
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) live-fire exercise in the South China Sea has created an unprecedented scale of restricted areas, and how to deal with the fish killed by live ammunition?

author:North Sheng South Smoke

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In today's world, the South China Sea region has become a focus of attention. Not long ago, the Hainan Maritime Safety Bureau issued a proclamation announcing that the People's Liberation Army would conduct five-day exercises in the South China Sea, the scale of which has been described as unprecedented. This move has aroused widespread attention in the international community, especially when the "global deployment" of the British aircraft carrier plans to cross the South China Sea, the United States sends aircraft carriers to the Asia-Pacific region and launches multinational joint military exercises. The exercise at this moment, which can be seen as China's tough response, raises a series of concerns.

When the British aircraft carrier passed through the South China Sea, the capital ships of our military, including the "Shandong ship", gathered in the South China Sea area to be ready to respond at any time. The exercise involved a variety of capital ships and was characterized by live-fire exercises, which also meant that a large amount of munitions would be projected into the vast area. This makes people wonder, what will happen to the fish that are killed during the exercise.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) live-fire exercise in the South China Sea has created an unprecedented scale of restricted areas, and how to deal with the fish killed by live ammunition?

In recent years, many animal protection groups have called on countries to reduce the number of maritime training and military exercises to avoid harm to marine ecosystems. However, the reality is that countries rarely reduce the frequency of these trainings in order to maintain their military power. But countries have dealt with the issue differently.

Japan, for example, has taken a more exotic approach, often conducting exercises where schools of fish gather, even in habitats for large fish such as whales. This behavior has been condemned by many animal protection organizations, but Japan has persevered and is happy to do so.

Britain has a different history, once in the Battle of the Falklands, due to the inability to distinguish the reflected waves of whales and submarines, resulting in the death of a large number of whales. But as modern technology advanced, they also began to change their tactics.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) live-fire exercise in the South China Sea has created an unprecedented scale of restricted areas, and how to deal with the fish killed by live ammunition?

In contrast, China has done a relatively good job in this regard, with the PLA Navy carefully studying the patterns of fish movements before each exercise to identify areas where fish are less distributed and reduce the impact of the exercise on marine ecology. In addition, they will work with the local maritime authority and media to announce the location of the exercise in advance so that fishermen can avoid the area for fishing operations.

Before large warships arrive, vanguard forces use equipment such as sonar to make noises in the sea, which scare away large fish and make them unable to recognize their surroundings. For marine organisms, this is equivalent to deafening them, making them unable to live normally. This method is considered to be one of the most effective means of repelling fish stocks.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) live-fire exercise in the South China Sea has created an unprecedented scale of restricted areas, and how to deal with the fish killed by live ammunition?

However, although these measures can reduce damage to fish, they still cannot avoid the death of some fish. After all, the ocean is vast, and there will always be some fish that will not be spared. These dead fish, if not dealt with in a timely manner, can also pose a potential threat to marine ecosystems.

Fortunately, the PLA will take measures accordingly. In some areas, especially where large carnivorous fish and fishing birds are distributed, the carcasses of these fish are returned to nature as food. In other areas, specialized fishermen clean up and sort the dead fish. The fish that died from the bomb impact were usually edible, some recycled for the military, and some for nearby fish processing plants. In addition, some fishermen come to catch the fish that are fried.

Although the death of fish in the exercise cannot be completely avoided, with the continuous improvement of ecological protection measures, the damage to the environment has been greatly reduced. At present, the exercises in the South China Sea have ended, and the ecosystem will soon return to normal. For such a large and complex ecosystem, these tiny injuries are no longer a problem.

Although the exercises will have a certain impact on fish and marine ecosystems, these trainings are still necessary to maintain the strength of the military. With the continuous improvement of ecological protection measures, the damage to the environment of the exercise will be minimized. Therefore, one does not have to be too much

Lose sleep over something. At the end of each exercise, there will be a special treatment method to ensure the health of the marine ecosystem. In areas where large carnivorous fish and fishing birds are widely distributed, the carcasses of these fish will quickly become food for other organisms, fulfilling a natural cycle.

