
How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

author:Encyclopedia of Succulents

Thanks to the author [Little Blacksmith of Milan] for the original exclusive permission to share

Editor: [Succulent Encyclopedia] Encyclopedia

Based in Chengdu, Sichuan Province

Nearly ten years of meat farming, last year Chengdu high temperature and drought, more personal experience of meat raising not only by liking to rely on enthusiasm, but also need to adapt to local conditions, only suitable for themselves is the best. (The picture shows the blossoming of the purple mirror)

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Most of the meat friends who are familiar with the little blacksmith are aware of my succulent size in the past, and the sedum is almost two-thirds less in just one summer. Now it's all about the household. The ones in front are the ones that survived or were rescued by beheading. And the raw stone flower on the flower stand behind actually lost only one !!!

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

This is the photo taken during the last watering last fall, and there may be some unphotographed in the corners and corners, probably all the raw stone flowers!

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The earliest start of health stone flowers was probably in 2018, when I came into contact with it and wanted to buy and buy. I bought a lot of these large round clay pots and raised them with sedum granular soil. This pot is one of the few surviving stone flowers from that period that can be found on the mobile phone.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

After molting a few times, they all turned into double-headed. The middle one was moved out of the private room by me.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Living in a single room has long become double-headed, and I just shot it today, and it hasn't been transformed yet! To add to the note, because my succulents are placed on the roof, in the old city plus downstairs to repair the subway, so there is a lot of dust, I usually spray a little water before taking pictures.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

There is also a pot of 28 large single heads bought at the same time, which were bought for 100+ at that time, and now they are basically double-headed. Last autumn, I sent a friend to move to a new house.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The earliest raw stone flowers that entered the pit were ordinary Japanese wheels, Mrs. Li, and red windows mixed with these large common goods. After all, expensive ones can't be bought, and they feel distressed when they die. The picture shows an unsuccessful raw stone flower landscaping, and it was also given away later.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

As mentioned earlier, the earliest soil used for health care stone flowers is the granular soil of Sedum, and the biggest problem with this soil is that the particles are too hard. In the growth stage of the raw stone flower, especially when the freshly molted water grows rapidly, as the raw stone flower body grows, it will squeeze the soil around it, because the granular soil is too rigid and angular, the butt flower this flesh and blood body must not be able to touch the stone (although its alias is also called stone), there will be many potholes in the place where it cannot be squeezed (there is no picture here, relying on everyone's imagination, after all, I didn't expect that I could share the experience of health stone flowers a few years ago)

The second problem is that the granular soil of sedum is added with more peat soil (varies from person to person, mine is generally 3-4 percent), and there will be a lot of bacteria in the sedum soil. Usually it may be okay, but when the summer is high temperature and humidity, the raw stone flower dies in minutes! I remember it seemed to be the summer of 19, at that time I didn't specifically cover the raw stone flowers, once a violent storm flew around, and the pot of distressed good raw stone flowers (which seemed to be a sun wheel and a purple lavender platter) was drenched in the corner, and the next day there was a big sun, and when I found out, the whole pot was broken, and some of the digging out and wanted to rescue the next day also melted water, hanging quickly and thoroughly.

Therefore, the soil that is needed first for health stone flowers! Avoid hard granular soils and switch to soft ones. Including but not limited to deer marsh soil, red jade earth, vermiculite, perlite, charcoal, a little peat, magic fertilizer (I have not used) and so on.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

As for the various soil ratios, my rough is as follows, red jade soil 3: deer marsh soil 3: peat 1: charcoal 1: vermiculite 1: perlite 1 (personally feel that 0.5 is more appropriate). Because I have bought a lot of big lotteries. Therefore, every time when mixing soil, directly take 10 color squares out, pour them one by one according to this ratio, and finally use a pot to mix evenly. Because I changed my mobile phone halfway, I couldn't find many pictures, and I didn't have photos of mixed soil.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The above soil is only a very rough proportion, and the specific planting details need to be adjusted according to the size of their stone flowers. For example, when planting a mother with a larger diameter, I prefer 3-6mm in the diameter of red jade soil and deer marsh soil, and I will choose bamboo charcoal particles with 3-6mm for charcoal granules. I bought all the peat to sow peat, personally I feel that there are still some differences from ordinary peat, but also relatively dry, when you need to rub it by hand, those rubbed large soil balls will be picked out and not used.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

