
Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

author:Apple talks about literature

1. After the vicissitudes of life, Wang Yanyun finally reaped the beauty of a warm family

Wang Yanyun, who is now middle-aged, is simply judging from the image of "Su Zizi" she once had! She has successfully transformed from an unruly and rebellious artist to an ordinary woman with a quiet heart and a stable life.

Since leaving school, Wang Yanyun has devoted a lot of time and energy to studying. When you walk into her bedroom, the first thing that catches your eye is the wall full of books, each of which looks a little worn out from the frequent reading.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

She has developed a strong interest in the field of architecture and is eager to make a difference in this field.

In the journey of chasing her artistic dreams, Wang Yanyun meets the most important person in her life - a man who is 22 years older than her, has experienced a failed marriage, and has a son who is in elementary school.

Although there is a huge age gap between the two, in the daily process of getting along, they can form an amazing tacit understanding like old friends who have known each other for many years.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

Wang Yanyun also quickly established a deep emotional bond with this stepson, making the three of them get along with each other extremely harmoniously.

This is a family life experience that Wang Yanyun has never had. The little boy is lively and cheerful, always filled with warm laughter; Her partner, on the other hand, is a confidant who understands and supports her inner world, and is able to reach a consensus with her in her artistic pursuits.

With their understanding and support, Wang Yanyun was finally able to truly become herself and devote herself to learning and experimental art creation.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

Work, life, and study, for Wang Yanyun now, every day is busy and fulfilling. However, unlike the days when she was driven forward by fate, she now enjoys an unprecedented sense of happiness and satisfaction.

In the past, in order to survive, she did not hesitate to take some actions that attracted widespread attention and fierce controversy in the society. However, now, she has long abandoned her old habits and faced life with firm and fearless courage, hoping to find her own position and value in a calm and stable life.

2. Ancestral home embellishment: Thrive in adversity, perseverance, and hardship

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

It is true that we must delve into the reason why Wang Yanyun was able to find and find her true figure after countless twists and turns, and the reason behind this may be traced back to her bumpy and turbulent growth process.

Wang Yanyun, a child born in an ordinary family in Yichang City, Hubei Province in 1991, was shrouded in family clouds at the beginning of her life. When she was only three years old, her parents resolutely chose to divorce due to emotional entanglements, and then each formed a new family, leaving her alone in her original family when she was still young.

Since then, Wang Yanyun has only relied on the love and care of her grandparents to thrive. She harbors a deep grudge against her biological parents, and at school, she is often regarded as a "weird girl" by her classmates due to her maverick behavior.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

In terms of academics, her performance has been at the bottom of the class for a long time, with poor conduct and indulgent behavior.

However, it wasn't until Wang Yanyun entered the third year of junior high school that she was determined to leave her hometown and go to Beijing alone. This lonely journey of study and life seems to have completely changed her view of life.

She began to work hard, and in just half a year, she was successfully admitted to a local provincial key middle school with excellent results, and the future seems to have finally seen a glimmer of light.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

If everything moves forward steadily according to this rhythm, then Wang Yanyun may be like other peers, going smoothly towards the broad road of life. However, fate always came unexpectedly, and an unexpected incident in 2007 hit her hard again.

At the time, her grandmother was in a heated conflict with the developer over the demolition. As the negotiations continued to stalemate, the staff of the demolition and relocation office gradually lost patience and became more assertive.

Faced with this passive situation, the grandmother could not bear such tremendous mental pressure, and under the stimulation of fierce arguments and emotions, she suddenly turned pale, foamed at the mouth, and then fainted and fell to the ground.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

Her family immediately rushed her to the hospital, but unfortunately, she had fallen into a deep coma due to a cerebral hemorrhage.

This sudden change undoubtedly left a deep psychological wound on Wang Yanyun. At the same time as my grandmother's misfortune, the family's ancestral house was completely razed to the ground by the demolition office.

Dating back to the aftermath of that incident, Wang Yanyun has been condemned by many public opinions, and the reason is that because of a series of retaliatory actions against the demolition and relocation office, which directly led to her grandmother's misfortune, falling into a deep coma, and becoming a vegetative person.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

All of this caused her to have a deep disappointment and anger towards the whole society, and perhaps it was from that time that a seed of courageous resistance was planted in the depths of her heart.