For general areas, our military will also send special fishing personnel to clean up and sort dead fish. The fish hit by the bombs were usually edible, and some were supplied to the army and some were sent to nearby fish processing plants. In addition, some fishermen come to look for the fish that have been fried to make sure they are put to good use.

Of course, despite the various measures we have taken to reduce the impact on marine ecology, the death of fish cannot be completely avoided. The vastness of the marine ecosystem makes it difficult to avoid some fish species becoming "fish that slip through the net". However, these issues will be properly addressed after the exercise. The ocean is a vibrant and complex ecosystem that is self-healing and therefore subject to minimal impacts.

Although fish kills will occur during the exercise, these trainings cannot be ignored for the sake of national security and the improvement of the military's strength. With ever-improving ecological protection measures, we are able to balance military needs with environmental protection. After the South China Sea exercise, the ecosystem will quickly return to normal, and the small damage caused by the exercise is insignificant compared to the huge natural ecosystem.

In today's world, military exercises and training between nations undoubtedly play an important role, and protecting the environment is also crucial. China is working to balance the two, ensuring national security while minimizing impacts on marine ecosystems. Only on the premise of continuing to take measures, listening to expert advice, and committed to raising awareness of ecological protection can we protect natural resources while defending the country and achieve the goal of "gold and silver mountains, but also green water and green mountains".


This article provides an insight into the impact of military exercises on marine ecosystems. The following revelations can be drawn from this:

Military exercises have caused a certain degree of damage to the marine ecological environment. The live-fire drill resulted in large numbers of fish killings and could cause irreversible damage to other marine life and ecosystems.

Different countries adopt different strategies in dealing with the impact of military exercises on the ecological environment. China has taken a series of measures, such as measuring the pattern of fish movements, driving away fish stocks, and disposing of dead fish in a timely manner to reduce environmental damage.

Audio equipment such as sonar can effectively drive away marine life, but even with measures, the death of some fish is still inevitable.

States should take steps to dispose of dead fish after military exercises to reduce negative impacts on ecosystems. This includes using dead fish for food or sorting it.


This paper discusses the impact of military exercises on the marine ecosystem, highlighting differences in the strategies of different countries in dealing with this issue. While military exercises can lead to fish killings, countries such as China have taken a range of steps to reduce environmental damage. It is important that the disposal of dead fish is a timely and responsible process to reduce adverse impacts on the ecosystem.

Although military exercises inevitably cause some degree of interference to the marine ecological environment, as technology and environmental awareness increase, countries should continue to seek ways to minimize this damage and ensure that ecosystems are effectively protected. Ultimately, this will help achieve the goal of "gold and silver, but also green waters", which is to protect natural resources while maintaining ecological balance.

In addition, this question has also led to some broader thinking. In today's world, military exercises are an important part of maintaining national security and combat readiness. However, these exercises often involve disturbance to the environment, which has led to some important discussions in today's increasingly important focus on protecting the environment and biodiversity.

First, it sparked a discussion about the trade-off between national security and ecological protection. States must ensure their own security, but they also need to protect the environment. This may require more in-depth consideration of environmental considerations in exercise planning to reduce impacts on marine ecosystems. International cooperation and information sharing can also play a key role in ensuring minimal damage to the environment during the exercise.

Second, the issue is a reminder of the impact of military exercises on local fishermen and the marine ecosystem. While some countries have taken steps to dispose of dead fish and use it for food or processing, there may still be short-term impacts on local fisheries and livelihoods. States should consider providing compensation or support programs to help those affected by military exercises.

In addition, the issue has sparked a discussion of the importance of international norms and standards. The international community could work together to develop environmental guidelines to guide military exercises to ensure that countries take appropriate measures to minimize environmental impacts during exercises. This will help promote international cooperation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In short, the impact of military exercises on the marine ecological environment is an issue that requires serious attention and resolution. While ensuring national security, the state should actively take measures to reduce environmental damage and pay attention to the impact of the exercise on the local economy and society. The international community should also work together to develop norms to ensure that the issue received global attention and addressed in order to strike a balance between environmental protection and national security. With continuous efforts, we can better protect our planet and ecosystems to ensure their sustainable development.

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