
The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

author:Country plums

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

People are adrift ships, and home is a warm shore. People stand in houses, houses live in people, and people and houses are connected to the heavens and the earth. For a family, the house is a shelter from the wind and rain, and it is also an important place for family life.

But for a harmonious and happy family, this also requires several conditions.

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

First of all, the natural environment of a house.

Our ancestors believe that the natural environment of the house is very important, first of all, whether it conforms to the "four elephants" pattern of "left green dragon, right white tiger, front red bird, rear Xuanwu", if there is such an environment, it is in line with the natural environment, and in such an environment, the mood is naturally comfortable.

Secondly, whether the plants in the home grow vigorously.

In addition to the external environment, we also have to look at the internal layout of the house, for example, the plants planted at home suddenly bloomed this year, and the plants in the home are growing vigorously.

For these, the ancestors subjectively believed that this is a change in the environmental aura of the house, and the home has "vitality", of course, we can also feel the changes in the environment inside, which is naturally a manifestation of many happy events.

Third, whether the small animals outside come to visit often.

For us humans, we have several senses such as hearing, vision, taste, touch, etc., but compared with animals, we humans are much behind.

Because some small animals are products of nature, their ability to survive the outside world is stronger than that of humans, for example, cows and horses can know earthquakes, rats can know how to move, and so on.

Therefore, some animals are always able to "seek advantages and avoid disadvantages", and will come to some people with "aura" and full of "vitality" to live.

It is precisely because of this that there is such a saying in the countryside: "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", so what kind of animals are they? Let me answer:

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

First, bees come into the house.

When it comes to bees, we always use the word "industrious" to describe them, and bees are our good friends as humans, providing us with nutritious nectar, royal jelly and so on. Therefore, bees are also synonymous with good qualities such as diligence, unity, and dedication. Of course, for bees entering the house, our ancestors still have a saying of good luck:

(1), first of all, from the subjective perspective of the ancestors:

In the folk saying, there is a saying that "bees come to wealth, swallows come to be expensive", which means that if bees and swallows enter the house, it is a symbol of wealth.

Because the ancestors subjectively believed that bees are still a kind of "spiritual" insects, they are aware of some living environments. If a family has a suitable environment for them, they will build a nest in the house, which is like a good "aura" environment, and the bees can always find it.

Of course, the above is just the subjective statement of the ancestors, and there is no scientific basis, so let's just listen to it.

(2) We explain bees scientifically:

In fact, from the scientific explanation, there are three important conditions for bees to come to our door.

First, we have bees in our homes to shelter from the wind and rain, warm in winter and cool in summer. And such an environment is conducive to bees building nests, just like swallows.

Second, there are many "honey sources" near our home that allow bees to collect honey. After all, bees also need to survive, and if there is a nectar source around our house, it is natural for bees to build their nests.

Third, our home environment is relatively quiet, and there is no air pollution nearby. Of course, this is also an important condition for other animals to come home, and it is also a good environment for us humans.

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

Second, bats come into the house.

For bats, these are often misunderstood, and people stay away from bats, and also think that bats are ominous animals. In fact, for bats, our ancestors believed from thousands of years ago that bats are not only beneficial and harmless, but also auspicious animals, so it is also a good phenomenon for bats to enter the house. This is because:

(1) From the perspective of our ancestors.

The ancestors subjectively believed that the "bat" and "blessing" in the bat are homonyms, so our ancestors also regarded the bat as an animal that brings good luck and wealth.

In fact, in ancient times, bats were often depicted as an auspicious animal in some landscape paintings and literary works, and symbolized happiness, abundance and longevity. Therefore, the ancestors believed that the entry of bats into the house was also a symbol of "blessing".

(2) We understand scientifically.

From a scientific point of view, bats are natural enemies of pests, and in the food of bats, mosquitoes, moths, flies, etc., are all food for bats.

Therefore, bats come to the house, it not only reduces the harm of pests to crops, but also reduces the harm of pests to humans, so we also have to protect bats.

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

Thirdly, the magpie comes to the house.

The magpie branches are called slag..., for magpies, it is not unfamiliar in the countryside, especially the magpie's nest, which is built on tall trees, far away from humans, and is also vigilant for humans. But the rural elders believe that the entry of the magpie into the house is also a good symbol, because:

(1) The subjective statement of the ancestors:

In the rural proverb, there is a saying that "the magpie announces the good news, and the crow reports the mourning", so in the countryside, the magpie is also considered to be the "annunciation bird". And in the countryside, there is also a smooth saying for magpies that "the good news is reported in the morning, the wealth is reported in the evening, and the guests are not reported in the morning or in the evening". Therefore, the old man superstitiously believed that the magpie must be lucky to come when he enters the house.

Of course, the image of the magpie is also deeply rooted in the homes of the people, for example, some pictures of the "Magpie Annunciation" are also hung at home to show good luck.

(2) We explain scientifically.

From a scientific point of view, in fact, magpies enter the house because they have food such as food at home, after all, magpies are very intelligent birds, and they are still very sensitive to whether a family is friendly or not.

Therefore, they often go to some kind people's homes to look for food, and the luck of kind people is naturally not too bad.

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

Fourth, stray dogs come to the house.

Dogs are good friends of humans, so from ancient times to the present, we have regarded dogs as auspicious animals, and if a dog suddenly comes to someone's house, the owner will happily adopt it.

Of course, there is a dog in the house, and the ancestors believe that this is also a symbol of good luck, because:

(1) The subjective statement of the ancestors.

In the rural proverb, there is a saying that "dogs come to get rich, cats come to poverty", which means that if a dog enters the house, it also means that good things will come, but if there is a cat in the house, it is different.

Why is this so? The ancestors believed that the dog's barking was "Wangwang", which also meant the prosperity of the family. Secondly, the ancestors believed that the dog is one of the 12 zodiac signs and is "戌", in the West. The ancestors subjectively believed that the West is gold and gold is wealth, so when the dog enters the house, it also represents the gold entering the door.

Of course, this is just the subjective statement of the ancestors, and there is actually no scientific reason.

(2) Scientific explanation:

According to the scientific explanation, dogs are loyal animals and human best friends, of course, dogs' noses are very sensitive, they know through their noses that the family is cooking meat, you can go to eat and drink, after all, in ancient times, the people who cooked meat were wealthy families.

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

Fifth, there is a hedgehog in the house.

Of course, there are also hedgehogs, for hedgehogs, the ancestors believed that if a hedgehog came to the house, it was also a symbol of good luck, because:

(1) The subjective statement of the ancestors:

In the traditional folk culture of ancient times, hedgehogs were called "five immortals" by some old people, especially in the northeast area, hedgehogs and weasels, foxes, mice, and snakes were called "five immortals".

Of course, in some areas of Hebei, the hedgehog is also known as the "God of Wealth", with the saying that there is a saying that the door is rich, so the ancestors are superstitious that the hedgehog enters the door is a good thing, and it can only be sent but not rushed, let alone hurt it. Of course, this statement is tinged with superstition, and we should not believe it.

(2) Scientific explanation:

In fact, through scientific explanation, the hedgehog's eating habits are miscellaneous, in addition to eating fruits, they also feed on mice, snakes and other pests, so hedgehogs entering the home are also to eliminate harmful animals in the home, which is also good for humans.

The old man said, "Five kinds of animals enter the house, auspicious and lucky", which five animals? Pay attention when you come

Through the above, for "five kinds of animals entering the house, auspicious and lucky", according to the ancestors, there is naturally a superstitious color in it, but we still have some truth through scientific explanations. Therefore, we should protect some small animals that enter our house and not harm them.

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