
Thrilling! A 3-year-old girl was dragged away by a wild monkey at home! Found in the bushes on the edge of the cliff!

author:Su Su I

Recently, an incident in Liupanshui, Guizhou Province in which "parents reported to the police that their children were taken away by monkeys" has attracted widespread attention. The incident was reported in the media and spread on social networks, and quickly became a hot topic of public discussion. After an intense search by the police and the search and rescue team, the little girl was finally found, with only minor scratches and sent to the hospital for examination. This incident has aroused people's attention and thinking about the attack on humans by wild animals.

Thrilling! A 3-year-old girl was dragged away by a wild monkey at home! Found in the bushes on the edge of the cliff!

According to a report by the Shuicheng Public Security on October 26, on October 21, a 3-year-old daughter in a village in Qiqing Town, Shuicheng District, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, accidentally went missing when she went up the mountain with her parents to do farm work. After receiving the alarm, the Shuicheng District Public Security Bureau's Qiqing Police Station immediately summoned a number of people's auxiliary police to search for the incident as soon as possible. After arriving at the scene, the police asked the informant Liu about the basic situation of the girl's disappearance. Liu said that at about 9 a.m. that day, he took his children and his family to work on the contracted land. "We took the child out to work, and after half an hour, the child was gone!" They hurriedly searched, but after searching for a long time, there was no sign of the child. Liu said: "The doll has been playing nearby, and I don't know when it disappeared, there are traces of wild macaques on our side, and it is suspected that it was dragged away by wild monkeys..."

Thrilling! A 3-year-old girl was dragged away by a wild monkey at home! Found in the bushes on the edge of the cliff!
Thrilling! A 3-year-old girl was dragged away by a wild monkey at home! Found in the bushes on the edge of the cliff!

Subsequently, the police linked up with the two committees of the village branch to expand the scope of search and rescue, and at the same time contacted the medical department to ensure medical treatment. In the eyes of the police, the child may have been lost in the dense mountain forest due to curiosity and playfulness. The police estimated the child's walking ability and expanded the search area in combination with the time. Eventually, the police found the child's child in the bushes on a cliff. "The child has been found, and the situation is fine!" Immediately, the police officers escorted the little girl down the mountain, and the medical staff of the Steep Town Health Center checked that the little girl had scratches on her body, and there was no danger to her life.

The incident has raised questions about the relationship between wildlife and human safety. In this case, the little girl may have been attacked because she was curious or playful and walked into the wildlife area. This is not the first time this has happened. Previously, there were also reports of wild animals attacking humans.

On April 19, 2022, a 3-year-old girl in Satellite Village, Longtian Township, Chongqing, was almost dragged away by a monkey while playing in front of her home. Fortunately, a nearby enthusiast yelled and chased the monkey to save the girl. This incident also reminds us that we need to pay more attention to our own safety and the safety of our children, and not to approach wild animals or enter their activity areas.

For this incident of a little girl in Liupanshui, Guizhou being captured by monkeys, we should think and discuss from multiple angles. First of all, we need to pay attention to the protection of wildlife and the construction of ecological environment. Wild animals are an important part of the natural ecosystem, and we should strengthen their protection and monitoring to prevent human activities from affecting their survival and reproduction. At the same time, we should also strengthen the construction and management of the ecological environment, raise awareness of nature protection, and promote the harmonious development of man and nature.

Second, we need to focus on the coexistence of humans and wildlife. In the context of urban sprawl and the expanding range of human activities, the conflict and coexistence between humans and wildlife are also becoming increasingly prominent. We should explore the establishment of a mechanism for the harmonious coexistence of humans and wildlife, and reduce the conflict between humans and wildlife through scientific management and rational planning, so as to ensure the safety of humans and wildlife.

Finally, we need to focus on the public's knowledge and awareness of wildlife. In our daily life, we should strengthen the publicity and education of wildlife-related knowledge, and improve the public's awareness and understanding of wildlife. This can help the public better understand and respect the living habits and ecological needs of wild animals, and reduce the occurrence of human interference and infringement of wild animals.

In short, the incident of a little girl in Liupanshui, Guizhou Province, being taken away by monkeys reminds us to strengthen our efforts to protect and manage wild animals, promote the harmonious development of man and nature, and improve the public's awareness and understanding of wild animals. Only in this way can the safety and well-being of people and wildlife be better guaranteed.