
"Ten people have nine back pain", it is recommended to eat more of these 8 dishes, eat twice a week, and have strong legs and feet

author:Think more


Nowadays, whether it is young people or middle-aged and elderly people, most of them have the problem of back pain, which also shows that many people do not pay attention to the combination of work and rest in work and life, and their bodies are already in a sub-healthy state.

In addition, there are many causes of low back pain, such as cold, long-term sitting, lumbar muscle strain, and some lumbar spondylosis. In addition to scientific treatment, we must protect our waist in life, and eat more calcium and nutritious foods in diet to enhance physical fitness. The following is a 6-course dish shared with you, delicious and nutritious, it is recommended to eat twice a week, legs and feet are energetic.

"Ten people have nine back pain", it is recommended to eat more of these 8 dishes, eat twice a week, and have strong legs and feet

1. Yam millet porridge

Yam is soft and fragrant, containing a lot of dietary fiber, which can open the spleen and strengthen the stomach; Millet is also rich in a variety of nutrients and is a common grain in daily life. The combination of yam and millet can not only supplement nutrients well, but also nourish the kidneys and stomach. Children have no appetite for eating, sleep is not steady, especially children with poor spleen and stomach, I really recommend trying this Huai Yam millet porridge


1. 1 iron stick yam, Huai yam is rich in protein mucus, which helps the digestive function absorption of the spleen and stomach, and is very good for people with weak spleen and stomach. ps If you feel that fresh yam is more troublesome to handle, you can replace it with 30 grams of dried yam

2. Millet 50 grams, millet is rich in dietary fiber, can improve gastrointestinal function, especially suitable for people with weak stomach

3. 5 red dates, red dates are rich in vitamins, are good nourishing ingredients, suitable for people with weak physique

4. The method is also very simple, peel and cut the huaiyam, remove the core of the red date, and add an appropriate amount of water and cook together until it is viscous. It can also be beaten into rice cereal with a wall breaker, which has a delicate taste and rich nutrition, making it the best choice for breakfast for the whole family.

"Ten people have nine back pain", it is recommended to eat more of these 8 dishes, eat twice a week, and have strong legs and feet

2. Tofu stew with cod

Fish contains high-quality protein, while tofu contains soy lecithin and high protein, which can enhance the body's immunity. The fragrant cod and the smooth tofu are a perfect match! Paired with a rich soup, it's really drooling!

Ingredients: Cod, tofu, ginger, green onion, dried chili, soy sauce, light soy sauce, sugar, white pepper, coriander, chicken powder


1. Prepare the cod to remove the internal organs and clean up, and then cut it into small pieces, prepare a piece of brine soybean curd and cut into small pieces. Prepare the chopped green onion, chop a little more sliced ginger and dried chili.

2. Boil water in a pot, put in a spoonful of cooking wine, put in fish pieces and blanch water for 15 seconds, fish out, rinse with cool water to control the moisture for later use.

3. Put green onion, ginger slices, dried chili pepper in hot pot cold oil and stir-fry until fragrant, put boiling water, be sure to put boiling water, the soup boiled with boiling water is milky white.

4. Put in cod pieces and tofu cubes, and then put in a small spoonful of salt and light soy sauce, 2 grams of sugar, white sugar must be put less, mainly to remove the fishy smell.

5. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes without cover, simmer until the soup is thick and milky, add white pepper, chicken powder and coriander before leaving the pot.

6. After stewing, you can put it in a casserole, or you can use a casserole to stew, this dish has a particularly high nutritional value, especially suitable for children who go to school. This cod stew tofu is really nutritious and delicious, so try it now!

"Ten people have nine back pain", it is recommended to eat more of these 8 dishes, eat twice a week, and have strong legs and feet

3. Haimi winter melon soup

Low back pain, one is lack of calcium, and the other is calcium loss. Calcium supplementation can usually be strengthened. The calcium content in sea rice is also high, and calcium supplementation increases the richness of taste. This ingredient Haimi winter melon soup, the ingredients are simple, mainly winter melon and sea rice, like the sea rice winter melon soup I did this, no fishy smell, sweet and delicious!

