take appropriate temperature control measures at this time. Because the summer temperature is very high, if the plant is in a high temperature environment for a long time, it will also affect its normal flowering, so we need to cool down in advance to keep the ambient temperature below 28.

How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

4. Ventilation conditions

The growth of raw stone flowers requires good ventilation conditions, which can make the plants grow better, so that the flowering quality of raw stone flowers is better and the flowering period is longer.

How long does it take for a raw stone flower to bloom?

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