By the way, when mixing the soil, I will spray with a pre-prepared potassium permanganate solution, spray while mixing and then mix evenly. One is to play a sterilizing role in the soil, and the other is to moisturize the soil with a small amount of watering. The choice of pot is even simpler, focusing on thickened large color squares (roughly 10cm*10cm*10cm). Strong, easy to use, no footprint!

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The potting soil is ready, then it must be meated. But there is actually a lot of attention to the meat! First, we must fix our roots. Generally, only about 1cm of the taproot is left, and the rest is cut off. Second, dry the roots. I have seen an article before saying that there is a relationship between the length of drying time and the thickness of the root, which is how thick the root is (unit mm) and how many days it can be dried. So I usually put it under the flower trellis for 1-2 weeks after rooting. Third, take a bath. Generally, it is soaked with rooting powder or corresponding insecticides. But I basically haven't done this step.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Finally, potting and watering. Because potassium permanganate solution has been sprayed when mixing soil, it is potted on the wet soil after waiting for the roots to dry. Plant it and see the weather conditions, and usually water it after a week.

Because the way the raw stone flower grows is molting, there is also a certain regularity in watering. Chengdu generally starts supplying water from mid-to-late March. I usually wait to see if the skin is completely molted before giving water.

The picture shows a close-up of Benten

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

To put it simply, the frequency of raw stone flower water is almost the same:

After the end of the March molt, start giving twice

April, May, and June are all three times

Stopped in July

Give twice in August (subject to availability)

Three times in September

Three times in October

November 2nd, December 1st, January February Tokyo stop

Encounter cloudy days stop. Because the sun is rare in winter in Chengdu, I usually start to cut off the water in mid-afternoon in December, and until mid-to-late March of the following year, during which time not a drop of water is given, and I also cover the rain. The duration of sunlight in each place may not be certain, please do not copy it!

The picture shows a close-up of KO

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The watering of raw stone flowers is also dry and thorough. Ventilation, enough light, no rain, summer high temperature and proper shade, do these jobs well, your raw stone flowers will also be beautiful!

Close-up of Red Benten

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Before watering

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

After watering for a few days. Red Benten

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

After talking about conservation, let's talk about sowing. I started sowing raw stone flowers in the fall of 2019, and I remember this very well, because it didn't take long to sow seeds and returned to my hometown in Hubei Province to encounter the epidemic, and when I returned to Chengdu, there were only two chrysanthemums left to sow seedlings... You can see that this is the fourth metamorphosis this year?

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Raw stone flowers generally bloom in September-October, and the flowers are mostly white or yellow, but there are other colors, which are relatively rare (personal knowledge is limited).

In later years, seeds were sown every autumn. This one was sown in the fall of 21! At that time, Chengdu was closed in September, and the soil I bought was not available, and the sowing was too dense, so the growth trend so far this year is not very suitable for me.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

This is the practical experience summarized by Lao Li, a kitchen knife who focuses on the cultivation of succulent raw stone flowers, and you can learn from it.

