
BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

With LCK Fist's "God N-Hand" little brother, after performing the "miracle" for the fourth time on stage. The fourth round of the Swiss round of this World Championship showed a "weird" taste: not only did all LPL teams have no priority to choose sides, but also gave LCK teams a chance to take revenge, and also allowed European and American teams to advance to the quarterfinals, and even drew a team with the worst luck in the history of the S Tournament.
BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

This offseason, we just have time to review the stats and gossip from the first three rounds. Today, I will talk to you about the situation of the upcoming BLG battle T1 in the fourth round, and analyze the victory and defeat of the game through the hero pool, techniques and tactics and other dimensions.

Or the old rule, the following words are all personal thoughts of the king, only represent my personal meaning, welcome to discuss, please do not spray indiscriminately!

T1 fights BLG again, who is the main ups and downs?

BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

Those who are familiar with the League of Legends esports circle should remember the MSI competition in the first half of 2023. Team BLG from the LPL, although they have not been able to beat JDG, they have won two games on MSI, defeating LCK's first and second seeds GenG and T1. Earned themselves the title of "LCK killer", this time meeting at the world competition, who can have the last laugh?

BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

Regarding this issue, I believe that there are already many players in China who have their own judging standards, so this time, let's take a look at what European, American and Korean players say:

European and American players: The Faker hero pool is a question mark, and Oner and Zeus are in average status

BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

The Faker hero pool is a question mark, and Oner and Zeus are in average status! When commentators on the BLG and T1 matches, they raised two shortcomings of T1: one is Faker's hero pool problem, and the other is Oner's status problem. Frankly speaking, Europe and the United States are no wonder that there are two weak divisions, and a large part of what commentators say is. Don't they look at big data? Speaking of the state of Oner and Zeus, that's fine. But to say that the Faker hero pool is not enough is a bit of nonsense.

BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

You say that Fake is old, his hand speed can't keep up, or that he is not in good shape, and everyone can accept it. But if you say that he doesn't have enough hero pools, the king can't figure it out. He even thinks that one day, someone will say that Faker's hero pool will be a problem. The hero pool has always been relative, and when watching Chao Wei in the interview, he said that he had prepared four or five single heroes to deal with T1 and Faker, and he understood how deep his and Faker's hero pool was.

Korean players: Put Xialo and clockwork, T1 will win

BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

On the Korean side, on the other hand, it was more pragmatic, they simulated BP in the fourth round, and they found that when BLG released the Xialo combination and clockwork to T1, the win rate of T1 increased significantly. But the question is, can't BLG's training team see this BP routine? Judging by the version of the World Championship where BLG has played for so long, there is no reason for them to release both Xialo and Clockwork, or BLG can be replaced by Ban. And even if you want to play Kasha, it's for Kalista, and then play Kasha.

BLG vs. T1 analysis: European and American netizens spit on Faker, Korean fans whimsical?

Finally, based on the analysis of BLG by the king, I personally think that the state of the BLG down the road duo is not very good, especially the ON player, if he maintains his condition, the next route is not worthwhile; And the hero pool of T1 middle Faker is too deep, I only hope that he will not burst when he plays, and the normal state is good, in this way, toothpaste as long as it does not collapse; The most stable point of BLG is probably the smoked player, you know, when playing Oner, it is really not worthwhile, and it is necessary to be able to put on the face; On the road, just don't go up. Anyway, this one is full of uncertainty, but the king wants BLG to win! What about you?

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