Part 3: Coming to the Fore: Rebellious and Uninhibited is exhilarating, and bold and innovative is compelling!

In the midst of many doubts and criticisms, Wang Yanyun firmly chose to devote herself to the professional field of nude models, and began this work of challenging the tradition with "Su Zizi" as her stage name.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

With her excellent body condition and attractive physical features, she quickly rose to prominence in the industry and won wide attention.

In 2009, Su Zizi's life ushered in a new turning point. With her excellent comprehensive quality, she successfully obtained the admission qualification of Chinese People's University, and she is the only art student who makes an exception for admission, which has become a unique scenery on campus.

Such an honor undoubtedly brought Su Zizi incomparable self-confidence.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

However, after entering the university campus, due to the restrictions of her family's financial situation, Su Zizi had to earn living expenses through various channels in her spare time, and at the same time took care of her grandmother who was sick in bed.

It was at this critical moment that she unexpectedly stepped into the modeling industry and began to work as a nude model under the stage name "Su Zizi".

In 2010, during a school coursework, Su Zizi resolutely made her body art work public. Despite the university's strong opposition to the repercussions, Su did not back down, and even went out of her way to hold a large-scale body art exhibition called "WhoamI" out of her own pocket.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

In order to avoid excessive visual impact on the audience, the school had no choice but to delete 8 of the most intense works.

Even in this increasingly open era, where acceptance of body art has increased significantly, given that China's cultural heritage and conservative ideas are still deeply rooted, Su Zizi's artistic act immediately sparked an unprecedented wave of controversy in society, and even her closest family members called her "crazy", completely unable to understand her motives.

Despite the many doubts and obstacles, Su Zizi did not feel intimidated, on the contrary, she fought harder and stepped into a more challenging and bold field - the world of performance art.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

As early as 2011, she was in the media spotlight, fearlessly naked, and gave an in-depth interview to promote her performance art "Interview".

Her naked body was fully displayed in front of the camera, and this artistic interview instantly detonated heated discussions and heated debates across the country.

4. Inner Awakening: Revealing the truth and reflecting on the loss of individualism.

Over the years, Su Zizi has always believed in her family's description of her. She firmly believes that the poverty of her family and the misfortune of her grandmother are the result of external factors, the tragedy of social injustice.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

It is precisely because of this social resentment and resistance that she chooses to advocate for justice and equality in such a radical and bold way, with the help of performance art.

However, it wasn't until an accident after her grandmother's death that she was shocked to learn from the gossip of her neighbors that everything was due to conflicts within the family. Although there were indeed inappropriate ways to deal with the handling of the demolition and relocation office, it was not a forced demolition of the house, but an accident that occurred due to the grandmother's emotional agitation during reasonable negotiation.

In fact, what really got the family into trouble was the decadent life of my grandfather and uncle, who indulged in gambling and did nothing, and the family could only survive on my grandmother's meager pension.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

After realizing this truth, Su Zizi conducted a deep reflection and reflection on her past behavior and beliefs.

She began to realize that the so-called "idea" she had been holding to was nothing more than a kind of self-righteous vanity, overemphasizing individualistic self-expression. So, she resolutely gave up the unique stage name "Su Zizi", returned to her true self - Wang Yanyun, and went all out to find her true self in the depths of her heart.

At the same time, Su Zizi also completely severed ties with the Chinese People's University and chose the path of dropping out. She gave up a precious opportunity to study art and devoted herself to the career of an experimental artist, opening a new chapter in her life.

Su Zizi, who ignored the doubts and insisted on being a nude model, was interviewed without covering her clothes, what happened now

After some inner baptism, she also has a new positioning and pursuit for the future.

This is a major transformation process, Wang Yanyun gradually entered the state of sobriety, and took an important step to find the direction. She began to deeply reflect on her past behaviors, words and deeds, and suddenly realized that her individualistic self-expression was too one-sided and narrow, and began to pursue more noble and profound artistic values and life ideals.