Ingredients: Winter melon, sea rice, minced spring onion


1: Peel the winter melon and cut it into small pieces. Soak the rice in warm water to soften.

2. Heat oil in a pot, stir-fry minced green onion to fragrant, pour in winter melon and sea rice and stir-fry, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, a little salt and sugar, stir-fry evenly.

3. Add a small amount of water to the pot, boil the water over medium heat for another 5 minutes, and finally sprinkle some chopped green onions out of the pot

4. The third step is to add water to less than half of the winter melon, and leave more soup bibimbap! This dish is especially suitable for summer, winter melon is clear and hot to remove the fire, and the sea rice hangs out the umami flavor, which is soft and fragrant, and it is very cooking.

"Ten people have nine back pain", it is recommended to eat more of these 8 dishes, eat twice a week, and have strong legs and feet

4. Korean-style beef bone broth

Beef bones can strengthen muscles and bones, unblock veins, every time Dad is busy with work and tired, his mother will make him Korean-style beef bone soup, which is super simple to use, delicious and especially tonic. Made at home and sold at a Korean restaurant, the meat is soft and boneless, and the soup base is fresh and eyebrows

Ingredients: Beef ribs, dates, onions, green onions, astragalus, tapioca flour, salt


1. Soak the beef ribs in blood and water, about 1-2 hours, cut off the excess oil.

2. Boil water in a pot and add beef ribs.

3. Boil for about 15 minutes, remove the meat after boiling water, and wash off the foam. Drain the water from the pan.

4. Add water to the pot and put cold water into the ribs. Add an onion (all in half), green onions, astragalus. Simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours.

5. Remove the astragalus, onion and green onions when it is almost out of the pan. Add dates, soaked cassava flour in advance, or egg flowers. Cook for 5 minutes and then serve. The kitchen is also done in minutes!

"Ten people have nine back pain", it is recommended to eat more of these 8 dishes, eat twice a week, and have strong legs and feet

5. Fried noodles with mutton

Lamb is sweet and mild. Regular eating of mutton can replenish kidney qi, benefit the essence, and enhance sperm motility. Eating more lamb can also relieve back pain and kidney deficiency and strain symptoms

Ingredients: fresh noodles, lamb, onion, carrot, screw pepper, millet spicy, ginger, garlic, oil, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar


1. Slice the lamb, shred the onion, carrot and screw pepper, finely chop the millet pepper, mince the ginger and garlic

2. Boil the noodles, take out the controlled water, add an appropriate amount of oil, light soy sauce, old soy sauce, salt and mix well, and leave for 20 minutes to taste

3. Pour oil into a hot pan, stir-fry minced ginger and garlic until fragrant, pour in lamb slices and stir-fry to change color and serve

4. Add oil in the pot, stir-fry onion, carrot, screw pepper and millet spicy until soft, pour in the fried lamb slices, add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste, pour in the noodles and stir-fry well.

"Ten people have nine back pain", it is recommended to eat more of these 8 dishes, eat twice a week, and have strong legs and feet

6. Chicken stew with potatoes

Chicken is a mild food, it can replenish kidney and sperm, but also replenish qi and blood, men and women are suitable for eating more chicken. Chicken is also rich in high-quality protein and trace elements, which can revitalize blood and strengthen muscles and bones, especially suitable for people with back pain

Ingredients: Six chicken shanks, two potatoes.


1. Cut the chicken calf, soak it in water for 10 minutes, soak in blood water, take it out and wash it, boil it into the chicken nuggets, put in, cooking wine, green onion and ginger and blanch for 2 minutes, take it out and wash it, drain the water.

2. Leave the base oil in the pot, put a few pieces of rock sugar to boil the jujube red, add the chicken nuggets and fry until golden brown on both sides, put in water over the chicken nuggets, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of old soy sauce, add, star anise, cinnamon, ginger, green onion, a little salt, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium-low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

3. Put in potatoes, if the soup is less, you can add some soup, simmer for another ten minutes on medium-low heat, put in MSG, simmer until the soup is sticky, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and the chicken stew potatoes are ready.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes for you, the above shared 6 dishes of the method, everyone has learned, learn to try to make it at home! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! See you in the next issue.