Raw stone flowers with soil: red jade soil + deer swamp soil plus charcoal and magic fertilizer, in addition to a little peat soil mixed in the bottom soil, small seedlings must use fine particles. Fine-grained seedlings, coarse-grained seedlings. This is true of raw stone flowers, as well as other plants. Small seedlings die quickly with large particles. Mixing the soil is to mix twice, the first time to mix 2/3 of the amount, add a little peat. Spray water when mixing. Otherwise, after the pot, the peat is peat, and the particles are granules, which are easy to separate. This is packed 2/3 under the pot, and the other 1/3 is mixed without peat, which is equivalent to paving. Because the plant of the raw stone flower itself is a part, it must be put into this layer of soil. This layer of soil is the best, organic matter is not needed. And the roots of the raw stone flowers are in the lower layers, especially the whisker roots. Therefore, peat is best placed at the bottom.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Combined with Lao Li's experience, I will briefly talk about my sowing method. There are several disposable lunch boxes (with lids, I now use 700ml lunch boxes, more soil, grow larger), a wire, the wire burns red and pokes holes at the bottom of the lunch box. The soil is still similar to the proportion of ingredients at the time of maintenance. However, the granular soil mentioned above will be replaced with 1-3mm diameter, and the carbon grains will choose rice husk charcoal.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Poke the pot well, do not rush after mixing the soil, there is one more step. Directly soak the lunch box with soil (about four-fifths of the capacity of the lunch box) in a pot with potassium permanganate solution, I often soak it overnight and sow the seeds the next day. The picture shows the two metamorphoses top red.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

When everything is ready, of course, it's time to start sowing seeds! But the question arises again, the seeds of the raw stone flower are particularly small, how to sow it? Here I say two methods. The first is on-demand, which is to use sharp and fine objects such as toothpicks to stick seeds one by one and then point them on the soil surface. The advantage of this method is that the sown raw stone flowers are uniform and neat, and the seedlings can be removed in the second year, and the disadvantage is that it is eye-consuming and laborious. Who broadcasts who knows...

The picture shows the wine red Lingyao and the vestigial strain

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

So I used the second method - spreading. The specific operation is to find a hard sticky note paper, fold it diagonally, pour the seeds on the paper and spread out, hold the paper in one hand and hold a toothpick in the other hand to gently poke, and use the elasticity of the paper to slowly scatter the seeds.

The picture shows that the KO. variety of the three molts is not very good.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The advantage of this method is relatively convenient, time-saving and labor-saving, the disadvantage is that it is often not evenly spread, and some places will be scattered more and grow up densely (the size is very small, and some places will be sparse (the size will be larger). There are pros and cons to both methods, and everyone takes matters into their own hands. If there is a better way to sow seeds, please let me know too! The picture shows the KO of the two molts, and this batch of varieties is good.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Two moult KO

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Two wine-red lingyao

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Two moths burgundy purple lavender.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

After sowing, cover the lunch box and place it on the second layer of the flower stand (ventilated and astigmatism). Generally, seedlings emerge in 1-2 weeks. During this period, the lid is opened and ventilated for half an hour every day, and the rest of the time is covered.

The picture shows garnet jade

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Finally, there is the watering problem of the seedlings, which I have been using a tray to fill the water and soak the pot directly. It is relatively trouble-free, and it is not easy to flush the seedlings. The seedlings planted in autumn do not need to cut off the water in the first year, because the temperature in Chengdu is basically above zero in winter, so I usually pick out the sun to soak in the winter. The picture shows the chrysanthemum articles bought, which have become double-headed this year

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

A year of a bountiful harvest of chrysanthemums

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The picture bought a large group of students cheaply, but when they got it, they found out that it was Old Man Li...

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The purple mirror that was sown, as a result, did not know when the seeds of the raw stone flowers were mixed with it, and it grew quite well.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!
How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

The green purple lavender that is almost finished molting, the color of the new skin is the best

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Green Fulai to be molted

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

top red

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

Li Rainbow Jade

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

I prefer to see the ass in this state, really anxious for the sun in Chengdu

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

This is basically the end of the full article. The above are all a coordinate Chengdu personal care and seeding related to the words of a family, not a profession but for hobbies.

Finally, I would like to thank Lao Li for his selfless guidance and help on the road to health care stones, and the seeds are sent by him every year. The name of the raw stone flower is also a real-time consultation thanks to Qinger, Haoyue, Kaixuan (not a little name) and other meat friends to send practical raw stone flowers. I hope that all meat friends will take what they need according to local conditions and raise their favorite ass flowers.

How do you raise raw stone flowers? Talking about the maintenance and sowing of raw stone flowers!

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