
Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

author:Ke Yan views the world

Don't idol Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I am not a fan, but I see him as a learning object: Hong Kong, a charming and vibrant international city, not only with its dazzling night scenery and busy shopping streets, but also an important cradle of China's film and TV drama industry. Among them, TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited), as the oldest television station in Hong Kong, has nurtured and cultivated many outstanding actors and entertainers. However, the topic has recently risen to the forefront of attention, and a new TVB star said that he does not regard Hong Kong's top stars as idols, and he believes that these big names are more like learning objects.

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

The new-generation artist's name is Li Zhengzhong, and he attracted much attention when he participated in the filming of a popular TVB series last year. However, he admitted in a recent interview that he is not a top fan, but he uses them as a target for learning. Such a statement has aroused heated discussions among many fans and media. As soon as Li Zhengzhong's words came out, they immediately set off an uproar. Many began to question whether his attitude was correct, and some even began to attack his opinion. However, there are also many who understand and agree with his views. Among them, a security guard at a shopping mall said: "This little brother's idea is very unique, he does not blindly worship top stars, but improves himself by learning from their successful experience, which is an attitude worth learning and learning." ”

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

In this highly competitive entertainment industry, blindly imitating and worshiping others can easily make people lose themselves, but Li Zhengzhong's approach is the opposite. Not only did he recognize that his efforts were the key to success, but he also understood that to excel in this industry, he needed to have a unique personal charm and style. He chooses to look at top stars with a learning attitude, and this way of thinking allows him to constantly improve and grow.

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

This view is also widely shared in other areas. In academia, a famous professor pointed out: "Li Zhengzhong's attitude reflects the pursuit of excellence, and he is not obscured by the achievements of top stars, but takes it as an object of learning, which is undoubtedly a positive attitude that motivates himself to continue to improve." Li Zhengzhong's remarks did not just stir up controversy in the entertainment industry, it also triggered many public thoughts about idolatry. In today's society, young people often blindly worship the so-called "idols", lose themselves, and unilaterally pursue the success of others. Li Zhengzhong's attitude sets a good example for young people, encouraging them to constantly pursue their dreams and goals, rather than blindly chasing in the footsteps of others.

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

Li Zhengzhong's attitude also tells us that everyone has their own uniqueness. Success is not copying the models of others, but discovering their own strengths and strengths, and achieving them through continuous learning and hard work. As A. P. J. Abdul Kalam said, "Learning makes one discover oneself, and everyone is unique, as are everyone's dreams and talents." Li Zhengzhong's attitude is also based on this, not giving up himself, in order to stand out in this competitive entertainment industry.

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

For those who are busy with life and work, Li Zhengzhong also provides us with a new way of thinking. We often tend to blindly follow the so-called successful people, but can we learn really valuable lessons from them? Can we understand that everyone has different life trajectories and values? Lee told us that we don't need to idolize them, but we can use them as objects to learn from, communicate with them and learn from their methods and lessons for success.

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

In this era of fame and fortune, we tend to see the success of others as our goal. However, Li Zhengzhong tells us with his attitude: everyone has their own achievements and dreams, and do not be easily fooled by the glory of others. To be successful in life, you must first clarify your values and goals, and then plan your own path according to your situation.

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

Li Zhengzhong's attitude is something that each of us can learn from and learn from. Not seeing top stars as idols, but as objects of learning, this positive attitude makes us more aware of ourselves and makes ourselves stand out even more. In today's magnificent era of the entertainment industry, Li Zhengzhong's attitude is undoubtedly a clear stream, which can allow us to have a clear sense of self and direction in the turbid following. Let's learn from him, believe in ourselves, and pursue our dreams! "I don't idol the top of Hong Kong because I want to be their competitor." Li Fang said resolutely, "I believe that only by treating yourself as an actor and doing everything down-to-earth can you stand out in the entertainment industry." His voice was full of confidence and strength.

Idolize Hong Kong's top class? TVB Rising Star: I'm not a fan, but I see him as a learning object!

In this era of star-chasing, Li Fang's choice is indeed refreshing. He does not chase the ostentatious and aura of stars, but looks at them with an attitude of learning, draws nourishment from them, and keeps improving. He told us with his actual actions that only by treating himself as an actor and doing everything down-to-earth can he achieve real success in the entertainment industry. He is a TVB rising star with a difference, and his talent and personality will be the cornerstone of his future success. Let's look forward to the day when Li Fang will shine in the entertainment industry!

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